Squeak Roundup 3/6/2008

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Squeak Roundup 3/6/2008

Ken Causey-3
Squeak Roundup #3
March 6, 2008

Here you will find a quick summary of announcements and related items
from recent weeks that never quite made it to the Squeak Announcements
mailing list.  See the end of this message for more meta-information.

Have you voted?  The SqueakFoundation Board Election for 2008 is
currently ongoing until March 8th.  If you are a valid voter you should
have received an email with directions on voting.  If you did not
receive the email check your people.squeakfoundation.org profile.  You
need to have such a profile and you must have a certification of
Apprentice or higher to be a valid voter.  Pay particular attention to
whether or not the email address in your profile is valid.  Contact
[hidden email] if you feel you should have received an email and did
not.  Do not delay.


Igor Stasenko presents a new update to the multiprocessing VM for
Squeak, HydraVM.


ESUG 2008 Call for Contributions

Stéphane Ducasse announces the 16th International Smalltalk Joint


Workshop on Self-sustaining Systems (S3) 2008 Deadline Extension

Robert Hirschfeld notes that the deadlines for paper submissions to S3
2008 has been extended to February 24, 2008.


HydraVM Now Truly Event-Driven, With More Clean Design

Igor Stasenko announces a refactoring of the HydraVM.


Postdoc Position Around Traits and Smalltalk

Stéphane Ducasse announces the availability of a postdoc position
investigating traits.


London Smalltalk Meeting Reminder

Bryce Kampjes sends a reminder of the Saturday, March 8th meeting of the
a Smalltalk meeting in London, UK.


Hydra VM: A multi-core capable Croquet VM

Andreas Raab announces the official availability of a release of the
HydraVM and licensing details.


Squeak 3.9.1 7075 Final Is Out

Stéphane Ducasse announces the availability of the first minor revision
of the 3.9 Squeak release.


Summer(s) of Code 2007/2008

Giovanni Corriga announces the start of the Google Summer of Code for
2008 and summarizes the Squeak participation in 2007s Summer of Code.


Squeak-dev Images for March 2008

Damien Cassou announces the availability of the newest updates to
squeak-dev and squeak-web configured images.


This periodic publication is meant to capture those Squeak related
announcements which appeared on public mailing lists but were not sent
to the Squeak Announcements mailing list.  Ideally there would be no
need for this publication but use of the Announcements mailing list has
not quite settled in the community's unconscious.  So if you have an
announcement and do not wish to suffer the fate of my terse summaries I
suggest you Cc [hidden email] .

Ken Causey

Announcements and News from the Squeak Community
Squeak: http://squeak.org/
[hidden email]

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