Squeak Roundup 5/7/2008

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Squeak Roundup 5/7/2008

Ken Causey-3
Squeak Roundup #5
May 7, 2008

Here you will find a quick summary of announcements and related items
from recent weeks that never quite made it to the Squeak Announcements
mailing list.  See the end of this message for more meta-information.

GStreamer Progress

John McIntosh reports on the status of the GStreamer implementation for
OLPC and 32bit Linux systems.


Monticello 1.5's Raison d'etre

Colin Putney and Andreas Raab asked about the purpose of Monticello
version 1.5.  Matthew Fulmer responded with his understanding.



Markus Gälli invites the Squeak community to participate in Hackontest
in Zurich in September.


Squeak-dev Images for April 2008

Damien Cassou announces new versions of squeak-dev and squeak-web once
again like clockwork.



Keith Hodges provides and example of the use of Sake.


Workshop on Self-sustaining Systems (S3) 2008 | Call for Participation

Robert Hirschfield invites the participation of the Squeak community in
S3 2008.



Pavel Krivanek announces SeasideXUL a system to enable the generation of
XUL code in Seaside 2.9.


Mac Carbon VM 3.8.13b3

John McIntosh announces the availability of the newest beta version of
the Mac Carbon virtual machine.



Sebastian Sastre announces the first release of his addons package for
rST (Remote Smalltalk).


Job Offer for Seaside Developer in Switzerland

Adrian Lienhard announces the availability of a position to work at
Cmsbox using Seaside.


"An Introduction to Seaside"

Michael Perscheid announces the publication of a Seaside book "An
Introduction to Seaside."


ESUG 2008 Call for Contributions

Stéphane Ducasse calls for presentations for ESUG 2008 in Amsterdam.


Algernon: Your Personal Assistant for Squeak

Joey Hagerdorn announces the availability of Algernon: "keyboard-based
launcher that provides lightning quick access to categories, classes,
morphs, and global variables in your image."


Squeak by Example in French

Serge Stenkwich announces the availability of the Squeak by Example book
in the French language.


This periodic publication is meant to capture those Squeak related
announcements which appeared on public mailing lists but were not sent
to the Squeak Announcements mailing list.  Ideally there would be no
need for this publication but use of the Announcements mailing list has
not quite settled in the community's unconscious.  So if you have an
announcement and do not wish to suffer the fate of my terse summaries I
suggest you Cc [hidden email] .

Ken Causey

Announcements and News from the Squeak Community
Squeak: http://squeak.org/
[hidden email]

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