Squeak Roundup 8/6/2008

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Squeak Roundup 8/6/2008

Ken Causey-3
Squeak Roundup #8
August 6, 2008

Here you will find a quick summary of announcements and related items
from recent weeks that never quite made it to the Squeak Announcements
mailing list. See the end of this message for more meta-information.

SqueakLightII Sunday News

Edgar J. De Cleene announces advances in the development of his
SqueakLightII images.


Paid Open Source Project Position Available

Bèrto ëd Sèra looks 'for someone with good Squeak AND peer2peer
experience for a paid Open Source project.'


Leadership Meeting July 2, 2008 Minutes

Tim Rowledge reports on the latest Squeak Leadership meeting.


ESUG Awards New Record

Noury Bouraqadi announces that as of July 9th ESUG had received 22
submissions for the ESUG Innovation Technology Awards, a new record.


Squeak-dev Images Revival

Damien Cassou discusses the results of two polls designed to influence
the evolution of the Squeak-dev set of images and requests additional


Namespaces, Packages: Image Available for Download, Screencast

Michael van der Gulik announces the availability of a download of his
'Namespaced image' and a video where he explains and demonstrates his


SqueakGTK News

Gwenaël Casaccio reports on the progress of his Squeak GSOC 2008 project
to significantly improve the SqueakGTK system.


Leadership Meeting July 16, 2008 Report

Tim Rowledge reports on the latest Squeak Leadership meeting.


SqueakLightII Winter News

Edgar J. De Cleene announces the availability of a new version of his
SqueakLightII image.


HydraVM Win32 Update

Igor Stasenko reports on changes in HydraVM for Win32.


Swazoo 2.2 Beta With Fast File Upload

Janko Mivšek announces the availability of the beta for the latest
version of Swazoo with improved file uploading efficiency.


Release of FreeCAD/Croquet Version 0.2

Phua Khai Fong announces the availability of a new version of his 2008
Squeak GSOC project to implement a computer aided design engine inside


Exupery 0.14 is Released

Willem Bryce Kampjes reports on the improvements in the latest version
of his Squeak dynamic native code compiler.


Squeak-dev Images August 2008 Versions

Damien Cassou announces the availability of the latest squeak-dev


This periodic publication is meant to capture those Squeak related
announcements which appeared on public mailing lists but were not sent
to the Squeak Announcements mailing list. Ideally there would be no
need for this publication but use of the Announcements mailing list has
not quite settled in the community's unconscious. So if you have an
announcement and do not wish to suffer the fate of my terse summaries I
suggest you Cc [hidden email] .

Ken Causey

Announcements and News from the Squeak Community
Squeak: http://squeak.org/
[hidden email]

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