Squeak Roundup 9/3/2008

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Squeak Roundup 9/3/2008

Ken Causey-3
Squeak Roundup #9
September 3, 2008

Here you will find a quick summary of announcements and related items
from recent weeks that never quite made it to the Squeak Announcements
mailing list. See the end of this message for more meta-information.


Gwenaël Casaccio announces an early release of his SqueakGTK
improvements funded kindly by Google through Google Summer of Code.


Monticello 2.0.17

Colin Putney reports on his progress on Monticello 2 and provides a URL
to access the latest release.


Squeak Leadership Meeting 6 Aug 2008

Tim Rowledge reports on the early August meeting of the Squeak
Leadership team where the new website proposals and licensing issues
were discussed.


Monticello 2.0.20

In a flurry of progress Colin Putney reports a new release of Monticello
2 little more than 24 hours after his earlier release.


DrGeo Screencasts

Hilaire Fernandes has 'produced more than 60 DrGeo screencasts
demonstrating most of the DrGeo features.'  And he provides a link.


Looking for PHD Candidates with Smalltalk Background

Oscar Nierstrasz is 'looking for PhD candidates with strong background
in OOP, dynamic languages, and especially Smalltalk.'


Smalltalks 2008 Call for Papers

Leandro Caniglia calls for the submission of papers to the second annual
Smalltalk conference to be held in November in Buenos Aires, Argentina.



Esteban Lorenzano announces the release of an initial beta version of an
OpenDBX plugin for Squeak.


Monticello 2.0.21

Again Colin Putney announces progress on the development of Monticello


Monticello Converter 1.1.31

Colin Putney announces the availability of 'a simple utility for
converting MC (Monticello) 1.x repositories into MC 2.0 repositories.'


UK Smalltalk Website

Giovanni Corriga links to a newly created website/blog for the UK
Smalltalk users group.


ESUG 2008 Conference Started

Noury Bouraqadi announces the opening of the European Smalltalk Users
Group 2008 Conference in Amsterdam.


Chalten 2.0

Maximiliano Taborda announces the availability of an 'implementation of
the Time Domain' for both VisualWorks and Squeak.


ESUG 2008 Awards Results

Noury Bouraqadi announces the results of the ESUG 2008 Innovation
Technology Awards.


BabyUML Has Reached Its Goal

Trygve Reenskaug announces that BabyUML now 'bridge(s) the chasm between
the code we write at compile time and the networks of communicating
objects that do the work at runtime.'



Gwenaël Casaccio follows up his report from earlier in the month to
announce another new version of SqueakGTK.


First Public Test of SqueakLightII-dev.7201

Edgar J. De Cleene announces the availability of a new release of


This periodic publication is meant to capture those Squeak related
announcements which appeared on public mailing lists but were not sent
to the Squeak Announcements mailing list. Ideally there would be no
need for this publication but use of the Announcements mailing list has
not quite settled in the community's unconscious. So if you have an
announcement and do not wish to suffer the fate of my terse summaries I
suggest you Cc [hidden email] .

Ken Causey

Announcements and News from the Squeak Community
Squeak: http://squeak.org/
[hidden email]

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