Squeak and Scratch Seminar

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Squeak and Scratch Seminar

SeaGate Instiute of Technology
Enclosed kindly find the outcome of Squeak and Scratch Seminar

Best regards,
Madhur K Shrestha
SeaGate Institute of Technology
[hidden email]; [hidden email]
00977 1 5528481, 5537231

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Gyanodaya Balbatika School.pdf (1M) Download Attachment
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Re: Squeak and Scratch Seminar

Randy Heiland
Thank you for sharing your report.  I was just curious, does the  
school have any computers and, if so, did the children get to play  
with Squeak or Scratch?  I was also curious as to where exactly the  
school is located in Nepal?  I'm guessing that SeaGate is located in  
Kathmandu, but am guessing the school is a long way away?

thanks, Randy

On May 20, 2009, at 1:19 AM, SeaGate Instiute of Technology wrote:

> Enclosed kindly find the outcome of Squeak and Scratch Seminar
> Best regards,
> Madhur K Shrestha
> SeaGate Institute of Technology
> [hidden email]; [hidden email]
> SeaGate.com.np
> 00977 1 5528481, 5537231
> <Gyanodaya Balbatika School.pdf><ATT00001.txt>

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Re: Re: Squeak and Scratch Seminar

SeaGate Instiute of Technology
In reply to this post by SeaGate Instiute of Technology

Dear Randy,

The school is about 15 km away from Kathmandu and they have computer room. We have left a set of Squeak and Scratch software for their use and teaching. We have assured them that we will provide any kind of support if required



On Wed 20/05/09 4:12 PM , Randy Heiland [hidden email] sent:

Thank you for sharing your report. I was just curious, does the
school have any computers and, if so, did the children get to play
with Squeak or Scratch? I was also curious as to where exactly the
school is located in Nepal? I'm guessing that SeaGate is located in
Kathmandu, but am guessing the school is a long way away?

thanks, Randy

On May 20, 2009, at 1:19 AM, SeaGate Instiute of Technology wrote:

> Enclosed kindly find the outcome of Squeak and Scratch Seminar
> Best regards,
> Madhur K Shrestha
> SeaGate Institute of Technology
> <A href="javascript:top.opencompose('SeaGate92@wlink.com.np','','','')">SeaGate92@...; <A href="javascript:top.opencompose('SeaGate92@gmail.com','','','')">SeaGate92@...
> SeaGate.com.np
> 00977 1 5528481, 5537231

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