Hi friends squeakers and smalltalkers!:
I am not assiduous
participant, but I would like to sound out your
opinions and ideas on a
subject that I investigate.
I compile information, on the one hand
about conceptual/mental
maps and it use, and on the other hand on
At the moment I have not gone beyond this
compilation, when
yesterday, I felt sparks in my mind, something that in "rare"
occasion happens to me… |-)
The question would be: have you had
experience, or at least
references, of development or use of conceptual/mental
maps with environments or tools of Squeak/Smalltalk?.
Those sparks said me that theoretical foundations of both
subjects are interlace, being able to combine (it is my
reinforcing itself, to offer investigation solutions to
us, study and
knowledge, that it "craving" to me, quite powerful.
Any indication that you have the kindness to contribute will be
with happines.
Wishing all of you have had very nice Sunday thanks for your
-- Andrés.
El bienestar de la humanidad,
su paz y seguridad son inalcanzables,
a menos y hasta que su unidad
sea firmemente establecida.
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