[Squeak-fr] Master 'Software for embedded systems' -- Master Systèmes Embarqués à Brest - France

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[Squeak-fr] Master 'Software for embedded systems' -- Master Systèmes Embarqués à Brest - France

Damien Picard

(sorry for the multiple copies)

University of Brest (UBO) plans to open two new Master of Sciences automn 2008:

   'LSE : Logiciel pour les Systèmes Embarqués'
   (Software for embedded systems)

   'iMARS :  Microtechnologies, Architecture, Réseaux et Systèmes de communications'
   (Microtechnologies, Architecture, Networks and communication systems)

LSE  and iMARS include one course in object oriented programming and methods that
covers advanced topics teached on Smalltalk-80 platforms with in mind  architectural support
of execution, code and hardware synthesis.

This course is given by a research group (*) developing tools  (circuit and system
level) in relation with innovative projects such as reconfigurable  system on chips
and  non-CMOS emergent technologies (lot of Smalltalk programming on hot topics!).

Master LSE  is a computer science curriculum.
Flyer : http://as.univ-brest.fr/flyer_master_fr.pdf
student application and program : http://dept-info.univ-brest.fr/pages/master-systeme-embarque.htm
contact: pottier at univ - brest . fr

Master iMARS is a regional merge of electronics/communication and CS curricula:
contact: Noel . Tanguy at univ - brest . fr

(*) Architectures et Systemes, LabSTICC, UMR CNRS 3192

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Damien Picard