Squeak in commercial projects

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Squeak in commercial projects

Can one use Squeak to build and sell applications? My wife is a  
musician and has some ideas for a Music Theory Application and asked  
if I could build it. The choices seem to be between Squeak and  

If one built an application with Squeak are there tools for packaging  
it so that you only ship executables and not the entire development  

Thanks for any information you can provide.

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Re: Squeak in commercial projects

Diogenes Moreira

Obviously, you can.

But, VW have tools and things to make easy the development and deploy.
Some thing, like UIPaint, don't have your replacement in Squeak, but I don't find any stopper to develop in Squeak.

The only point to review is this: Your application always will be in a World (Squeak Enviroment),

Here you are some tips.
       First Tip: make 2 images, one for development and other to production. In the production Image only load your needed package. When finish you development make a file out or use Monticello to export your classes to you production image.
       Second Tip: You can package your images like Lukas Reggie do in Seaside One lick.
       Third Tip: You can customize the UI in your application like mac with Pinesoft package.



On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 10:08 PM, RENE PLOURDE <[hidden email]> wrote:
Can one use Squeak to build and sell applications? My wife is a
musician and has some ideas for a Music Theory Application and asked
if I could build it. The choices seem to be between Squeak and

If one built an application with Squeak are there tools for packaging
it so that you only ship executables and not the entire development

Thanks for any information you can provide.

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Re: Squeak in commercial projects

Herbert König
In reply to this post by RENE PLOURDE
Hello RENE,

RP> Can one use Squeak to build and sell applications? My wife is a  

definitely yes. License situation is a bit murky but several companies
do this already.

RP> musician and has some ideas for a Music Theory Application and asked
RP> if I could build it. The choices seem to be between Squeak and  
RP> VisualWorks.
Get yourself an older Squeak (Squeak 3.6) which has several Music
related projects in it. All musical artefacts I tried (Morphs) are
fine and work in 3.8.2 (haven't tried newer images with music).

RP> If one built an application with Squeak are there tools for packaging
RP> it so that you only ship executables and not the entire development
RP> environment?

No. There is an old but still workable changeset to disable
programmers facilities but otherwise all you could do is grab one of
the minimal images around, load your app and use that to deploy.

Personally I wouldn't, in todays standards Squeak is rather lean.

What you can easily do is get rid of sources and changes files.

If protection is why you want to ship without development environment:
I think it should be possible to do remote debugging on any Squeak
image without loading it and I guess this holds true for commercial
Smalltalks too.

But these are imho questions to answer after developing the app.


Herbert                            mailto:[hidden email]

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Re: Squeak in commercial projects

Bert Freudenberg

On Mar 7, 2008, at 18:05 , Herbert König wrote:

> Hello RENE,
> RP> Can one use Squeak to build and sell applications? My wife is a
> definitely yes. License situation is a bit murky but several companies
> do this already.

IMHO there was never a question if Squeak can be used commercially.  
The licensing problems are with getting from being free and open  
source to being Free and Open Source.

- Bert -

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Re: Squeak in commercial projects

Herbert König
Hello Bert,

BF> IMHO there was never a question if Squeak can be used commercially.
BF> The licensing problems are with getting from being free and open  
BF> source to being Free and Open Source.

I was not referring to the current discussion but iirc we had
discussions (not only the by now resolved apple fonts discussion)
about license issues for commercial use of Squeak. Personally I think
it's safe to do so.


Herbert                            mailto:[hidden email]

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Re: Squeak in commercial projects

In reply to this post by RENE PLOURDE
In adittion:

Disable Programmer Facilities: http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/518

Squek Swiki is down at this moment for me at least.
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Re: Squeak in commercial projects

In reply to this post by Diogenes Moreira
"Diogenes Moreira" <[hidden email]> wrote in message

> You can package your images like Lukas Reggie do in
> Seaside One lick.

Can this be made to run headless? Presumably I have to compile from some
source ... where might I find more info?

Thanks - Sophie

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Re: Re: Squeak in commercial projects

David Mitchell-10
I don't think you have to compile anything, unless their isn't a
prebuilt VM for your platform.

On Unix, to start headless you use:

squeak -headless squeak.image

If you Google Squeak headless you'll see lots of hits.

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 3:36 AM, itsme213 <[hidden email]> wrote:

> "Diogenes Moreira" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
>  > You can package your images like Lukas Reggie do in
>  > Seaside One lick.
>  Can this be made to run headless? Presumably I have to compile from some
>  source ... where might I find more info?
>  Thanks - Sophie
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