I notice there's a fairly large number of CPU ports for squeak, and I
think I saw an ARM port out there somewhere. So, questions:
- Is there support for pen input? Recent versions of X11 support pen
input, if squeak were run on top of X would squeak handle pen events as
mouse events? What about the three button mouse issue with a pen?
- Are there versions of squeak which will paint directly to a frame
buffer, or does it currently need an underlying OS with graphics like Win,
MacOS X, X11?
- Is anyone working on a handheld computing project to incorporate
squeak on the Nokia 770, iPaq, etc? If so, is the project just to get the
squeak dev environment running, or are the developers targetting a whole
handheld environment (calandar, note taking, names and addresses, email,
Thanks much,
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