¿Dónde reside la configuración de los accesos directos con el teclado de Squeak? Me refiero a que Alt+k abre un workspace, Alt+b un browser, etc.
Por otra parte tengo una imagen en la cual no se puede desplegar el menú Word con el ratón (preparada por la Junta de Extremadura creo) a no ser que desde un menú selecciones "Modo experto". Además, si inicio Squeak mediante el icono que la instalación del plugin me dejo en el escritorio (WinXP) no puedo tampoco desplegar el menú Word con el ratón, pero sí con la tecla Escape. ¿Cómo se controla todo eso?¿Dónde reside la especificació n de esos comportamientos en el interior de Squek? --------------------------------- LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo. Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto. http://es.voice.yahoo.com |
No tengo esa imagen , pero en todas las imagenes . en el menu del mundo
existe un item ³help², que supongo esta traducido como ayuda. En ese menu que se despliega , debería existir un comando traducido como ayuda de comandos de teclado o algo similar. En el libro de Diego, supongo que eso está explicado. Te copio y pego la lista , tomada de las imágenes en ingles. Si alguien tiene la lista en castellano, por favor que la ponga en el swiki, así queda para todos. Lower-case command keys (use with Cmd key on Mac and Alt key on other platforms) a Select all b Browse it (selection is a class name or cursor is over a class-list or message-list) c Copy selection d Do it (selection is a valid expression) e Exchange selection with prior selection f Find g Find again h Set selection as search string for find again i Inspect it (selection is a valid expression, or selection is over an inspect-ilst) j Again once (do the last text-related operation again) k Set font l Cancel m Implementors of it (selection is a message selector or cursor is over a class-list or message-list) n Senders of it (selection is a message selector or cursor is over a class-list or message-list) o Spawn current method p Print it (selection is a valid expression) q Query symbol (toggle all possible completion for a given prefix) r Recognizer s Save (i.e. accept) t Finds a Transcript (when cursor is over the desktop) u Toggle alignment v Paste w Delete preceding word (over text); Close-window (over morphic desktop) x Cut selection y Swap characters z Undo Note: for Do it, Senders of it, etc., a null selection will be expanded to a word or to the current line in an attempt to do what you want. Also note that Senders/Implementors of it will find the outermost keyword selector in a large selection, as when you have selected a bracketed expression or an entire line. Finally note that the same cmd-m and cmd-n (and cmd-v for versions) work in the message pane of most browsers. Upper-case command keys (use with Shift-Cmd, or Ctrl on Mac or Shift-Alt on other platforms; sometimes Ctrl works too) A Advance argument B Browse it in this same browser (in System browsers only) C Compare argument to clipboard D Duplicate E Method strings containing it F Insert 'ifFalse:' G fileIn from it (a file name) H cursor TopHome: I Inspect via Object Explorer J Again many (apply the previous text command repeatedly until the end of the text) K Set style L Outdent (move selection one tab-stop left) M Select current type-in N References to it (selection is a class name, or cursor is over a class-list or message-list) O Open single-message browser (in message lists) P Make project link R Indent (move selection one tab-stap right) S Search T Insert 'ifTrue:' U Convert linefeeds to carriage returns in selection V Paste author's initials W Selectors containing it (in text); show-world-menu (when issued with cursor over desktop) X Force selection to lowercase Y Force selection to uppercase Z Capitalize all words in selection Other special keys Backspace Backward delete character Del Forward delete character Shift-Bksp Backward delete word Shift-Del Forward delete word Esc Pop up the Desktop Menu \ Send top window to back Cursor keys left, right, up, down Move cursor left, right, up or down Ctrl-left Move cursor left one word Ctrl-right Move cursor right one word Home Move cursor to begin of line or begin of text End Move cursor to end of line or end of text PgUp, Ctrl-up Move cursor up one page PgDown, Ctrl-Dn Move cursor down one page Note all these keys can be used together with Shift to define or enlarge the selection. You cannot however shrink that selection again, as in some other systems. Other Cmd-key combinations (not available on all platforms) Return Insert return followed by as many tabs as the previous line (with a further adjustment for additional brackets in that line) Space Select the current word as with double clicking Enclose the selection in a kind of bracket. Each is a toggle. (not available on all platforms) Ctrl-( Enclose within ( and ), or remove enclosing ( and ) Ctrl-[ Enclose within [ and ], or remove enclosing [ and ] Crtl-{ Enclose within { and }, or remove enclosing { and } Ctrl-< Enclose within < and >, or remove enclosing < and > Ctrl-' Enclose within ' and ', or remove enclosing ' and ' Ctrl-" Enclose within " and ", or remove enclosing " and " Note also that you can double-click just inside any of the above delimiters, or at the beginning or end of a line, to select the text enclosed. Text Emphasis (not available on all platforms) Cmd-1 10 point font Cmd-2 12 point font Cmd-3 18 point font Cmd-4 24 point font Cmd-5 36 point font Cmd-6 color, action-on-click, link to class comment, link to method, url Brings up a menu. To remove these properties, select more than the active part and then use command-0. Cmd-7 bold Cmd-8 italic Cmd-9 narrow (same as negative kern) Cmd-0 plain text (resets all emphasis) Cmd-- underlined (toggles it) Cmd-= struck out (toggles it) Shift-Cmd-- (aka _) negative kern (letters 1 pixel closer) Shift-Cmd-+ positive kern (letters 1 pixel larger spread) |
Edgar, gracias por la información que nos has proporcionado, seguro me
será de gran utilidad. Sin embargo lo que deseo saber es cómo modificar esos accesos directos tocando lo que haya que tocar a base de Smalltalk. Un saludo. |
Edgar, gracias por la información que nos has proporcionado, seguro me
será de gran utilidad. Sin embargo lo que deseo saber es cómo modificar esos accesos directos tocando lo que haya que tocar a base de Smalltalk. Un saludo. Un buen ejercicio para descubrir como está hecho por dentro :=) Supongo que saben manejar el halo ? Seleccionar el menu, y luego , hacer una segunda seleccion, de manera de tener la secuencia de fotitos que adjunto Seleccionart el item de manu correspondiente a los comandos ³command key help² en mis fotitos. Usando el último inspector se podrá ver que está implementado el código en Utilities openCommandKeyHelp De aquí , seguir los senders e implementors hasta llegar a lo que se quiere modificar. Un poco de Código Da Vinci o novelas de misterio de las buenas :=) Edgar |
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