El 9/19/07 9:42 PM, "Steve Moffitt" <
[hidden email]> escribió:
> Hi Edgar -- I downloaded the image you pointed to and I still get an
> error trying to load SqueakMap. VersionNumber>>= shows to be the
> offending message.
> Steve
Some verbose , but clear how to rid of old versions files disturbing normal
3.10 peace.
| directoryName directory filesToErase |
directoryName := (FileDirectory default pathName ,FileDirectory slash,
directory := FileDirectory on: directoryName.
filesToErase := directory fileNamesMatching: '*.sgz'.
filesToErase do:[:filename| directory deleteFileNamed: filename]
And the answer why fail is Goran use ImageSegments (he have many to me to
learn) and the classes in 3.9 or earlier was different.
That's why many .pr fails to load
Hope this helps.