Dear Smalltalkers
as a follow up to the SqueakSSL changes sent around yesterday…
On 21.04.2015, at 16:52, Tobias Pape <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear Smalltalkers
> Starting with Levente Uzonyi's patches to the Linux version
> of the SqueakSSL-Plugin, we (Marcel Taeumel and me) have
> ported this to the OS X and Windows version as well.
> Find three binaries[1] that can be used instead of
> the ones found on versions found on SqueakSSL's google code
> page.
> […]
> [1]:… I'd like to thank Levente Uzonyi and Ron Teitelbaum for their
input and providing infrastructure.
I put together all files and have uploaded them to the new
(in the googlecode-export sense) SqueakSSL gitHub project: tagged a release as v0.2.0 with a Zip of all binaries (linux32/64,osx,windows)
(scroll to bottom for the binaries zip:
I hope this comes in handy for anyone who wants to play around with that.
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