Squeakers Reunion!

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Squeakers Reunion!

Hi all Squeakers!

I just re-subscribed in order to basically invite any and all to a
Discord server I just started:


... I have been fairly absent from Smalltalk for a while, but never
really went away. The other day I chatted with Ron and Eliot, and then
today I noticed on Facebook that Doug Way had his birthday ...

... and that got me a bit soft ;) and triggered me into creating this
Discord server just for pure fun and socializing! A reunion!

Any and all topics are allowed, I just want to hook up with all old
friends I got to know when Squeak was younger ;)

Hope you show up! Discord is a great chatting platform, all free and
there is a Desktop and mobile client. I really would love for you to pop
in and say hi!

regards, Göran Krampe "old time Smalltalker"