Squeakfest Brasil

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Squeakfest Brasil

Marta Voelcker


Dear friends,

We look forward to meet you  in Porto Alegre!


Marta Voelcker

Squeakfest Brasil

Organizing Committee





We would like to invite educators, students, parents and developers to participate at Squeakfest Brasil, an international conference with focus on using Squeak Etoys in basic Education.

Presenters already confirmed are leaders from Etoys communities from the USA and Germany; teachers and reps from Latin American countries already using the modality of one computer per child; and brazilian researchers who have worked with LOGO and are currently related to the UCA Project ( One Computer per Student Project – a initiative of Brazilian Ministry of Education).


Date: 23, 24 and 25 July 2009

Local: Complexo do Salão de Atos II da UFRGS
Address: Rua Paulo da Gama  s/ nº  - Porto Alegre/RS

Hours: 9h to 17h

Programming and registrations: www.squeakfest.org



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