The official Squeakfest website is now live and ready for you to
propose a presentation, workshop, or panel.
http://squeakfest.orgThe dates for Squeakfest USA in Wilmington NC are July 26, 27, 28.
The theme for this year's conference will be "Etoys in the STEM
classroom." As we are in the place where the NSF project /Using Squeak
to Infuse Technology /(USeIT) is reaching it's 3rd year, we will see and
learn a lot about their experiences.
If you've got experience teaching with Etoys, we'd love to hear about
it, as would the attendees of the conference. We're also very interested
in non-classroom Etoys use, particularly as it relates to OLPC pilots
or homeschooling.
We'll be adding more information to the website as it becomes
available, but for now, the important thing is to get your presentation
information to us so we can begin to design the program for our three
days together. Please complete and submit the online form no later than
June 11th, 2010.
Please share this information with anyone you think would be interested
in either Squeakfest conference.
We hope to see you there!