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Strange wish: how to backup/restore a partial db structure ...

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Strange wish: how to backup/restore a partial db structure ...

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

I have one database and two different applications running in that database. Now I would like to have the data of ONE application (they start from one data-dictionary) exported and imported into another database - with the same software versions.

Is this at all possible or doable ?


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Re: Strange wish: how to backup/restore a partial db structure ...

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

It might be easiest to simply make a snapshot of your stone, then create a new stone using the snapshot as the initial extent:

  createStone -t <path-to-snapshot> <new-stone-name> <common-stone-version>

then delete the unwanted application data in the new and old stones ...

If that doesn't work for you,  you could look at SIXX[1] which has been used by folks transferring data between pharo and gemstone. Here's an example workspace for serialize/materialize with SIXX[2].


[1] https://github.com/glassdb/SIXX
[2] http://forum.world.st/Glass-Sixx-problematic-tt4811092.html#a4811096

On 12/21/2016 12:00 PM, Marten Feldtmann via Glass wrote:

I have one database and two different applications running in that database. Now I would like to have the data of ONE application (they start from one data-dictionary) exported and imported into another database - with the same software versions.

Is this at all possible or doable ?


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Re: Strange wish: how to backup/restore a partial db structure ...

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
I also need what you want Marten. In my case, the "database" of my application is split into different domain databases, being "advisory" , "client", "application" , "system", "site", "user" etc. Each of those is a logical DB from which we store / read objects. And I need to backup/restore those individually. And they all live in the same gemstone. 

SIXX does work but only for small graphs. Same for STON I would guess (text serializers).
There is also something called Pacifier or something like that (I don't remember the exact name) but it was too limited in the type of objects it was able to serialize.

Finally, I think there is some kind of binary serializer that Martin can talk about. I think it is used in  the GemBuilder, but I am not sure. 

Because of all above, once I started porting Fuel to GemStone and it was not that hard. I think I got like ... 70% of the tests workings, but I had to give up because of time (I have to continue with paid job). I think I still have that extent... hoping some point in the future I can continue with that!


On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 5:37 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:

It might be easiest to simply make a snapshot of your stone, then create a new stone using the snapshot as the initial extent:

  createStone -t <path-to-snapshot> <new-stone-name> <common-stone-version>

then delete the unwanted application data in the new and old stones ...

If that doesn't work for you,  you could look at SIXX[1] which has been used by folks transferring data between pharo and gemstone. Here's an example workspace for serialize/materialize with SIXX[2].


[1] https://github.com/glassdb/SIXX
[2] http://forum.world.st/Glass-Sixx-problematic-tt4811092.html#a4811096

On 12/21/2016 12:00 PM, Marten Feldtmann via Glass wrote:

I have one database and two different applications running in that database. Now I would like to have the data of ONE application (they start from one data-dictionary) exported and imported into another database - with the same software versions.

Is this at all possible or doable ?


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