String quirks

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String quirks

Some methods like subStrings start with a line like #Collectn. What is this good for?
And what is the IntegerPokerPlugin found in getInteger32:?
And do we need String arithmetic that mimics Number arithmetic like

'1two' + '2' -> '3'


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Re: String quirks

Levente Uzonyi-2
On Sat, 26 Feb 2011, Alexander Lazarević wrote:

> Some methods like subStrings start with a line like #Collectn. What is this
> good for?
> And what is the IntegerPokerPlugin found in getInteger32:?

It's goal is to speed up storing and reading of 32-bit integers to and
from ByteStrings. I'm not sure if the plugin still exists, it might be
present in Etoys or Croquet. These methods should be refactored
(ByteString vs WideString) and moved to the Nebraska package. The
rewritten methods' performance should be close to the plugin's on Cog.

> And do we need String arithmetic that mimics Number arithmetic like
> '1two' + '2' -> '3'

I don't think so.


> Alex