Stripped plugins

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Stripped plugins

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Re: Stripped plugins

Derek O'Connell-2
On 12/07/10 14:13, Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
> In stock VM I noted the plugin are not stripped.
> Does it make sens to strip the plugin, and if so how can it be inserted
> in the arcane of the Squeak-vm configuration script?
> I remember about the -s linker option, but it may break the dynamic
> linkage, right?

I was looking into the same topic a few weeks ago. The two papers linked
below are very useful and make a clear case for stripping symbols for
several reasons, some not so obvious.

Also if the VM build used the "-fvisibility=hidden" compiler option and
plugin devs used the following macro for explicitly exports then plugins
would be leaner, safer and closer to compiling on Windows (a more
comprehensive solution at [3]).

     #define DLLEXPORT   __attribute__((visibility ("default")))


[1] How to Write Shared Libraries:

[2] Good Practices in Library Design:

[3] Symbol Visibility