On 8-Oct-06, at 11:39 PM, Craig Latta wrote:
> Where does the money come from?
Exactly. And how much is there?
The problem with grants and bounties and prizes is balancing the work
with the reward. One has to offer enough money to make it worth the
effort and also to make the rules for deciding who 'wins' fair enough
not to piss everyone else off.
Small amounts might possibly attract someone to work on a small
project in their own time, or might be enough to motivate a grad
student but for those of us for whom this is a *career* the money has
to be much more serious. You want my attention fulltime? No problem;
just cough up $100k a year. A few hundred here and there cannot
provide support sufficient to produce serious results. In fact for
someone who is putting in a great deal of work out of love, service,
obsession or just plain insanity, a few hundred 'reward' may be a
demotivating insult.
tim Rowledge;
[hidden email];
http://www.rowledge.org/timStrange OpCodes: SNARF: System Normalize And Reset Flags