Summer of Code - Students submissions now open

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Summer of Code - Students submissions now open

Giovanni Corriga
Hi all,

Student registration for the Google Summer of Code 2008 has just opened.
All students interested in submitting an application should do so by
going to and
following the instructions in that page.

The webform has two sections:

- the first is an Abstract, that is a short description of the project
that you'd like to submit. This will be used in Google's public GSoC
website; if you need some examples, look at Squeak's project from last
year: .
- the second version is a Detailed Description. In this section you
should add a more extensive description of your project, with details on
the problem that you'd like to solve, technical aspects, an approximate
schedule/roadmap etc. You should also add a short description of
yourself and of your Smalltalk skills.

As happened last year, previous Smalltalk knowledge is not needed,
provided you agree to learn the language and the environment before the
beginning of the coding phase ;)


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