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Ralph Boland
A SystemProgressMorph is used to display progress while some computation
is being done.  Furthermore the progress bars can be stacked to show progress
of component computations within a computation.
This I understand and understand most of the code.
But not All.
What I have trouble with is understanding why a ProgressInitiationException
is needed.  In particular, String>>displayProgressAt:from:to:during:
                display: self
                at: aPoint
                from: minVal
                to: maxVal
                during: workBlock.

This method sets a few variables and then does:

        ^self signal

This signal is caught where upon A SystemProgress is started or extended with
an additional progress bar.

But I don't understand why sending a signal to a ProgressInitiationException
is needed to get the ball rolling,

Can someone please explain why things are done the way they are?


Ralph Boland