TT fonts over 100 MB!

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TT fonts over 100 MB!

Chris Petsos
Now guys this is something that didn't come up till now...
I installed a set of Unicode TT fonts (liberation-fonts-0.2) in the latest OLPC eToys image  which are about 1 MB and when i saved the image it grew more than 100 MB! How does Squeak load TT fonts? Does it convert them to bitmap fonts before using them? Such a huge amount of space only for fonts is unacceptable for OLPC which has only 1 GB of space...
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Re: TT fonts over 100 MB!

Yoshiki Ohshima

> Now guys this is something that didn't come up till now...
> I installed a set of Unicode TT fonts (liberation-fonts-0.2) in the latest OLPC eToys image  which are about 1 MB and
> when i saved the image it grew more than 100 MB! How does Squeak load TT fonts? Does it convert them to bitmap fonts
> before using them? Such a huge amount of space only for fonts is unacceptable for OLPC which has only 1 GB of space...

  While it is running, it creates cached bitmaps but they don't get
saved in the image on the disk.  The geometry is saved as series of
short-int points.  Which can ben fairly big.  A .ttc font comes with
Windows for Japanese (which is a substantially big char set) adds only
20MB or such to my image, so liberation-fonts must have really big set
of chars.

  Look at an instance of TTFontDescription (or... if it is using
TTCFontDescription) for it, count the number of entries in glyphs and
glyphsTable, and tell us how many chars there.

-- Yoshiki
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Re: TT fonts over 100 MB!

Chris Petsos

>   Look at an instance of TTFontDescription (or... if it is using
> TTCFontDescription) for it, count the number of entries in glyphs and
> glyphsTable, and tell us how many chars there.

Right...liberation fonts consists of three styles (Sans, Mono, Serif) with
regular, bold, italics and bold\italics.
That's giving us 12 fonts...
Number of glyphs in each font is 668 and glyphsTable is a SparseLargeTable
with size 65536 and chunkSize 255.
Does this look like too much?
You are saying that we should use a unicode TT font with only the greek
plane inside right?
What about the Pango integration with Squeak that you said a few days ago to
the greek team Yoshiki?
Does it do better TT font handling? Maybe we can give you a hand on that...
