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Bert Freudenberg
Here's a neat music application, build on the MinimalMorphic image:


- Bert -

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sameer Verma <[hidden email]>
> Date: 3. August 2010 19:01:45 MESZ
> To: olpc <[hidden email]>, Sugar-dev Devel <[hidden email]>, [hidden email]
> Subject: [Sugar-devel] TaalPulse
> Found TaalPulse, a squeak-based VM:
> "A three-in-one lehra machine for the student of hindustani (northern
> indian) music. Plays lehras (cyclical melody), thekas (rythmic base)
> and tampura (drone instrument) all at the same time. Runs on desktop
> PCs as well as PDAs. "
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/taalpulse/

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