Techniques for debuggin plugins

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Techniques for debuggin plugins

Howdy all.

I will be debugging the SqueakSSL plugin on Linux tomorrow or so and am planning on using DDD to connect to a running process and see what I can see.

Is this the approach you folks would use? or are there better methods for approaching this.



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Re: [Vm-dev] Techniques for debuggin plugins

Bert Freudenberg

On 03.04.2014, at 22:44, gettimothy <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Howdy all.
> I will be debugging the SqueakSSL plugin on Linux tomorrow or so and am planning on using DDD to connect to a running process and see what I can see.
> Is this the approach you folks would use? or are there better methods for approaching this.

Sounds reasonable.

- Bert -

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