Hi, there's an issue when a process terminating another process is terminated in the middle of the unwind.
As a result the original process won't finish unwinding and will leave either a suspended process or a chain of unfinished contexts behind (to be GC'd).
Here's a test: KernelTests-jar.406
| terminator terminatee unwound |
unwound := false.
terminatee := [[Processor activeProcess suspend] ensure: [unwound := true]] fork.
Processor yield.
terminator := [terminatee terminate] newProcess.
self assert: terminatee isSuspended.
self assert: terminator isSuspended.
terminator runUntil: [:ctx | ctx selectorToSendOrSelf = #suspend]. "first #suspend in #terminate"
self assert: terminator isSuspended.
terminator terminate.
self assert: terminator isTerminated.
self assert: unwound
Wrapping the whole termination code into the argument block of #ensure: should solve the problem. Here's a proposed version of #terminate: Kernel-jar.1412
^[^ Jaromir