Is it possible to install OpenCobalt into Squeak 5.2
Open Cobalt
" (Best to run this from an image in an open
cobalt directory)"
Installer ss project: 'TweakCore'; install: 'update'.
[Installer ss project: 'TweakExtras'; install: 'update']
on: (Smalltalk at: #CUnsynchronizedModification) do: [:ex | ex resume].
Installer cobalt project: 'Tweak';
answer: 'Would you like to conserve memory at all costs?' with: true;
answer: 'Password for interactive VNC connections?' with: 'cobalt';
answer: 'Would you like to add the RFBServer to the World open menu?'
with: true;
install: 'update'
I wonder what an open cobalt directory is.