I got the Standard VM per Dave's work at
http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6177 Works like a charm and has helped me immensely in that I now know I can build on my 64 bit linux with the compat-libs. that is a huge confidence builder.
1. I have the same issues with StackInterpreter on a native 32 bit machine (builds, don't run) as I do on my 64 bit workstation with aformentioned libs--so that is good news as well--I can debug on my powerful workstation with 16Gigs of memory rather than
the 32 bit box with 128Mb of memory (:
2. I am going to attempt the pharo process and the 64 bit squeaks next before returning to the StackInterpreter work.
3. Does the CoInterpreter VMMaker on Squeak process currently work? I read a VMMaker.oscog commit a while back where Eliot commented that "he got it to compile"
When I attempt to generate the sources, I get a debugger and I don't want to debug this if the code base is in flux while Spur work is going on.
Squeako ergo sum. Artificiosum odi. Noli me vocare, ego ce vocare, ego te vocabo. Fac uc gaudeam. vencis secundis, cene cursum. vescere bracis meis.
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