The Inbox: Balloon-ct.34.mcz

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The Inbox: Balloon-ct.34.mcz

A new version of Balloon was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Balloon-ct.34
Author: ct
Time: 20 August 2020, 2:34:34.01964 pm
UUID: 76909964-5192-1f49-a074-e265c772e3a6
Ancestors: Balloon-nice.33

Complements 60Deprecated-ct.80 (deprecation #doWithIndex: & Co.).

=============== Diff against Balloon-nice.33 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BalloonEngineConstants class>>initializeInstVarNames:prefixedBy: (in category 'pool definition') -----
  initializeInstVarNames: aClass prefixedBy: aString
  | token |
+ aClass instVarNames withIndexDo: [:instVarName :index | | value |
+ token := (aString, instVarName first asUppercase asString, (instVarName copyFrom: 2 to: instVarName size), 'Index') asSymbol.
- aClass instVarNames doWithIndex:[:instVarName :index| | value |
- token := (aString, instVarName first asUppercase asString, (instVarName copyFrom: 2 to: instVarName size),'Index') asSymbol.
  value := index - 1.
+ (self bindingOf: token) ifNil: [self addClassVarName: token].
- (self bindingOf: token) ifNil:[self addClassVarName: token].
  (self bindingOf: token) value: value.
+ token := (aString, aClass name, 'Size') asSymbol.
+ (self bindingOf: token) ifNil: [self addClassVarName: token].
- token := (aString, aClass name,'Size') asSymbol.
- (self bindingOf: token) ifNil:[self addClassVarName: token].
  (self bindingOf: token) value: aClass instSize.!