Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Inbox: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Collections-ct.877 Author: ct Time: 17 February 2020, 8:57:49.278239 pm UUID: bf652ba0-43cc-734d-ac03-7a226cc80463 Ancestors: Collections-ul.875 Extends and realigns version of #findFirst: and #findLast:. Second, optimized version after many helpful comments by Levente (ul). Thank you! Replaces Collections-ct.875. --- Performance analysis: #findFirst: - '238 per second. 4.2 milliseconds per run. 0.73956 % GC time.' #findFirst:startingAt: - '1,510 per second. 660 microseconds per run. 1.56 % GC time.' #findFirst:startingAt:ifNone: - '1,210 per second. 828 microseconds per run. 2.06 % GC time.' #findFirst:ifNone: - '214 per second. 4.68 milliseconds per run. 0.65987 % GC time.' #findLast: - '210 per second. 4.76 milliseconds per run. 0.66 % GC time.' #findLast:startingAt: - '1,380 per second. 724 microseconds per run. 1.72 % GC time.' #findLast:startingAt:ifNone: - '1,130 per second. 887 microseconds per run. 2 % GC time.' #findLast:ifNone: - '206 per second. 4.86 milliseconds per run. 0.81967 % GC time.' Comparing to previous version: #findFirst: - '193 per second. 5.19 milliseconds per run. 0.5994 % GC time.' (NOW 23.3% faster) #findLast: - '213 per second. 4.69 milliseconds per run. 0.71986 % GC time.' (NOW 1.4% slower) #findLast:startingAt: - '1,360 per second. 736 microseconds per run. 1.72 % GC time.' (NOW 1.4% faster) Measurements code: random := Random new. range := 1 to: 256. array := (1 to: 128) collect: [:i | range atRandom: random]. values := (1 to: 4096) collect: [:i | range atRandom: random]. ({ #findFirst: -> [ values do: [:x | array findFirst: [:y | x = y]]]. #findFirst:startingAt: -> [ values pairsDo: [:x :s | array findFirst: [:y | x = y] startingAt: s]]. #findFirst:ifNone: -> [ values do: [:x | array findFirst: [:y | x = y] ifNone: [123456789 sqrt]]]. #findFirst:startingAt:ifNone: -> [ values pairsDo: [:x :s | array findFirst: [:y | x = y] startingAt: s ifNone: [123456789 sqrt]]]. #findLast: -> [ values do: [:x | array findLast: [:y | x = y]]]. #findLast:startingAt: -> [ values pairsDo: [:x :s | array findLast: [:y | x = y] startingAt: s]]. #findLast:ifNone: -> [ values do: [:x | array findLast: [:y | x = y] ifNone: [123456789 sqrt]]]. #findLast:startingAt:ifNone: -> [ values pairsDo: [:x :s | array findLast: [:y | x = y] startingAt: s ifNone: [123456789 sqrt]]]. } select: [:assoc | array respondsTo: assoc key]) collect: [:assoc | assoc key -> assoc value bench] as: Dictionary =============== Diff against Collections-ul.875 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>findFirst: (in category 'enumerating') ----- findFirst: aBlock "Return the index of my first element for which aBlock evaluates as true." + ^ self findFirst: aBlock startingAt: 1! - | index | - index := 0. - [(index := index + 1) <= self size] whileTrue: - [(aBlock value: (self at: index)) ifTrue: [^index]]. - ^ 0! Item was added: + ----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>findFirst:ifNone: (in category 'enumerating') ----- + findFirst: aBlock ifNone: anotherBlock + "Return the index of my first element for which aBlock evaluates as true. If no element is found, return the value of anotherBlock." + + | index | + (index := self findFirst: aBlock) = 0 + ifTrue: [^ anotherBlock value]. + ^ index! Item was added: + ----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>findFirst:startingAt: (in category 'enumerating') ----- + findFirst: aBlock startingAt: minIndex + "Return the index of my first element with index >= minIndex for which aBlock evaluates as true." + + minIndex to: self size do: [:index | + (aBlock value: (self at: index)) ifTrue: [^index]]. + ^ 0! Item was added: + ----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>findFirst:startingAt:ifNone: (in category 'enumerating') ----- + findFirst: aBlock startingAt: minIndex ifNone: anotherBlock + "Return the index of my first element with index >= minIndex for which aBlock evaluates as true. If no element is found, return the value of anotherBlock." + + | index | + (index := self findFirst: aBlock startingAt: minIndex) = 0 + ifTrue: [^ anotherBlock value]. + ^ index! Item was changed: ----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>findLast: (in category 'enumerating') ----- findLast: aBlock "Return the index of my last element for which aBlock evaluates as true." + ^ self findLast: aBlock startingAt: 1! - | index | - index := self size + 1. - [(index := index - 1) >= 1] whileTrue: - [(aBlock value: (self at: index)) ifTrue: [^index]]. - ^ 0! Item was added: + ----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>findLast:ifNone: (in category 'enumerating') ----- + findLast: aBlock ifNone: anotherBlock + "Return the index of my last element for which aBlock evaluates as true. If no element is found, return the value of anotherBlock." + + | index | + (index := self findLast: aBlock) = 0 + ifTrue: [^ anotherBlock value]. + ^ index! Item was changed: ----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>findLast:startingAt: (in category 'enumerating') ----- + findLast: aBlock startingAt: minIndex + "Return the index of my last element with index >= minIndex for which aBlock evaluates as true." - findLast: aBlock startingAt: i - "Return the index of my last element with index >= i for which aBlock evaluates as true." + self size to: minIndex by: -1 do: [:index | + (aBlock value: (self at: index)) ifTrue: [^index]]. - | index | - index := self size + 1. - [(index := index - 1) >= i] whileTrue: - [(aBlock value: (self at: index)) ifTrue: [^index]]. ^ 0! Item was added: + ----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>findLast:startingAt:ifNone: (in category 'enumerating') ----- + findLast: aBlock startingAt: minIndex ifNone: anotherBlock + "Return the index of my last element with index >= minIndex for which aBlock evaluates as true. If no element is found, return the value of anotherBlock." + + | index | + (index := self findLast: aBlock startingAt: minIndex) = 0 + ifTrue: [^ anotherBlock value]. + ^ index! |
I moved Collections-ct.875 to treated. Best, Marcel
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