The Inbox: Collections-ct.914.mcz

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The Inbox: Collections-ct.914.mcz

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Collections-ct.914
Author: ct
Time: 29 September 2020, 3:15:58.543807 pm
UUID: 6bb73b4a-58ae-be43-a0f4-fb265b32b30f
Ancestors: Collections-eem.912

Proposal: Supply start and stop of attributes in Text >> #[removeAttributesThat:][replaceAttributesThat:][by:].

For example, this can be useful for retrieving the part of a text that belongs to an attribute before doing filtering the attribute in some way.

=============== Diff against Collections-eem.912 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Text>>removeAttributesThat:replaceAttributesThat:by: (in category 'converting') -----
  removeAttributesThat: removalBlock replaceAttributesThat: replaceBlock by: convertBlock
  "Enumerate all attributes in the receiver. Remove those passing removalBlock and replace those passing replaceBlock after converting it through convertBlock"
  | added removed |
  "Deliberately optimized for the no-op default."
  added := removed := nil.
  runs withStartStopAndValueDo: [ :start :stop :attribs |
  attribs do: [ :attrib | | new |
+ (removalBlock cull: attrib cull: start cull: stop) ifTrue:[
- (removalBlock value: attrib) ifTrue:[
  removed ifNil:[removed := WriteStream on: #()].
  removed nextPut: {start. stop. attrib}.
  ] ifFalse:[
+ (replaceBlock cull: attrib cull: start cull: stop) ifTrue:[
- (replaceBlock value: attrib) ifTrue:[
  removed ifNil:[removed := WriteStream on: #()].
  removed nextPut: {start. stop. attrib}.
+ new := convertBlock cull: attrib cull: start cull: stop.
- new := convertBlock value: attrib.
  added ifNil:[added := WriteStream on: #()].
  added nextPut: {start. stop. new}.
  (added == nil and:[removed == nil]) ifTrue:[^self].
  "otherwise do the real work"
  removed ifNotNil:[removed contents do:[:spec|
  self removeAttribute: spec last from: spec first to: spec second]].
  added ifNotNil:[added contents do:[:spec|
  self addAttribute: spec last from: spec first to: spec second]].!