Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Collections-eem.733.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Collections-eem.733
Author: eem
Time: 8 February 2017, 11:16:10.473598 am
UUID: a53cdc94-0460-4116-a778-f20d273dcc42
Ancestors: Collections-eem.732
Eliminate a shadowing warning in HtmlReadWriter>>nextPutText:
=============== Diff against Collections-eem.732 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: HtmlReadWriter>>nextPutText: (in category 'accessing') -----
nextPutText: aText
| atStartOfLine inIndent cr |
atStartOfLine := true.
inIndent := false.
cr := Character cr.
self linesWithAttributesIn: aText do:
+ [:subString :attributes | | indented |
- [:string :attributes | | indented |
atStartOfLine ifTrue:
+ [indented := subString first == Character tab.
- [indented := string first == Character tab.
indented ~~ inIndent ifTrue:
[stream nextPutAll: (indented ifTrue: ['<pre>'] ifFalse: ['</pre>']).
inIndent := indented]].
attributes do: [:each | self writeStartTagFor: each].
+ ifTrue: [self writePresentationContent: subString]
+ ifFalse: [self writeContent: subString].
- ifTrue: [self writePresentationContent: string]
- ifFalse: [self writeContent: string].
attributes reverseDo: [:each | self writeEndTagFor: each].
+ atStartOfLine := subString last == cr].
- atStartOfLine := string last == cr].
inIndent ifTrue:
[stream nextPutAll: '</pre>']!