The Inbox: Compiler-ct.408.mcz

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The Inbox: Compiler-ct.408.mcz

A new version of Compiler was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Compiler-ct.408
Author: ct
Time: 5 August 2019, 10:13:08.981062 am
UUID: 0db6fa4c-67f3-8b41-bd96-8448b090eb58
Ancestors: Compiler-mt.407

Always quote parser error notifications (also in interactive mode)

Pretty-print #notify:at: and remove useless (?) asText conversion

=============== Diff against Compiler-mt.407 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Parser>>notify:at: (in category 'error handling') -----
+ notify: string at: location
+ | messageText |
+ messageText := '"' , string , ' ->"'.
- notify: string at: location
  cue requestor isNil
+ ifTrue: [
+ | notification |
+ (encoder == self or: [encoder isNil])
+ ifTrue: [^ self fail "failure setting up syntax error"].
- ifTrue: [| notification |
- (encoder == self or: [encoder isNil]) ifTrue: [^ self fail  "failure setting up syntax error"].
  (notification := SyntaxErrorNotification
+ inClass: encoder classEncoding
+ withCode: (source contents asText
+ copyReplaceFrom: location
+ to: location - 1
+ with: messageText)
+ doitFlag: doitFlag
+ errorMessage: string
+ location: location) signal.
- inClass: encoder classEncoding
- withCode:
- (source contents asText
- copyReplaceFrom: location
- to: location - 1
- with: (('"', string , ' ->"') asText))
- doitFlag: doitFlag
- errorMessage: string
- location: location) signal.
  notification tryNewSourceIfAvailable]
  ifFalse: [cue requestor
+ notify: messageText
+ at: location
+ in: source].
+ ^ self fail!
- notify: string , ' ->'
- at: location
- in: source].
- ^self fail!