Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Compiler to project The Inbox: Summary ====================
Name: Compiler-ct.420
Author: ct
Time: 17 February 2020, 10:27:36.115324 am
UUID: e75e9def-1d37-b547-928f-1d86e102807e
Ancestors: Compiler-eem.416
Small refactoring: Use SmalltalkImage >> #classNamed: instead of #at:
Replaces Compiler-ct.418, which can be rejected. Thanks for the hint on the right protocol.
=============== Diff against Compiler-eem.416 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Compiler>>evaluateCue:ifFail: (in category 'private') -----
evaluateCue: aCue ifFail: failBlock
"Compiles the cue source into a parse tree, then generates code into
a method. Finally, the compiled method is invoked from here via withArgs:executeMethod:, hence the system no longer creates Doit method
litter on errors."
| methodNode method value |
methodNode := self compileCue: aCue noPattern: true ifFail: [^failBlock value].
method := self interactive
ifTrue: [methodNode generateWithTempNames]
ifFalse: [methodNode generate].
value := cue receiver
withArgs: (cue context ifNil: [#()] ifNotNil: [{cue context}])
executeMethod: method.
+ ^ value!
- ^ value
- !
Item was changed:
----- Method: Compiler>>evaluateCue:ifFail:logged: (in category 'private') -----
evaluateCue: aCue ifFail: failBlock logged: logFlag
"Compiles the cue source into a parse tree, then generates code into
a method. Finally, the compiled method is invoked from here via withArgs:executeMethod:, hence the system no longer creates Doit method
litter on errors."
| value |
value := self evaluateCue: aCue ifFail: [^failBlock value].
logFlag ifTrue:
[SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance evaluated: cue stringToLog context: cue context].
+ ^ value!
- ^ value
- !
Item was changed:
----- Method: MethodNode>>asColorizedSmalltalk80Text (in category 'converting') -----
"Answer a colorized Smalltalk-80-syntax string description of the parse tree whose root is the receiver."
| printText |
printText := self printString asText.
+ ^ (Smalltalk classNamed: #SHTextStylerST80)
- ^(Smalltalk at: #SHTextStylerST80 ifAbsent: [nil])
ifNotNil: [:stylerClass| stylerClass new styledTextFor: printText]
ifNil: [printText]!