A new version of CryptoCertsTests was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/CryptoCertsTests-rww.2.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: CryptoCertsTests-rww.2 Author: rww Time: 23 September 2010, 4:31:02.605 am UUID: 8b2b49f9-382a-ec42-97c1-4dd2df1fd0ae Ancestors: CryptoCertsTests-rww.1 fixed RSA signing and moved ASN1 and PKCS11 into Core =============== Diff against CryptoCertsTests-rww.1 =============== Item was removed: - Object subclass: #ASN1TestModel - instanceVariableNames: 'testSlot1 testSlot2' - classVariableNames: '' - poolDictionaries: '' - category: 'CryptoCertsTests'! Item was removed: - ----- Method: ASN1TestModel>>testSlot1 (in category 'accessing') ----- - testSlot1 - "Answer the value of testSlot1" - - ^ testSlot1! Item was removed: - ----- Method: ASN1TestModel>>testSlot1: (in category 'accessing') ----- - testSlot1: anObject - "Set the value of testSlot1" - - testSlot1 := anObject! Item was removed: - ----- Method: ASN1TestModel>>testSlot2 (in category 'accessing') ----- - testSlot2 - "Answer the value of testSlot2" - - ^ testSlot2! Item was removed: - ----- Method: ASN1TestModel>>testSlot2: (in category 'accessing') ----- - testSlot2: anObject - "Set the value of testSlot2" - - testSlot2 := anObject! Item was removed: - TestCase subclass: #CryptoASN1Test - instanceVariableNames: '' - classVariableNames: '' - poolDictionaries: '' - category: 'CryptoCertsTests'! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testBMPString (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testBMPString - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(30 11 104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100). - testObj := 'hello world'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testBaseExplicitType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testBaseExplicitType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - (ASN1Module name: #test) explicit: #TestExplicit type: #ASN1IntegerType tag: 0. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestExplicit. - bytes := #(160 4 2 2 3 21). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj = 789). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testBaseImplicitConstructedType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testBaseImplicitConstructedType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - (ASN1Module name: #test) implicit: #TestImplicit type: #ASN1SequenceType tag: 0. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestImplicit. - bytes := #(160 4 2 2 3 21). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj = (OrderedCollection with: 789)). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testBaseImplicitPrimitiveType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testBaseImplicitPrimitiveType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - (ASN1Module name: #test) implicit: #TestImplicit type: #ASN1IntegerType tag: 0. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestImplicit. - bytes := #(128 2 3 21). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj = 789). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testBitString (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testBitString - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(3 3 3 168 121). - testObj := ASN1BitString new - bytes: #(168 121); - bitsPadding: 3; - yourself. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testBoolean (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testBoolean - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(1 1 255). - testObj := true. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testByteArray (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testByteArray - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(4 5 3 21 55 43 76). - testObj := #(3 21 55 43 76) asByteArray. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testConstructedBMPString (in category 'tests - BER') ----- - testConstructedBMPString - - | bytes obj testObj | - bytes := #(62 15 30 5 84 101 115 116 32 30 6 85 115 101 114 32 49). - testObj := 'Test User 1'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testConstructedBitString (in category 'tests - BER') ----- - testConstructedBitString - - | bytes obj testObj | - bytes := #(35 9 3 3 0 110 93 3 2 6 192). - testObj := ASN1BitString new - bytes: #(110 93 192) asByteArray; - bitsPadding: 6; - yourself. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testConstructedByteArray (in category 'tests - BER') ----- - testConstructedByteArray - - | bytes obj testObj | - bytes := #(36 12 4 4 1 35 69 103 4 4 137 171 205 239). - testObj :=#(1 35 69 103 137 171 205 239) asByteArray. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testConstructedIA5String (in category 'tests - BER') ----- - testConstructedIA5String - - | bytes obj testObj | - bytes := #(54 15 22 5 84 101 115 116 32 22 6 85 115 101 114 32 49). - testObj := 'Test User 1'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testConstructedPrintableString (in category 'tests - BER') ----- - testConstructedPrintableString - - | bytes obj testObj | - bytes := #(51 15 19 5 84 101 115 116 32 19 6 85 115 101 114 32 49). - testObj := 'Test User 1'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testConstructedTeletexString (in category 'tests - BER') ----- - testConstructedTeletexString - - | bytes obj testObj | - bytes := #(52 15 20 5 84 101 115 116 32 20 6 85 115 101 114 32 49). - testObj := 'Test User 1'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testConstructedUTF8String (in category 'tests - BER') ----- - testConstructedUTF8String - - | bytes obj testObj | - bytes := #(44 15 12 5 84 101 115 116 32 12 6 85 115 101 114 32 49). - testObj := 'Test User 1'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testConstructedUniversalString (in category 'tests - BER') ----- - testConstructedUniversalString - - | bytes obj testObj | - bytes := #(60 15 28 5 84 101 115 116 32 28 6 85 115 101 114 32 49). - testObj := 'Test User 1'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedAnyDefinedByType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedAnyDefinedByType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence mapping: ASN1TestModel) - add: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1ObjectIdentifierType; - add: #testSlot2 type: #TestAnyDefinedBy; - yourself. - ((ASN1Module name: #test) any: #TestAnyDefinedBy definedBy: #testSlot1) - at: (ASN1ObjectId fromString: '1.1') put: #ASN1BooleanType; - at: (ASN1ObjectId fromString: '1.2') put: #ASN1IntegerType; - yourself. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - - bytes := #(48 6 6 1 41 1 1 255). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = (ASN1ObjectId fromString: '1.1')). - self assert: (obj testSlot2 = true). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - - bytes := #(48 7 6 1 42 2 2 3 21). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = (ASN1ObjectId fromString: '1.2')). - self assert: (obj testSlot2 = 789). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedAnyType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedAnyType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence mapping: ASN1TestModel) - add: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1AnyType; - yourself. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - - bytes := #(48 3 1 1 255). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = true). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - - bytes := #(48 4 2 2 3 21). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = 789). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedChoiceType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedChoiceType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence mapping: ASN1TestModel) - add: #testSlot1 type: #TestChoice; - yourself. - ((ASN1Module name: #test) choice: #TestChoice) - add: #boolean type: #ASN1BooleanType; - add: #integer type: #ASN1IntegerType; - yourself. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - - bytes := #(48 3 1 1 255). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = true). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - - bytes := #(48 4 2 2 3 21). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = 789). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedExplicitType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedExplicitType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence mapping: ASN1TestModel) - add: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1IntegerType explicitTag: 0; - yourself. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - bytes := #(48 6 160 4 2 2 3 21). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = 789). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedImplicitConstructedType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedImplicitConstructedType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence mapping: ASN1TestModel) - add: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1SequenceType implicitTag: 0; - yourself. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - bytes := #(48 6 160 4 2 2 3 21). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = (OrderedCollection with: 789)). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedImplicitPrimitiveType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedImplicitPrimitiveType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence mapping: ASN1TestModel) - add: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1IntegerType implicitTag: 0; - yourself. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - bytes := #(48 4 128 2 3 21). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = 789). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedMappedBMPStringType (in category 'tests - mapped') ----- - testDefinedMappedBMPStringType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) mapped: #TestMapped) - mapping: ASN1TestModel mappingSymbol: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1BMPStringType. - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestMapped. - - bytes := #(30 11 104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = 'hello world'). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedMappedBooleanType (in category 'tests - mapped') ----- - testDefinedMappedBooleanType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) mapped: #TestMapped) - mapping: ASN1TestModel mappingSymbol: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1BooleanType. - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestMapped. - - bytes := #(1 1 255). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = true). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedMappedIntegerType (in category 'tests - mapped') ----- - testDefinedMappedIntegerType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) mapped: #TestMapped) - mapping: ASN1TestModel mappingSymbol: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1IntegerType. - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestMapped. - - bytes := #(2 2 3 21). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = 789). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedMappedSequenceType (in category 'tests - mapped') ----- - testDefinedMappedSequenceType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) mapped: #TestMapped) - mapping: ASN1TestModel mappingSymbol: #testSlot1 type: #TestSequence. - ((ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence mapping: ASN1TestModel) - add: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1BooleanType. - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestMapped. - - bytes := #(48 3 1 1 255). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 testSlot1 = true). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedMappedUTF8StringType (in category 'tests - mapped') ----- - testDefinedMappedUTF8StringType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) mapped: #TestMapped) - mapping: ASN1TestModel mappingSymbol: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1StringType. - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestMapped. - - bytes := #(12 11 104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = 'hello world'). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedSequenceOfType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedSequenceOfType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - (ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence of: #ASN1BooleanType. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - bytes := #(48 3 1 1 255). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: OrderedCollection). - self assert: (obj first = true). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedSequenceType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedSequenceType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence mapping: ASN1TestModel) - add: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1BooleanType; - yourself. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - bytes := #(48 3 1 1 255). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = true). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedSequenceTypeDefault (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedSequenceTypeDefault - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence mapping: ASN1TestModel) - add: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1BooleanType default: false; - yourself. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - bytes := #(48 0). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = false). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedSequenceTypeOptional (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedSequenceTypeOptional - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence mapping: ASN1TestModel) - addOptional: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1BooleanType; - yourself. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - bytes := #(48 0). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedSequenceTypeOptionalDefault (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedSequenceTypeOptionalDefault - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence mapping: ASN1TestModel) - addOptional: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1BooleanType default: false; - yourself. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - bytes := #(48 0). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = false). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedSetType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedSetType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - ((ASN1Module name: #test) set: #TestSet mapping: ASN1TestModel) - add: #testSlot1 type: #ASN1BooleanType; - yourself. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSet. - bytes := #(49 3 1 1 255). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: ASN1TestModel). - self assert: (obj testSlot1 = true). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedUnmappedSequenceType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedUnmappedSequenceType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - (ASN1Module name: #test) sequence: #TestSequence. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSequence. - bytes := #(48 3 1 1 255). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: OrderedCollection). - self assert: (obj first = true). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testDefinedUnmappedSetType (in category 'tests - defined types') ----- - testDefinedUnmappedSetType - - | bytes obj newBytes type | - (ASN1Module name: #test) set: #TestSet. - - type := (ASN1Module name: #test) find: #TestSet. - bytes := #(49 3 1 1 255). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes withType: type. - self assert: (obj isKindOf: OrderedSet). - self assert: (obj includes: true). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj withType: type. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testEqualsChecksType (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testEqualsChecksType - - self deny: (ASN1ObjectId fromString: '') = Object new - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testIA5String (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testIA5String - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(22 11 104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100). - testObj := 'hello world'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testIndefiniteLengthSequence (in category 'tests - BER') ----- - testIndefiniteLengthSequence - - | bytes obj testObj | - bytes := #(48 128 1 1 255 2 2 3 21 4 2 108 100 0 0). - testObj := OrderedCollection new - add: true; - add: 789; - add: #(108 100) asByteArray; - yourself. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testInteger (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testInteger - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(2 2 3 21). - testObj := 789. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testNull (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testNull - - | bytes obj newBytes | - bytes := #(5 0). - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: obj isNil. - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testObjectIdentifier (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testObjectIdentifier - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(6 8 43 6 1 5 5 7 8 5). - testObj := ASN1ObjectId new - oid: ''; - yourself. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testPrintableString (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testPrintableString - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(19 11 104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100). - testObj := 'hello world'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testSequence (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testSequence - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(48 11 1 1 255 2 2 3 21 4 2 108 100). - testObj := OrderedCollection new - add: true; - add: 789; - add: #(108 100) asByteArray; - yourself. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testSet (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testSet - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(49 11 1 1 255 4 2 108 100 2 2 3 21 ). - testObj := OrderedSet new - add: true; - add: #(108 100) asByteArray; - add: 789; - yourself. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testString (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testString - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(12 11 104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100). - testObj := 'hello world'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testTeletexString (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testTeletexString - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(20 11 104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100). - testObj := 'hello world'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testUTCTime (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testUTCTime - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(23 13 48 55 48 51 50 50 49 53 53 56 49 55 90). - testObj := DateAndTime fromString: '2007-03-22T15:58:17+00:00'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoASN1Test>>testUniversalString (in category 'tests - base') ----- - testUniversalString - - | bytes obj newBytes testObj | - bytes := #(28 11 104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100). - testObj := 'hello world'. - obj := ASN1Stream decodeBytes: bytes. - self assert: (obj = testObj). - newBytes := ASN1Stream encode: obj. - self assert: (bytes asByteArray = newBytes). - ! Item was removed: - TestCase subclass: #CryptoPKCS12Test - instanceVariableNames: '' - classVariableNames: '' - poolDictionaries: '' - category: 'CryptoCertsTests'! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoPKCS12Test>>test1 (in category 'testing') ----- - test1 - - | key | - key := (Pkcs12KeyDerivationFunction new - derivedKeyWithId: 2 - fromPassword: 'smeg' - salt: #(10 88 207 100 83 13 130 63) - iterations: 1 - size: 8) hex. - self assert: key = '79993DFE048D3B76' - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoPKCS12Test>>test10 (in category 'testing') ----- - test10 - - | key | - key := (Pkcs12KeyDerivationFunction new - derivedKeyWithId: 1 - fromPassword: 'queeg' - salt: #(22 130 192 252 91 63 126 197) - iterations: 1000 - size: 24) hex. - self assert: key = '483DD6E919D7DE2E8E648BA8F862F3FBFBDC2BCB2C02957F' - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoPKCS12Test>>test2 (in category 'testing') ----- - test2 - - | key | - key := (Pkcs12KeyDerivationFunction new - derivedKeyWithId: 2 - fromPassword: 'smeg' - salt: #(100 43 153 171 68 251 75 31) - iterations: 1 - size: 8) hex. - self assert: key = 'C0A38D64A79BEA1D' - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoPKCS12Test>>test3 (in category 'testing') ----- - test3 - - | key | - key := (Pkcs12KeyDerivationFunction new - derivedKeyWithId: 2 - fromPassword: 'queeg' - salt: #(5 222 201 89 172 255 114 247) - iterations: 1000 - size: 8) hex. - self assert: key = '11DEDAD7758D4860' - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoPKCS12Test>>test4 (in category 'testing') ----- - test4 - - | key | - key := (Pkcs12KeyDerivationFunction new - derivedKeyWithId: 2 - fromPassword: 'queeg' - salt: #(22 130 192 252 91 63 126 197) - iterations: 1000 - size: 8) hex. - self assert: key = '9D461D1B00355C50' - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoPKCS12Test>>test5 (in category 'testing') ----- - test5 - - | key | - key := (Pkcs12KeyDerivationFunction new - derivedKeyWithId: 3 - fromPassword: 'smeg' - salt: #(61 131 192 228 84 106 193 64) - iterations: 1 - size: 20) hex. - self assert: key = '8D967D88F6CAA9D714800AB3D48051D63F73A312' - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoPKCS12Test>>test6 (in category 'testing') ----- - test6 - - | key | - key := (Pkcs12KeyDerivationFunction new - derivedKeyWithId: 3 - fromPassword: 'queeg' - salt: #(38 50 22 252 194 250 179 28) - iterations: 1000 - size: 20) hex. - self assert: key = '5EC4C7A80DF652294C3925B6489A7AB857C83476' - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoPKCS12Test>>test7 (in category 'testing') ----- - test7 - - | key | - key := (Pkcs12KeyDerivationFunction new - derivedKeyWithId: 1 - fromPassword: 'smeg' - salt: #(10 88 207 100 83 13 130 63) - iterations: 1 - size: 24) hex. - self assert: key = '8AAAE6297B6CB04642AB5B077851284EB7128F1A2A7FBCA3' - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoPKCS12Test>>test8 (in category 'testing') ----- - test8 - - | key | - key := (Pkcs12KeyDerivationFunction new - derivedKeyWithId: 1 - fromPassword: 'smeg' - salt: #(100 43 153 171 68 251 75 31) - iterations: 1 - size: 24) hex. - self assert: key = 'F3A95FEC48D7711E985CFE67908C5AB79FA3D7C5CAA5D966' - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CryptoPKCS12Test>>test9 (in category 'testing') ----- - test9 - - | key | - key := (Pkcs12KeyDerivationFunction new - derivedKeyWithId: 1 - fromPassword: 'queeg' - salt: #(5 222 201 89 172 255 114 247) - iterations: 1000 - size: 24) hex. - self assert: key = 'ED2034E36328830FF09DF1E1A07DD357185DAC0D4F9EB3D4' - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: CryptoX509Test>>testSignatureValidation (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testSignatureValidation self assert: (self certificate1 verifyFromParentCertificate: self certificate1). ! |
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