The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

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The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

A new version of DoubleDiff was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: DoubleDiff-DS.9
Author: DS
Time: 8 May 2013, 11:11:07.837 am
UUID: d51fbeaf-81ed-4bb3-ac30-ed63134530ad
Ancestors: DoubleDiff-m j.8

fixed broken tests

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #DoubleDiff!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'DoubleDiff-Tests'!

TextDiffBuilder subclass: #DDCustomTextDiffBuilder
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'DoubleDiff'!

----- Method: DDCustomTextDiffBuilder class>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
        self initializeTextAttributes !

----- Method: DDCustomTextDiffBuilder class>>initializeTextAttributes (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
        InsertTextAttributes := { TextColor color: (Color green muchDarker)}.
        RemoveTextAttributes := { TextEmphasis struckOut. TextColor color: (Color red darker) }.
        NormalTextAttributes :={ TextEmphasis normal }

OBDefinitionPanel subclass: #OBCustomDefinitionPanel
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'DoubleDiff'!

----- Method: OBCustomDefinitionPanel>>subscribe (in category 'updating') -----
        self announcer
                on: OBAboutToChange send: #aboutToChange: to: self;
                on: OBAboutToChangeSilently send: #aboutToChangeSilently: to: self;
                on: OBNodeSelected send: #nodeSelected: to: self;
                on: OBNodeChanged send: #nodeChanged: to: self;
                on: OBRefreshRequired send: #refresh: to: self;
                on: OBDefinitionChanged send: #definitionChanged: to: self!

----- Method: OBMethodNode>>diffBuilderVersions (in category '*doublediff') -----
        ^ (OBMethodVersion scan: self sourceFiles from: self sourcePointer)
                collect:  [ :each | OBCustomMethodVersionNode on: each inClass: self theClass ]!

TestCase subclass: #DDCustomVersionBrowserTest
        instanceVariableNames: 'versionBrowser'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'DoubleDiff-Tests'!

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>addVersionToExampleMethodWith: (in category 'running') -----
addVersionToExampleMethodWith: aString
        self class compile: 'exampleMethod', String cr, aString.
        ActiveWorld doOneCycle.!

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>removeExampleMethod (in category 'running') -----
        self class removeSelector: #exampleMethod!

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>setUp (in category 'running') -----
        self setUpExampleMethod.
        self setUpVersionBrowser

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>setUpExampleMethod (in category 'running') -----
        self removeExampleMethod.
        self addVersionToExampleMethodWith: ' ^ 2'!

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>setUpVersionBrowser (in category 'running') -----
        | methodNode |
        methodNode := OBMethodNode on: (MethodReference class: self class selector: #exampleMethod).
        self versionBrowser: (OBCustomVersionBrowser openOn: methodNode).!

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>tearDown (in category 'running') -----
        self versionBrowser close.
        self removeExampleMethod !

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>testClearDefinitionPanel (in category 'tests') -----
        self versionBrowser clearDefinitionPanel.
        self assert: self versionBrowser definitionPanel text = ''!

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>testDefaultLabel (in category 'tests') -----
        | systemWindow |
        systemWindow := self versionBrowser dependents first.
        self assert: systemWindow class = PluggableSystemWindow.
        self assert: systemWindow label = 'Versions of DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>#exampleMethod'!

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>testDiffsEveryWay (in category 'tests') -----
        self testVersion: 1 to: 1.
        self testVersion: 2 to: 2.
        self testVersion: 1 to: 2.
        self testVersion: 2 to: 1.!

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>testListLabels (in category 'tests') -----
        | methodVersionNode firstList listMorph entry |
        methodVersionNode := (OBMethodNode on: (MethodReference class: self class selector: #exampleMethod)) diffBuilderVersions first.
        firstList := self versionBrowser navigationPanel first columns first list.
        listMorph := firstList dependents first.
        self assert: listMorph class = PluggableListMorphPlus.
        entry := listMorph getList first.
        self assert: listMorph getList first = methodVersionNode name.
        self assert: (entry beginsWith: Utilities authorInitials).
        self shouldnt: [ TimeStamp fromString: (entry allButFirst: (Utilities authorInitials size)) ] raise: Error.

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>testVersion:to: (in category 'tests') -----
testVersion: version1 to: version2
        "does not test the DiffBuilder"
        | list1 list2 systemWindow diffText testText |
        systemWindow := versionBrowser dependents first.
        list1 :=systemWindow submorphs third submorphs first.
        list2 :=systemWindow submorphs fourth submorphs first.
        diffText := ((systemWindow submorphs select: [ :elem | elem class = SPluggableTextMorphPlus]) at: 1) textMorph .
        self addVersionToExampleMethodWith: ' ^ 1'.
        list1 changeModelSelection: version1.
        list2 changeModelSelection: version2.
        ActiveWorld doOneCycle.
        testText := DDCustomTextDiffBuilder
                                buildDisplayPatchFrom: ('exampleMethod', String cr , ' ^ ' , (version1 asString) , String cr)
                                to: ('exampleMethod', String cr , ' ^ ' , (version2 asString) , String cr).
        self assert: diffText text = testText.!

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>versionBrowser (in category 'accessing') -----
        ^ versionBrowser!

----- Method: DDCustomVersionBrowserTest>>versionBrowser: (in category 'accessing') -----
versionBrowser: anObject
        versionBrowser := anObject!

TestCase subclass: #DDPreferencesTest
        instanceVariableNames: 'browseVersionsCmd versionBrowser originalPreference'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'DoubleDiff-Tests'!

----- Method: DDPreferencesTest>>browseVersionsCmd (in category 'accessing') -----
        ^ browseVersionsCmd!

----- Method: DDPreferencesTest>>browseVersionsCmd: (in category 'accessing') -----
browseVersionsCmd: anObject
        browseVersionsCmd := anObject!

----- Method: DDPreferencesTest>>exampleMethod (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----

----- Method: DDPreferencesTest>>originalPreference (in category 'accessing') -----
        ^ originalPreference!

----- Method: DDPreferencesTest>>originalPreference: (in category 'accessing') -----
originalPreference: anObject
        originalPreference := anObject!

----- Method: DDPreferencesTest>>setUp (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
        | methodNode |
        self originalPreference: OBCustomVersionBrowser enabled.
        methodNode := OBMethodNode on: (MethodReference class: self class selector: #exampleMethod).
        self browseVersionsCmd: (OBCmdBrowseMethodVersions on: methodNode for: nil ).!

----- Method: DDPreferencesTest>>tearDown (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
        self versionBrowser close.
        OBCustomVersionBrowser enabled: self originalPreference.!

----- Method: DDPreferencesTest>>testBrowserDisabled (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
        OBCustomVersionBrowser enabled: false.
        self versionBrowser: self browseVersionsCmd execute.
        self assert: self versionBrowser class = OBVersionBrowser.!

----- Method: DDPreferencesTest>>testBrowserEnabled (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
        OBCustomVersionBrowser enabled: true.
        self versionBrowser: self browseVersionsCmd execute.
        self assert: self versionBrowser class = OBCustomVersionBrowser.!

----- Method: DDPreferencesTest>>versionBrowser (in category 'accessing') -----
        ^ versionBrowser!

----- Method: DDPreferencesTest>>versionBrowser: (in category 'accessing') -----
versionBrowser: anObject
        versionBrowser := anObject!

OBMethodVersionNode subclass: #OBCustomMethodVersionNode
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'DoubleDiff'!

----- Method: OBCustomMethodVersionNode>>name (in category 'displaying') -----
        | stamp |
        version isValid ifFalse: [^ '<corrupt>'].
        stamp := version stamp ifNil: ['<timestamp missing>'].
        ^ stamp!

----- Method: OBCmdBrowseMethodVersions>>execute (in category '*doublediff') -----
        | versionBrowser |
        OBCustomVersionBrowser enabled
                ifTrue: [ versionBrowser := OBCustomVersionBrowser ]
                ifFalse: [ versionBrowser := OBVersionBrowser ].
        ^ versionBrowser openOn: target copy

OBVersionBrowser subclass: #OBCustomVersionBrowser
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'DoubleDiff'!
OBCustomVersionBrowser class
        instanceVariableNames: 'enabled'!

!OBCustomVersionBrowser commentStamp: 'JL 5/1/2013 11:46:47.115' prior: 0!
OBVersionBrowser displays a list of OBMethodVersions, which represent versions of a method present in the source or changes files. !
OBCustomVersionBrowser class
        instanceVariableNames: 'enabled'!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser class>>defaultMetaNode (in category 'opening') -----
        | version |
        version := OBMetaNode named: 'Version'.
        version ancestrySelector: #isDescendantOfMethodVersion:.
        ^ (OBMetaNode named: 'Method')
                childAt: #diffBuilderVersions put: version; yourself.!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser class>>definitionPanel (in category 'opening') -----
        ^ OBCustomDefinitionPanel new.!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser class>>enabled (in category 'preferences') -----
        "Answer a boolean telling if line endings differences should be ignored or emphasized"
        <preference: #enabled
                category: 'TextDiff'
                description: 'When enabled, magic happens.'
                type: #Boolean>
        ^ enabled ifNil: [ false ]!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser class>>enabled: (in category 'preferences') -----
enabled: aBoolean
        enabled := aBoolean!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser class>>panels (in category 'opening') -----
        ^ Array with: self mercuryPanel with: self navigationPanel with: self navigationPanel with: self annotationPanel with: self definitionPanel!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>clearDefinitionPanel (in category 'updating') -----
        self definitionPanel definition: (OBTextDefinition text: '')!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>currentNode (in category 'accessing') -----
        ^ self navigationPanel first currentNode!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>currentOrRootNode (in category 'accessing') -----
        ^ self navigationPanel first currentOrRootNode!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>defaultBackgroundColor (in category 'morphic') -----
        ^ Color lightBlue!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>defaultLabel (in category 'accessing') -----
        ^ 'Versions of ', self root theClassName , '>>' , self root name printString!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>handleNodeSelected: (in category 'updating') -----
handleNodeSelected: anOBNodeSelected
        | listsWithSelection selectedVersionSources |
        listsWithSelection := (self navigationPanel collect: [ :each | each columns first list ])
                select: [ :each | each hasSelection ].
        selectedVersionSources := listsWithSelection collect: [ :each | each selectedNode version source ].
        listsWithSelection size = 0 ifTrue: [ ^ self clearDefinitionPanel ].
        listsWithSelection size = 1 ifTrue: [ ^ self showSourceOnDefPanel: selectedVersionSources first ].
        listsWithSelection size = 2 ifTrue: [ ^ self showDiffOnDefPanel: selectedVersionSources ]

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>jumpTo: (in category 'navigating') -----
jumpTo: aNode
        self navigationPanel do: [ :each | each jumpTo: aNode ]!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>navigationPanel (in category 'accessing') -----
        ^ panels
                select: [ :each | each isNavigation] !

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>root (in category 'navigating') -----
        ^ self navigationPanel first root.

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>setMetaNode:node: (in category 'initializing') -----
setMetaNode: aMetaNode node: aNode
        self navigationPanel do: [:each | each setMetaNode: aMetaNode node: aNode].
        self initializeCommands; subscribe!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>showDiffOnDefPanel: (in category 'updating') -----
showDiffOnDefPanel: sources
        | text |
        text := DDCustomTextDiffBuilder
                                buildDisplayPatchFrom: sources first
                                to: sources second.
        self definitionPanel definition: (OBTextDefinition text: text).!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>showSourceOnDefPanel: (in category 'updating') -----
showSourceOnDefPanel: source
        self definitionPanel definition: (OBTextDefinition text: source)!

----- Method: OBCustomVersionBrowser>>subscribe (in category 'updating') -----
        super subscribe.
        self announcer
                on: OBNodeSelected send: #handleNodeSelected: to: self;
                on: OBNodeDeselected send: #handleNodeSelected: to: self!

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Re: The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
On 20 May 2013 16:32,  <[hidden email]> wrote:

> A new version of DoubleDiff was added to project The Inbox:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: DoubleDiff-DS.9
> Author: DS
> Time: 8 May 2013, 11:11:07.837 am
> UUID: d51fbeaf-81ed-4bb3-ac30-ed63134530ad
> Ancestors: DoubleDiff-m j.8
> fixed broken tests
> ==================== Snapshot ====================

I'm not sure this went to the right repository: it looks like an
OmniBrowser thing?


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Re: The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

Levente Uzonyi-2
On Mon, 20 May 2013, Frank Shearar wrote:

> On 20 May 2013 16:32,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> A new version of DoubleDiff was added to project The Inbox:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: DoubleDiff-DS.9
>> Author: DS
>> Time: 8 May 2013, 11:11:07.837 am
>> UUID: d51fbeaf-81ed-4bb3-ac30-ed63134530ad
>> Ancestors: DoubleDiff-m j.8
>> fixed broken tests
>> ==================== Snapshot ====================
> I'm not sure this went to the right repository: it looks like an
> OmniBrowser thing?

Indeed. This is one of the most annoying things about MC nowadays. I
think the user should be notifited when he's trying to upload a package
to a non-empty repository, which doesn't have another version of that


> frank

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Re: The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

Chris Muller-3
It shouldn't be annoying because it shouldn't be happening on
accident.  Because for a package to be saved to a new repository (for
which there are no other versions of that package) the user must
explicitly add that repository to the RepositoryGroup of that package.
 So, it can't really happen by accident, only if the user made an
explicit directive to save it there..

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Mon, 20 May 2013, Frank Shearar wrote:
>> On 20 May 2013 16:32,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> A new version of DoubleDiff was added to project The Inbox:
>>> ==================== Summary ====================
>>> Name: DoubleDiff-DS.9
>>> Author: DS
>>> Time: 8 May 2013, 11:11:07.837 am
>>> UUID: d51fbeaf-81ed-4bb3-ac30-ed63134530ad
>>> Ancestors: DoubleDiff-m j.8
>>> fixed broken tests
>>> ==================== Snapshot ====================
>> I'm not sure this went to the right repository: it looks like an
>> OmniBrowser thing?
> Indeed. This is one of the most annoying things about MC nowadays. I think
> the user should be notifited when he's trying to upload a package to a
> non-empty repository, which doesn't have another version of that package.
> Levente
>> frank

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Re: The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
You mean it shouldn't happen by accident unless the user accidentally
added the Inbox to a package, of course.

But if Levente had his way, ideally the user would be annoyed every
time she submitted something to the Inbox (because, of course,
submissions to the Inbox would be quickly reviewed, and accepted or
rejected; either way the package versions would end up in Trunk or the
TreatedInbox). Ideally.


On 21 May 2013 15:57, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:

> It shouldn't be annoying because it shouldn't be happening on
> accident.  Because for a package to be saved to a new repository (for
> which there are no other versions of that package) the user must
> explicitly add that repository to the RepositoryGroup of that package.
>  So, it can't really happen by accident, only if the user made an
> explicit directive to save it there..
> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On Mon, 20 May 2013, Frank Shearar wrote:
>>> On 20 May 2013 16:32,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> A new version of DoubleDiff was added to project The Inbox:
>>>> ==================== Summary ====================
>>>> Name: DoubleDiff-DS.9
>>>> Author: DS
>>>> Time: 8 May 2013, 11:11:07.837 am
>>>> UUID: d51fbeaf-81ed-4bb3-ac30-ed63134530ad
>>>> Ancestors: DoubleDiff-m j.8
>>>> fixed broken tests
>>>> ==================== Snapshot ====================
>>> I'm not sure this went to the right repository: it looks like an
>>> OmniBrowser thing?
>> Indeed. This is one of the most annoying things about MC nowadays. I think
>> the user should be notifited when he's trying to upload a package to a
>> non-empty repository, which doesn't have another version of that package.
>> Levente
>>> frank

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Re: The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

Chris Muller-3
> You mean it shouldn't happen by accident unless the user accidentally
> added the Inbox to a package, of course.

Given how many gestures are required to add a repository to a package,
that would not be an accident.  A mistake, maybe, but not an accident.

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Re: The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
On 21 May 2013 16:56, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> You mean it shouldn't happen by accident unless the user accidentally
>> added the Inbox to a package, of course.
> Given how many gestures are required to add a repository to a package,
> that would not be an accident.  A mistake, maybe, but not an accident.

I misclick on the last step would constitute an accident. But we're
talking two accidents now: accidentally adding Inbox to a package, and
accidentally committing to the Inbox. Both only require a few pixels
imprecision (and not double-checking the commit prior to hitting the
Accept button).


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Re: The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

Bert Freudenberg

On 2013-05-21, at 18:03, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 21 May 2013 16:56, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> You mean it shouldn't happen by accident unless the user accidentally
>>> added the Inbox to a package, of course.
>> Given how many gestures are required to add a repository to a package,
>> that would not be an accident.  A mistake, maybe, but not an accident.
> I misclick on the last step would constitute an accident. But we're
> talking two accidents now: accidentally adding Inbox to a package, and
> accidentally committing to the Inbox. Both only require a few pixels
> imprecision (and not double-checking the commit prior to hitting the
> Accept button).
> frank

Happens very easily using the "Copy" button.

- Bert -

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Re: The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by Chris Muller-3
On Tue, 21 May 2013, Chris Muller wrote:

> It shouldn't be annoying because it shouldn't be happening on
> accident.  Because for a package to be saved to a new repository (for
> which there are no other versions of that package) the user must
> explicitly add that repository to the RepositoryGroup of that package.
> So, it can't really happen by accident, only if the user made an
> explicit directive to save it there..

Try copying a package from your package cache to another repository. ;)


> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On Mon, 20 May 2013, Frank Shearar wrote:
>>> On 20 May 2013 16:32,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> A new version of DoubleDiff was added to project The Inbox:
>>>> ==================== Summary ====================
>>>> Name: DoubleDiff-DS.9
>>>> Author: DS
>>>> Time: 8 May 2013, 11:11:07.837 am
>>>> UUID: d51fbeaf-81ed-4bb3-ac30-ed63134530ad
>>>> Ancestors: DoubleDiff-m j.8
>>>> fixed broken tests
>>>> ==================== Snapshot ====================
>>> I'm not sure this went to the right repository: it looks like an
>>> OmniBrowser thing?
>> Indeed. This is one of the most annoying things about MC nowadays. I think
>> the user should be notifited when he's trying to upload a package to a
>> non-empty repository, which doesn't have another version of that package.
>> Levente
>>> frank

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Re: The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

Chris Muller-4
Yes, that's true.  Hmm..

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Tue, 21 May 2013, Chris Muller wrote:
>> It shouldn't be annoying because it shouldn't be happening on
>> accident.  Because for a package to be saved to a new repository (for
>> which there are no other versions of that package) the user must
>> explicitly add that repository to the RepositoryGroup of that package.
>> So, it can't really happen by accident, only if the user made an
>> explicit directive to save it there..
> Try copying a package from your package cache to another repository. ;)
> Levente
>> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 20 May 2013, Frank Shearar wrote:
>>>> On 20 May 2013 16:32,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> A new version of DoubleDiff was added to project The Inbox:
>>>>> ==================== Summary ====================
>>>>> Name: DoubleDiff-DS.9
>>>>> Author: DS
>>>>> Time: 8 May 2013, 11:11:07.837 am
>>>>> UUID: d51fbeaf-81ed-4bb3-ac30-ed63134530ad
>>>>> Ancestors: DoubleDiff-m j.8
>>>>> fixed broken tests
>>>>> ==================== Snapshot ====================
>>>> I'm not sure this went to the right repository: it looks like an
>>>> OmniBrowser thing?
>>> Indeed. This is one of the most annoying things about MC nowadays. I
>>> think
>>> the user should be notifited when he's trying to upload a package to a
>>> non-empty repository, which doesn't have another version of that package.
>>> Levente
>>>> frank

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Re: The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

Chris Muller-3
In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi-2
>From a UI perspective, one way to handle this would be, when the user
clicks the Copy button, only present the repositories which are in its
RepositoryGroup.  However, as the last entry in the menu, "other..."
would present the full list it presents today.

This provides the same extra required-click protection from the
accident as a modal warning would, but in this case leaving the user
in charge.

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Tue, 21 May 2013, Chris Muller wrote:
>> It shouldn't be annoying because it shouldn't be happening on
>> accident.  Because for a package to be saved to a new repository (for
>> which there are no other versions of that package) the user must
>> explicitly add that repository to the RepositoryGroup of that package.
>> So, it can't really happen by accident, only if the user made an
>> explicit directive to save it there..
> Try copying a package from your package cache to another repository. ;)
> Levente
>> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 20 May 2013, Frank Shearar wrote:
>>>> On 20 May 2013 16:32,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> A new version of DoubleDiff was added to project The Inbox:
>>>>> ==================== Summary ====================
>>>>> Name: DoubleDiff-DS.9
>>>>> Author: DS
>>>>> Time: 8 May 2013, 11:11:07.837 am
>>>>> UUID: d51fbeaf-81ed-4bb3-ac30-ed63134530ad
>>>>> Ancestors: DoubleDiff-m j.8
>>>>> fixed broken tests
>>>>> ==================== Snapshot ====================
>>>> I'm not sure this went to the right repository: it looks like an
>>>> OmniBrowser thing?
>>> Indeed. This is one of the most annoying things about MC nowadays. I
>>> think
>>> the user should be notifited when he's trying to upload a package to a
>>> non-empty repository, which doesn't have another version of that package.
>>> Levente
>>>> frank

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Re: The Inbox: DoubleDiff-DS.9.mcz

Bert Freudenberg
On 2013-05-21, at 20:11, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:

> From a UI perspective, one way to handle this would be, when the user
> clicks the Copy button, only present the repositories which are in its
> RepositoryGroup.  However, as the last entry in the menu, "other..."
> would present the full list it presents today.
> This provides the same extra required-click protection from the
> accident as a modal warning would, but in this case leaving the user
> in charge.


- Bert -