The Inbox: EToys-kfr.90.mcz

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The Inbox: EToys-kfr.90.mcz

A new version of EToys was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-kfr.90
Author: kfr
Time: 27 October 2013, 1:20:20.65 pm
UUID: d78224f0-2f95-d24e-9975-69477d89a347
Ancestors: EToys-bf.89

Add text alignments to properties panel

Remove call to missing addOptionalButtons from properties panel

=============== Diff against EToys-bf.89 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ObjectPropertiesMorph>>rebuild (in category 'connectors-visual properties') -----
  | buttons |
  self removeAllMorphs.
  self addARow: {
  self lockedString: ('Properties for {1}' translated format: {myTarget name}).
  self addARow: {
  self inAColumn: {
  self paneForCornerRoundingToggle.
  self paneForStickinessToggle.
  self paneForLockedToggle.
  self addARow: {
  self paneForMainColorPicker.
  self paneFor2ndGradientColorPicker.
  self addARow: {
  self paneForBorderColorPicker.
  self paneForShadowColorPicker.
  buttons := OrderedCollection new.
  buttons addAll: {
  buttonNamed: 'Accept' translated action: #doAccept color: color lighter
  help: 'keep changes made and close panel' translated.
  buttonNamed: 'Cancel' translated action: #doCancel color: color lighter
  help: 'cancel changes made and close panel' translated.
- self addOptionalButtonsTo: buttons.
  self addARow: buttons.
  thingsToRevert := Dictionary new.
  "thingsToRevert at: #fillStyle: put: myTarget fillStyle."
  myTarget isSystemWindow ifTrue: [
  thingsToRevert at: #setWindowColor: put: myTarget paneColorToUse
  thingsToRevert at: #hasDropShadow: put: myTarget hasDropShadow.
  thingsToRevert at: #shadowColor: put: myTarget shadowColor.
  (myTarget respondsTo: #borderColor:) ifTrue: [
  thingsToRevert at: #borderColor: put: myTarget borderColor.
  thingsToRevert at: #borderWidth: put: myTarget borderWidth.
  thingsToRevert at: #cornerStyle: put: myTarget cornerStyle.
  thingsToRevert at: #sticky: put: myTarget isSticky.
  thingsToRevert at: #lock: put: myTarget isLocked.

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextPropertiesMorph>>alignCenter (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ alignCenter
+ self alignText: #centered.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextPropertiesMorph>>alignJustified (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ alignJustified
+ self alignText:  #justified.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextPropertiesMorph>>alignLeft (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ alignLeft
+ self alignText: #leftFlush.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextPropertiesMorph>>alignRight (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ alignRight
+ self alignText: #rightFlush.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextPropertiesMorph>>alignText: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ alignText: aSymbol
+ self applyToWholeText ifTrue: [self activeEditor selectAll].
+ self activeEditor setAlignment: aSymbol.
+ self activeEditor paragraph composeAll.
+ self activeEditor  recomputeSelection.
+ self activeTextMorph updateFromParagraph.
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextPropertiesMorph>>rebuild (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | buttonColor c |
  self removeAllMorphs.
  self addAColumn: {
  self lockedString: ('Text Properties for {1}' translated format:{myTarget name}).
  self addAColumn: {
  self paneForApplyToWholeText.
  c := self addAColumn: {
  self activeTextMorph.
  wrapCentering: #topLeft;
  color: Color white;
  borderWidth: 2;
  borderColor: color darker.
  self addAColumn: {
  self paneForTextColorPicker.
  self addARow: {
  self paneForAutoFitToggle.
  self addARow: {
  self paneForWrappingToggle.
  self addARow: {
  self paneForMargins.
  buttonColor := color lighter.
  self addARow: {
  self inAColumn: {
  self addARow: {
  buttonNamed: 'Size' translated action: #offerFontMenu color: buttonColor
  help: 'font changing' translated.
  buttonNamed: 'Style' translated action: #changeStyle color: buttonColor
  help: 'font changing' translated.
  buttonNamed: 'N' translated action: #changeToNormalText color: buttonColor
  help: 'normal text' translated.
  buttonNamed: 'B' translated action: #toggleBold color: buttonColor
  help: 'bold text' translated.
  buttonNamed: 'I' translated action: #toggleItalic color: buttonColor
  help: 'italic text' translated.
  buttonNamed: 'n' translated action: #toggleNarrow color: buttonColor
  help: 'narrow text' translated.
  buttonNamed: 'U' translated action: #toggleUnderlined color: buttonColor
  help: 'underlined text' translated.
  buttonNamed: 'S' translated action: #toggleStruckOut color: buttonColor
  help: 'struck out text' translated.
  buttonNamed: 'Kern-' translated action: #kernMinus color: buttonColor
  help: 'decrease kern' translated.
  buttonNamed: 'Kern+' translated action: #kernPlus color: buttonColor
  help: 'increase kern' translated.
  self addARow: {
  self inAColumn: {
  self addARow: {
+ buttonNamed: 'Left flush' translated action: #alignLeft color: buttonColor
+ help: 'align text to left side' translated.
+ self
+ buttonNamed: 'Center' translated action: #alignCenter color: buttonColor
+ help: 'align text to center' translated.
+ self
+ buttonNamed: 'Right Flush' translated action: #alignRight color: buttonColor
+ help: 'align text to right side' translated.
+ self
+ buttonNamed: 'Justified' translated action: #alignJustified color: buttonColor
+ help: 'justify text alignmet' translated.
+ }.
+ }.
+ }.
+ self addARow: {
+ self inAColumn: {
+ self addARow: {
+ self
  buttonNamed: 'Accept' translated action: #doAccept color: buttonColor
  help: 'keep changes made and close panel' translated.
  buttonNamed: 'Cancel' translated action: #doCancel color: buttonColor
  help: 'cancel changes made and close panel' translated.