Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Files to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Files-ul.168.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Files-ul.168
Author: ul
Time: 14 March 2017, 1:27:42.470961 am
UUID: ce489769-10b9-48e5-bc6f-86ee3a5a5eb4
Ancestors: Files-ul.167
- reverted some of the recent changes, because they may not work on other platforms
=============== Diff against Files-ul.167 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: DirectoryEntryDirectory>>asFileDirectory (in category 'convert') -----
"Answer a FileDirectory representing the same directory I represent."
+ ^directory on: (directory fullNameFor: name)!
- ^directory on: name!
Item was changed:
----- Method: FileDirectory>>directoryEntryForName: (in category 'private') -----
directoryEntryForName: aFileName
"Return a single DirectoryEntry for the given (non-path) entry name,
or nil if the entry could not be found.
Raises InvalidDirectoryError if this directory's path does not identify a directory."
| entryArray sysPath sysName |
sysPath := pathName asVmPathName.
sysName := aFileName asVmPathName.
"New linear-time primitive."
entryArray := self primLookupEntryIn: sysPath name: sysName.
entryArray == #primFailed ifFalse:[
^ entryArray ifNotNil: [(DirectoryEntry fromArray: entryArray directory: self) convertFromSystemName]
+ "(InvalidDirectoryError pathName: pathName) signal.
+ ^nil"
- (InvalidDirectoryError pathName: pathName) signal.
- ^nil
"If the new primitive fails, use the old slow method.
(This fallback can be changed to signal InvalidDirectoryError once
VM's with FilePlugin #primitiveDirectoryEntry have been distributed everywhere;
+ the new primitive was introduced 6/13/2007."
- the new primitive was introduced 6/13/2007.
self isCaseSensitive
ifTrue: [ self entriesDo: [ :entry | entry name = aFileName ifTrue: [ ^entry ] ] ]
ifFalse: [ self entriesDo: [ :entry | (entry name sameAs: aFileName) ifTrue: [ ^entry ] ] ].
+ ^nil!
- ^nil"!
Item was changed:
----- Method: FileDirectory>>fileOrDirectoryExists: (in category 'file operations') -----
fileOrDirectoryExists: filenameOrPath
"Answer true if either a file or a directory file of the given name exists. The given name may be either a full path name or a local name within this directory."
"FileDirectory default fileOrDirectoryExists: Smalltalk sourcesName"
| fName dir |
DirectoryClass splitName: filenameOrPath to:
[:filePath :name |
fName := name.
filePath isEmpty
ifTrue: [dir := self]
ifFalse: [dir := FileDirectory on: filePath]].
+ ^ (dir includesKey: fName) or: [ fName = '' and:[ dir entries size > 1]]!
- ^(dir includesKey: fName) or: [ fName = '' and: [ dir hasEntries ] ]!