A new version of Files was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Files-ul.80.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Files-ul.80 Author: ul Time: 31 March 2010, 4:17:28.904 am UUID: 30200227-9fc6-f145-b440-16541e7b855b Ancestors: Files-nice.79 - fixed StandardFileStream's #upTo: and #upToAnyOf:do:. They don't use recursion anymore. They also use the return value of #readInto:startingAt:count: to detect the end of the file instead of #atEnd. =============== Diff against Files-nice.79 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: StandardFileStream>>upTo: (in category 'read, write, position') ----- + upTo: delimiter + + | pos | - upTo: delim - "Fast version to speed up nextChunk" - | pos buffer count | collection ifNotNil: [ (position < readLimit and: [ + (pos := collection indexOf: delimiter startingAt: position + 1) <= readLimit and: [ - (pos := collection indexOf: delim startingAt: position + 1) <= readLimit and: [ pos > 0 ] ]) ifTrue: [ ^collection copyFrom: position + 1 to: (position := pos) - 1 ] ]. + ^self collectionSpecies streamContents: [ :stream | + | buffer bytesRead | + buffer := collection + ifNil: [ self collectionSpecies new: 2000 ] + ifNotNil: [ + position < readLimit ifTrue: [ + stream next: readLimit - position putAll: collection startingAt: position + 1. + position := readLimit ]. + collection ]. + [ + bytesRead := self readInto: buffer startingAt: 1 count: buffer size. + ((pos := buffer indexOf: delimiter startingAt: 1) = 0 or: [ pos > bytesRead ]) + ifTrue: [ + stream next: bytesRead putAll: buffer startingAt: 1. + bytesRead > 0 "Try again if we could read something last time." ] + ifFalse: [ + stream next: pos - 1 putAll: buffer startingAt: 1. + self skip: pos - bytesRead. + false "Found the delimiter." ] ] whileTrue ]! - pos := self position. - buffer := self next: 2000. - (count := buffer indexOf: delim) > 0 ifTrue: - ["Found the delimiter part way into buffer" - self position: pos + count. - ^ buffer copyFrom: 1 to: count - 1]. - self atEnd ifTrue: - ["Never found it, and hit end of file" - ^ buffer]. - "Never found it, but there's more..." - ^ buffer , (self upTo: delim)! Item was changed: ----- Method: StandardFileStream>>upToAnyOf:do: (in category 'read, write, position') ----- upToAnyOf: delimiters do: aBlock + + | pos | - "Fast version to speed up nextChunk" - | pos buffer count result | collection ifNotNil: [ (position < readLimit and: [ + (pos := collection indexOfAnyOf: delimiters startingAt: position + 1) <= readLimit and: [ + pos > 0 ] ]) ifTrue: [ + | result | + result := collection copyFrom: position + 1 to: (position := pos) - 1 . + aBlock value: (collection at: position). - (count := collection indexOfAnyOf: delimiters startingAt: position + 1) <= readLimit and: [ - count > 0 ] ]) ifTrue: [ - result := collection copyFrom: position + 1 to: (position := count) - 1. - aBlock value: (collection at: count). ^result ] ]. + ^self collectionSpecies streamContents: [ :stream | + | buffer bytesRead | + buffer := collection + ifNil: [ self collectionSpecies new: 2000 ] + ifNotNil: [ + position < readLimit ifTrue: [ + stream next: readLimit - position putAll: collection startingAt: position + 1. + position := readLimit ]. + collection ]. + [ + bytesRead := self readInto: buffer startingAt: 1 count: buffer size. + ((pos := buffer indexOfAnyOf: delimiters startingAt: 1) = 0 or: [ pos > bytesRead ]) + ifTrue: [ + stream next: bytesRead putAll: buffer startingAt: 1. + bytesRead > 0 "Try again if we could read something last time." ] + ifFalse: [ + stream next: pos - 1 putAll: buffer startingAt: 1. + self skip: pos - bytesRead. + false "Found the delimiter." ] ] whileTrue. + bytesRead = 0 ifFalse: [ + aBlock value: (buffer at: pos) ] ]! - pos := self position. - buffer := self next: 2000. - (count := buffer indexOfAnyOf: delimiters) > 0 ifTrue: - ["Found one of the delimiters part way into buffer" - self position: pos + count. - aBlock value: (buffer at: count). - ^ buffer copyFrom: 1 to: count - 1]. - self atEnd ifTrue: - ["Never found it, and hit end of file" - ^ buffer]. - "Never found it, but there's more..." - ^ buffer , (self upToAnyOf: delimiters do: aBlock)! |
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