The Inbox: GetText-nice.19.mcz

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The Inbox: GetText-nice.19.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of GetText to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: GetText-nice.19
Author: nice
Time: 24 March 2012, 6:27:42.313 pm
UUID: c676d287-d02a-4430-878b-a35508793073
Ancestors: GetText-edc.18

Remove Undeclared references.

Note1: This implies moving an inst. var. declaration in an upper class, no idea how MC can handle this, cross fingers...

Note2: Since some of these methods were in startup: I don't believe the code was ever functional in Squeak, and I did not even try.

For these two reasons, I post in inbox, not directly in trunk

=============== Diff against GetText-edc.18 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>export: (in category 'exporting') -----
  export: aLanguage
- language := aLanguage.
  [stream := FileStream forceNewFileNamed: self defaultFileName.
  stream lineEndConvention: #lf.
  stream converter: UTF8TextConverter new.
  self exportHeader.
+ self exportTranslationsFor: aLanguage.
+ self exportUntranslatedFor: aLanguage]
- self exportTranslations.
- self exportUntranslated]
  ensure: [stream close]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>exportTranslations (in category 'private-translations') -----
- exportTranslations
- | keys size |
- keys := language translations keys asArray sort.
- size := keys size.
- ProgressInitiationException
- display: 'Exporting translated phrases as a gettext file.'
- during: [:bar | 1
- to: size
- do: [:index |
- self
- exportPhrase: (keys at: index)
- translation: (language translations
- at: (keys at: index)).
- bar value: index / size]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>exportTranslationsFor: (in category 'private-translations') -----
+ exportTranslationsFor: aLanguage
+ | keys size |
+ keys := aLanguage translations keys asArray sort.
+ size := keys size.
+ ProgressInitiationException
+ display: 'Exporting translated phrases as a gettext file.'
+ during: [:bar | 1
+ to: size
+ do: [:index |
+ self
+ exportPhrase: (keys at: index)
+ translation: (aLanguage translations
+ at: (keys at: index)).
+ bar value: index / size]]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>exportUntranslated (in category 'private-translations') -----
- exportUntranslated
- | keys |
- keys := language untranslated keys asArray sort.
- ProgressInitiationException
- display: 'Exporting untranslated phrases as a gettext file.'
- at: Sensor cursorPoint
- from: 1
- to: keys size
- during: [:bar | 1
- to: keys size
- do: [:index |
- self
- exportPhrase: (keys at: index)
- translation: ''.
- bar value: index]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>exportUntranslatedFor: (in category 'private-translations') -----
+ exportUntranslatedFor: aLanguage
+ | keys |
+ keys := aLanguage untranslated keys asArray sort.
+ ProgressInitiationException
+ display: 'Exporting untranslated phrases as a gettext file.'
+ at: Sensor cursorPoint
+ from: 1
+ to: keys size
+ during: [:bar | 1
+ to: keys size
+ do: [:index |
+ self
+ exportPhrase: (keys at: index)
+ translation: ''.
+ bar value: index]]!

Item was changed:
  NaturalLanguageTranslator subclass: #InternalTranslator
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
- instanceVariableNames: 'generics'
  classVariableNames: 'AllKnownPhrases CachedTranslations'
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'GetText-Localization'!
  !InternalTranslator commentStamp: 'tak 10/19/2007 11:12' prior: 0!
  An InternalTranslator is used a translation dictionary in a image.
  You can use it without any external translation file.
   generics Dictionary -- msgid -> msgstr

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Locale class>>switchAndInstallFontToID:gently: (in category 'accessing') -----
  switchAndInstallFontToID: localeID gently: gentlyFlag
  | locale result env envFound ret fontInImage menu |
- "Assumption: Rainbow => can try Pango"
- - in Sugar, we don't bother asking any questions, and we don't bother automatically loading fonts.
- in Sugar, and if the font is available, use the font.
- in Sugar, and if the font is not in the image, try to enable Pango.
- - if the previous step fails, notify the user that you cannot switch to the language.
  - not in Rainbow,
  - if the font is in the image, use the font.
  - if the font is not in the image,
  - ask to choose:
  - load font
  - try to enable pango, if pango is available
  - or cancel.
  - if the previous step fails, notify the user that you cannot switch to the language.
  - how to check non-pango font is available:
  - if the language environment for the locale doesn't exist, the font is not available.
  - if font loading fails, it is not available.
  - how to check if the language environment doesn't exist:
  - if the locales languageEnvironment is Latin1 but the locale isn't it is not available.
  locale := Locale localeID: localeID.
  env := locale languageEnvironment.
  result := true.
  envFound := (Latin1Environment supportedLanguages includes: locale isoLanguage) or: [(env isMemberOf: Latin1Environment) not].
  fontInImage := envFound and: [env isFontAvailable].
+ fontInImage ifFalse: [
+ menu := MenuMorph new.
+ menu defaultTarget: menu.
+ envFound ifTrue: [menu add: 'load font' translated selector: #modalSelection: argument: #loadFont].
+ menu add:  'cancel' translated selector: #modalSelection: argument: #cancel.
+ menu addTitle: 'This language needs additional fonts.
- SugarLauncher isRunningInSugar ifTrue: [
- fontInImage ifFalse: [
- "font is not available in the image.  Even don't ask for font installation."
- Cursor wait showWhile: [
- Preferences setPreference: #usePangoRenderer toValue: true.
- TextMorph usePango: true]].
- ] ifFalse: [
- fontInImage ifFalse: [
- menu := MenuMorph new.
- menu defaultTarget: menu.
- envFound ifTrue: [menu add: 'load font' translated selector: #modalSelection: argument: #loadFont].
- RomePluginCanvas pangoIsAvailable ifTrue: [menu add:  'enable Pango' translated selector: #modalSelection: argument: #enablePango].
- menu add:  'cancel' translated selector: #modalSelection: argument: #cancel.
- menu addTitle: 'This language needs additional fonts.
  Do you want to install the fonts?' translated.
+ ret := menu invokeModal.
+ ret = #loadFont ifTrue: [result := env installFont. result ifTrue: [StrikeFont setupDefaultFallbackTextStyle]].
+ (ret ~~ #loadFont and: [ret ~~ #enablePango]) ifTrue: [result := false]].
- ret := menu invokeModal.
- ret = #loadFont ifTrue: [result := env installFont. result ifTrue: [StrikeFont setupDefaultFallbackTextStyle]].
- ret = #enablePango ifTrue: [
- (result := RomePluginCanvas pangoIsAvailable) ifTrue: [
- Cursor wait showWhile: [
- Preferences setPreference: #usePangoRenderer toValue: true.
- TextMorph usePango: true]]].
- (ret ~~ #loadFont and: [ret ~~ #enablePango]) ifTrue: [result := false]]].
  result ifFalse: [self inform: 'Cannot load additional fonts' translated] ifTrue: [self switchTo: locale gently: gentlyFlag].

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #NaturalLanguageTranslator
+ instanceVariableNames: 'id generics'
- instanceVariableNames: 'id'
  classVariableNames: 'Translators'
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'GetText-Localization'!
  !NaturalLanguageTranslator commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
  abstract class of natural language translator.
  Class side manages and holds loaded instances of concrete classes.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: NaturalLanguageTranslator class>>allKnownPhrases (in category 'private') -----
+ allKnownPhrases
+ ^AllKnownPhrases ifNil: [AllKnownPhrases := Dictionary new: 2051]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: NaturalLanguageTranslator class>>cachedTranslations (in category 'private') -----
+ cachedTranslations
+ "CachedTranslations := nil"
+ ^CachedTranslations ifNil: [CachedTranslations := Dictionary new]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: NaturalLanguageTranslator class>>cleanUp (in category 'class initialization') -----
+ cleanUp
+ "Flush caches"
+ CachedTranslations := nil.
+ AllKnownPhrases := nil.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NaturalLanguageTranslator>>fileOutOn:keys: (in category 'fileIn/fileOut') -----
  fileOutOn: aStream keys: keys
  "self current fileOutOn: Transcript. Transcript endEntry"
+ ifNil: [self generics keys asArray sort])
- ifNil: [generics keys asArray sort])
  do: [:key | self
+ nextChunkPut: (self generics associationAt: key)
- nextChunkPut: (generics associationAt: key)
  on: aStream].
  ifNil: [self untranslated
  do: [:each | self nextChunkPut: each -> '' on: aStream]].
  aStream nextPut: $!!;