The Inbox: Graphics-ct.434.mcz

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The Inbox: Graphics-ct.434.mcz

A new version of Graphics was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-ct.434
Author: ct
Time: 20 August 2020, 2:37:30.64764 pm
UUID: 87f9dca3-539e-8b47-8913-64d06da67c73
Ancestors: Graphics-mt.433

Complements 60Deprecated-ct.80 (deprecation #doWithIndex: & Co.).

=============== Diff against Graphics-mt.433 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Color class>>colorFrom: (in category 'instance creation') -----
  colorFrom: parm
  "Return an instantiated color from parm.  If parm is already a color, return it, else return the result of my performing it if it's a symbol or, if it is a list, it can either be an array of three numbers, which will be interpreted as RGB values, or a list of symbols, the first of which is sent to me and then the others of which are in turn sent to the prior result, thus allowing entries of the form #(blue darker).  Else just return the thing"
  | aColor firstParm |
  (parm isKindOf: Color) ifTrue: [^ parm].
  (parm isSymbol) ifTrue: [^ self perform: parm].
  (parm isString) ifTrue: [^ self fromString: parm].
  ((parm isKindOf: SequenceableCollection) and: [parm size > 0])
  [firstParm := parm first.
  (firstParm isKindOf: Number) ifTrue:
  [^ self fromRgbTriplet: parm].
  aColor := self colorFrom: firstParm.
+ parm withIndexDo:
- parm doWithIndex:
  [:sym :ind | ind > 1 ifTrue:
  [aColor := aColor perform: sym]].
  ^ aColor].
  ^ parm
  Color colorFrom: #(blue darker)
  Color colorFrom: Color blue darker
  Color colorFrom: #blue
  Color colorFrom: #(0.0 0.0 1.0)

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ColorForm>>colorsUsed (in category 'color manipulation') -----
  "Return a list of the colors actually used by this ColorForm."
  | myColor list |
  myColor := self colors.
  list := OrderedCollection new.
+ self tallyPixelValues withIndexDo: [:count :i |
- self tallyPixelValues doWithIndex: [:count :i |
  count > 0 ifTrue: [list add: (myColor at: i)]].
  ^ list asArray

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Form>>cgForPixelValue:orNot: (in category 'analyzing') -----
  cgForPixelValue: pv orNot: not
  "Return the center of gravity for all pixels of value pv.
  Note:  If orNot is true, then produce the center of gravity for all pixels
  that are DIFFERENT from the supplied (background) value"
  | xAndY |
  xAndY := (Array with: (self xTallyPixelValue: pv orNot: not)
  with: (self yTallyPixelValue: pv orNot: not)) collect:
  [:profile | | pixCount weighted | "For both x and y profiles..."
  pixCount := 0.  weighted := 0.
+ profile withIndexDo:
- profile doWithIndex:
  [:t :i | pixCount := pixCount + t.
  weighted := weighted + (t*i)].
  pixCount = 0  "Produce average of nPixels weighted by coordinate"
  ifTrue: [0.0]
  ifFalse: [weighted asFloat / pixCount asFloat - 1.0]].
  ^ xAndY first @ xAndY last
  | f cg |
  [Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
  [f := Form fromDisplay: (Sensor cursorPoint extent: 50@50).
  cg := f cgForPixelValue: (Color black pixelValueForDepth: f depth) orNot: false.
  f displayAt: 0@0.
  Display fill: (cg extent: 2@2) fillColor: Color red].
  ScheduledControllers restore

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Form>>colorsUsed (in category 'analyzing') -----
  "Return a list of the Colors this form uses."
  | tallies tallyDepth usedColors |
  tallies := self tallyPixelValues.
  tallyDepth := (tallies size log: 2) asInteger.
  usedColors := OrderedCollection new.
+ tallies withIndexDo: [:count :i |
- tallies doWithIndex: [:count :i |
  count > 0 ifTrue: [
  usedColors add: (Color colorFromPixelValue: i - 1 depth: tallyDepth)]].
  ^ usedColors asArray

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FormSetFont>>fromFormArray:asciiStart:ascent: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
  fromFormArray: formArray asciiStart: asciiStart ascent: ascentVal
  | height width x badChar |
  type := 2.
  name := 'aFormFont'.
  minAscii := asciiStart.
  maxAscii := minAscii + formArray size - 1.
  ascent := ascentVal.
  subscript := superscript := emphasis := 0.
  height := width := 0.
  maxWidth := 0.
  formArray do:
  [:f | width := width + f width.
  maxWidth := maxWidth max: f width.
  height := height max: f height + f offset y].
  badChar := (Form extent: 7@height) borderWidth: 1.
  width := width + badChar width.
  descent := height - ascent.
  pointSize := height.
  glyphs := Form extent: width @ height depth: formArray first depth.
  xTable := Array new: maxAscii + 3 withAll: 0.
  x := 0.
+ formArray withIndexDo:
- formArray doWithIndex:
  [:f :i | f displayOn: glyphs at: x@0.
  xTable at: minAscii + i+1 put: (x := x + f width)].
  badChar displayOn: glyphs at: x@0.
  xTable at: maxAscii + 3 put: x + badChar width.
  characterToGlyphMap := nil.!