Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of JSON to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/JSON-ul.47.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: JSON-ul.47 Author: ul Time: 22 January 2018, 12:32:52.716166 am UUID: f2d44ea2-c2a1-4da0-9dec-5a3b1823ab3b Ancestors: JSON-ul.46, JSON-klub.46 - merged with JSON-klub.46 - ScaledDecimal>>jsonWriteOn: rounds the number instead of truncating it =============== Diff against JSON-tonyg.39 =============== Item was changed: Object subclass: #Json + instanceVariableNames: 'stream currentCharacter arrayBufferStream stringBufferStream numberParser ctorMap' - instanceVariableNames: 'stream ctorMap' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'JSON'! Json class + instanceVariableNames: 'escapeArray escapeSet'! - instanceVariableNames: 'escapeArray'! + !Json commentStamp: 'ul 3/29/2016 04:38' prior: 0! + I support reading and writing JSON (see http://json.org) formatted data - strings, numbers, boolean, nil, arrays and dictionaries. + The implementation is mainly based on RFC 7159 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc7159.txt). It has been extended with syntax for invoking a prearranged list of constructors on read objects. + Character encoding is not handled here. That's something you have to do before reading or after writing. Mixed processing is possible, but it's entirely your responsibility to keep things correct. + + Instance Variables + stream: <PositionableStream> + currentCharacter: <Character> + arrayBufferStream: <WriteStream> + stringBufferStream: <ReadWriteStream> + numberParser: <ExtendedNumberParser> + ctorMap: <Dictionary> + + For parsing, stream has to be initialized by sending #readFrom: to my instance. The parser will pre-read one character, which will be stored in currentCharacter, so the stream is expected to support position manipulation, hence it should be a PositionableStream. + arrayBufferStream is WriteStream on an Array, which holds the values during array parsing (see #readArray). When there's a recursive call, this stream is used as a stack to separate the elements parsed in the previous invocation from the current one. + stringBufferStream is a ReadWriteStream on a String, which holds the currently parsed String (see #readString), the currently parsed number (see #readNumber) or the name of the currently parsed constructor (see #readConstructor). Recursion has no effect on this. + numberParser is a cached instance of ExtendedNumberParser. It's initialized on stringBufferStream, so it can quickly parse the number stored in it. + ctorMap is the Dictionary holding the constructor classes by name. + + arrayBufferStream, stringBufferStream and numberParser are initialized lazily, and should not be accessed externally. Since these are shared objects, along with stream and currentCharacter, holding state, therefore a single instance of me shouldn't be used to parse multiple streams at the same time. + + For writing, you can use the methods in the class-side rendering category. To convert individual objects to a string, you can use #asJsonString, to serialize it on a stream, you can use #jsonWriteOn:. + ! - !Json commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! - This class reads and writes JSON format data - strings, numbers, boolean, nil, arrays and dictionaries. See http://www.crockford.com/JSON/index.html. It has been extended with syntax for invoking a prearranged list of constructors on read objects.! Json class + instanceVariableNames: 'escapeArray escapeSet'! - instanceVariableNames: 'escapeArray'! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Json class>>escapeForCharacter: (in category 'accessing') ----- - ----- Method: Json class>>escapeForCharacter: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- escapeForCharacter: c | asciiValue | (asciiValue := c asciiValue) < 128 ifTrue: [ ^escapeArray at: asciiValue + 1 ]. ^nil! Item was added: + ----- Method: Json class>>escapeSet (in category 'accessing') ----- + escapeSet + + ^escapeSet! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Json class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') ----- - ----- Method: Json class>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initialize "Json initialize." + | newEscapeArray newEscapeSet | + newEscapeArray := Array new: 128. + newEscapeSet := CharacterSet new. - escapeArray := Array new: 128. (0 to: 31), #(127) do: [ :each | + newEscapeArray at: each + 1 put: '\u', (each printStringHex padded: #left to: 4 with: $0). + newEscapeSet add: (Character value: each) ]. - escapeArray at: each + 1 put: '\u', (each printStringHex padded: #left to: 4 with: $0) ]. { $" -> '\"'. $\ -> '\\'. + $/ -> '\/'. "A hack, so the generated JSON will always be HTML+Javascript compatible, because the generated JSON will not contain the seqence </script>." Character backspace -> '\b'. Character lf -> '\n'. Character newPage -> '\f'. Character cr -> '\r'. Character tab -> '\t'. } do: [ :each | + newEscapeArray at: each key asciiValue + 1 put: each value. + newEscapeSet add: each key ]. + escapeArray := newEscapeArray. + escapeSet := newEscapeSet! - escapeArray at: each key asciiValue + 1 put: each value ]. - ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Json class>>mimeType (in category 'accessing') ----- - ----- Method: Json class>>mimeType (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- mimeType ^ 'application/x-json'! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Json class>>newWithConstructors: (in category 'instance creation') ----- - ----- Method: Json class>>newWithConstructors: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- newWithConstructors: aCollection | m | m := Dictionary new. aCollection do: [:each | (each isKindOf: Association) ifTrue: [m add: each] ifFalse: [m at: each name asString put: each]]. ^ self new ctorMap: m; yourself.! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Json class>>numbersMayContain: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- - numbersMayContain: aChar - ^ aChar isDigit or: [#($- $+ $. $e $E) includes: aChar]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Json class>>readFrom: (in category 'instance creation') ----- - ----- Method: Json class>>readFrom: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- readFrom: aStream ^ self new readFrom: aStream.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Json class>>render: (in category 'rendering') ----- - ----- Method: Json class>>render: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- render: anObject + + ^String streamContents: [ :stream | + anObject jsonWriteOn: stream ]! - | s | - s := WriteStream on: String new. - anObject jsonWriteOn: s. - ^ s contents.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Json class>>render:withConstructor:on: (in category 'rendering') ----- - ----- Method: Json class>>render:withConstructor:on: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- render: anObject withConstructor: aConstructorName on: aStream aStream nextPutAll: '@', aConstructorName. anObject jsonWriteOn: aStream. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Json class>>renderInstanceVariables:of:on: (in category 'rendering') ----- - ----- Method: Json class>>renderInstanceVariables:of:on: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- renderInstanceVariables: aCollection of: anObject on: aStream | map | map := Dictionary new. aCollection do: [:ivarName | map at: ivarName put: (anObject instVarNamed: ivarName)]. self render: map withConstructor: anObject class name asString on: aStream! Item was added: + ----- Method: Json>>arrayBufferStream (in category 'private') ----- + arrayBufferStream + + ^arrayBufferStream ifNil: [ arrayBufferStream := (Array new: 10) writeStream ]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Json>>consume: (in category 'private') ----- + consume: aString + + | message | + 1 to: aString size do: [ :index | + (currentCharacter := stream next) == (aString at: index) ifFalse: [ + message := 'Expected ', (aString at: index) printString. + currentCharacter + ifNil: [ self incomplete: message ] + ifNotNil: [ self invalid: message ] ] ]. + currentCharacter := stream next! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Json>>consume:returning: (in category 'private') ----- - consume: aString returning: anObject - |v| - aString do: [:c | - v := stream next. - v ifNil: [JsonIncompleteError signal: 'Incomplete ''', aString, ''' seen']. - v == c ifFalse: [JsonInvalidError signal: 'Expected ''', aString, ''''] ]. - ^ anObject! Item was added: + ----- Method: Json>>error: (in category 'error handling') ----- + error: aString + + (currentCharacter isNil and: [ stream atEnd ]) + ifTrue: [ self incomplete: aString ] + ifFalse: [ self invalid: aString ]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Json>>incomplete: (in category 'error handling') ----- + incomplete: aString + + JsonIncompleteError signal: aString! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Json>>interpretStringEscape (in category 'private') ----- - interpretStringEscape - | c | - c := stream next. - c ifNil: [JsonIncompleteError signal: 'Expected character following ''\'' in string escape']. - c == $b ifTrue: [^ Character backspace]. - c == $n ifTrue: [^ Character lf]. - c == $f ifTrue: [^ Character newPage]. - c == $r ifTrue: [^ Character cr]. - c == $t ifTrue: [^ Character tab]. - c == $u ifTrue: [^ self unescapeUnicode]. - ^ c.! Item was added: + ----- Method: Json>>interpretStringEscape: (in category 'private') ----- + interpretStringEscape: aCharacter + + aCharacter == $b ifTrue: [ ^Character backspace ]. + aCharacter == $n ifTrue: [ ^Character lf ]. + aCharacter == $f ifTrue: [ ^Character newPage ]. + aCharacter == $r ifTrue: [ ^Character cr ]. + aCharacter == $t ifTrue: [ ^Character tab ]. + aCharacter == $u ifTrue: [ ^self unescapeUnicode ]. + aCharacter == $" ifTrue: [ ^aCharacter ]. + aCharacter == $\ ifTrue: [ ^aCharacter ]. + aCharacter == $/ ifTrue: [ ^aCharacter ]. + self error: 'Unexpected escaped character: ', aCharacter asString + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Json>>invalid: (in category 'error handling') ----- + invalid: aString + + JsonInvalidError signal: aString! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Json>>nextHexDigit (in category 'private') ----- - nextHexDigit - | c | - c := stream next. - c ifNil: [JsonIncompleteError signal: 'Expecting hex digit']. - c := c asUppercase. - (c isDigit or: [c >= $A and: [c <= $F]]) ifTrue: [^ c]. - JsonInvalidError signal: 'Expected hex digit'.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Json>>readAny (in category 'private') ----- - ----- Method: Json>>readAny (in category 'parsing') ----- readAny + - "This is the main entry point for the JSON parser. See also readFrom: on the class side." - | c | self skipWhitespace. + currentCharacter == ${ ifTrue: [ ^self readDictionary ]. + currentCharacter == $[ ifTrue: [ ^self readArray ]. + currentCharacter == $" ifTrue: [ ^self readString ]. + currentCharacter == $t ifTrue: [ self consume: 'rue'. ^true ]. + currentCharacter == $f ifTrue: [ self consume: 'alse'. ^false ]. + currentCharacter == $n ifTrue: [ self consume: 'ull'. ^nil ]. + currentCharacter == $- ifTrue: [ ^self readNumber: true ]. + (#($0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9) instVarsInclude: currentCharacter) ifTrue: [ + ^self readNumber: false ]. + currentCharacter == $@ ifTrue: [ ^self readConstructor ]. + self invalid: 'Unknown Json input'! - c := stream peek asLowercase. - c == ${ ifTrue: [stream next. ^ self readDictionary]. - c == $[ ifTrue: [stream next. ^ self readArray]. - c == $" ifTrue: [stream next. ^ self readString]. - c == $t ifTrue: [^ self consume: 'true' returning: true]. - c == $f ifTrue: [^ self consume: 'false' returning: false]. - c == $n ifTrue: [^ self consume: 'null' returning: nil]. - c == $@ ifTrue: [stream next. ^ self readConstructor]. - (Json numbersMayContain: c) ifTrue: [^ self readNumber]. - JsonInvalidError signal: 'Unknown Json input'! Item was changed: ----- Method: Json>>readArray (in category 'private') ----- readArray + + | initialPosition | + currentCharacter := stream next. - | a | self skipWhitespace. + currentCharacter == $] ifTrue: [ + currentCharacter := stream next. + ^#() ]. + initialPosition := self arrayBufferStream position. - (stream peekFor: $]) ifTrue: [ ^ #() ]. - a := OrderedCollection new. [ + arrayBufferStream nextPut: self readAny. - a add: self readAny. self skipWhitespace. + currentCharacter == $] ifTrue: [ + | result | + result := arrayBufferStream originalContents copyFrom: initialPosition + 1 to: arrayBufferStream position. + arrayBufferStream position: initialPosition. + currentCharacter := stream next. + ^result ]. + currentCharacter == $, ifFalse: [ self error: 'Unexpected character: ', currentCharacter asString ]. + currentCharacter := stream next ] repeat. - (stream peekFor: $]) ifTrue: [ ^ a asArray]. - (stream peekFor: $, ) ifFalse: [JsonInvalidError signal: 'Missing comma']. - ] repeat. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Json>>readConstructor (in category 'private') ----- readConstructor + + ctorMap ifNil: [ ^self error: 'No constructors were declared.' ]. + self resetStringBufferStream. + [ (currentCharacter := stream next) == $. or: [ currentCharacter isLetter ] ] whileTrue: [ + stringBufferStream nextPut: currentCharacter ]. + (ctorMap at: stringBufferStream contents ifAbsent: nil) ifNotNil: [ :constructor | + ^constructor constructFromJson: self readAny ]. + self error: 'Unknown constructor: ', stringBufferStream contents! - | s c v ctor | - s := WriteStream on: ''. - [ - c := stream peek. - c ifNil: [JsonIncompleteError signal: 'Premature EOF reading constructor name']. - ((c == $.) or: [c isLetter]) - ifTrue: [s nextPut: c. stream next] - ifFalse: [ - v := self readAny. - s := s contents. - ctor := ctorMap ifNotNil: [ctor := ctorMap at: s ifAbsent: [nil]]. - ctor ifNil: [JsonInvalidError signal: 'Unknown ctor ', s]. - ^ ctor constructFromJson: v] - ] repeat. - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Json>>readDictionary (in category 'private') ----- readDictionary + + | result key commaNeeded | + result := JsonObject new. + commaNeeded := false. + currentCharacter := stream next. - | m k v needComma | - m := JsonObject new. - needComma := false. [ self skipWhitespace. + currentCharacter == $} ifTrue: [ + currentCharacter := stream next. + ^result ]. + commaNeeded + ifFalse: [ commaNeeded := true ] + ifTrue: [ + currentCharacter == $, ifFalse: [ self error: 'Missing comma' ]. + currentCharacter := stream next. + self skipWhitespace ]. + currentCharacter == $" ifFalse: [ self error: 'Key in dictionary must be string' ]. + key := self readString. - (stream peekFor: $}) ifTrue: [ ^ m]. - needComma - ifTrue: [ (stream peekFor: $,) ifFalse: [JsonInvalidError signal: 'Missing comma']. - self skipWhitespace] - ifFalse: [needComma := true]. - " k := self readAny. " - (stream peekFor: $") ifFalse: [JsonInvalidError signal: 'Key in dictionary must be string']. - k := self readString. self skipWhitespace. + currentCharacter == $: ifFalse: [ self error: 'Missing colon' ]. + currentCharacter := stream next. + result at: key put: self readAny ] repeat. - (stream peekFor: $:) ifFalse: [JsonInvalidError signal: 'Missing colon']. - v := self readAny. - m at: k put: v. - ] repeat. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Json>>readFrom: (in category 'parsing') ----- readFrom: aStream + + | result | + stream := aStream. + numberParser ifNotNil: [ numberParser on: stream ]. + currentCharacter := stream next. + result := self readAny. + stream atEnd ifFalse: [ stream skip: -1 ]. "Undo prereading." + ^result! - self stream: aStream. - ^ self readAny! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Json>>readNumber (in category 'private') ----- - readNumber - | acc c | - acc := WriteStream on: ''. - [ - c := stream peek. - (c isNil not and: [Json numbersMayContain: c]) ifFalse: [ - [^ acc contents asNumber] on: Error do: [JsonInvalidError signal: 'Invalid number']]. - acc nextPut: c. - stream next. - ] repeat.! Item was added: + ----- Method: Json>>readNumber: (in category 'private') ----- + readNumber: negative + + | result | + negative ifFalse: [ stream skip: -1 ]. + result := (numberParser ifNil: [ + numberParser := JsonNumberParser new + on: stream; + failBlock: [ self error: 'Invalid number.' ]; + yourself ]) + nextNumber: negative. + currentCharacter := stream next. + ^result + ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Json>>readString (in category 'private') ----- readString + + self resetStringBufferStream. - | s c | - s := WriteStream on: ''. [ + currentCharacter := stream next ifNil: [self incomplete: 'Unexpected end of string' ]. + currentCharacter == $" ifTrue: [ + currentCharacter := stream next. + ^stringBufferStream contents ]. + currentCharacter == $\ + ifTrue: [ + stringBufferStream nextPut: (self interpretStringEscape: (stream next ifNil: [ + self incomplete: 'Unexpected end of string' ])) ] + ifFalse: [ stringBufferStream nextPut: currentCharacter ] ] repeat! - c := stream next. - c ifNil: [JsonIncompleteError signal: 'Incomplete read of JSON string']. - c == $\ - ifTrue: [s nextPut: self interpretStringEscape.] - ifFalse: [c == $" ifTrue: [^ s contents.]. - s nextPut: c] - ] repeat.! Item was added: + ----- Method: Json>>resetStringBufferStream (in category 'private') ----- + resetStringBufferStream + + stringBufferStream + ifNil: [ stringBufferStream := ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 64) ] + ifNotNil: [ stringBufferStream resetToStart ]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Json>>skipComment (in category 'private') ----- - skipComment - stream peek == $/ ifTrue: [ - stream next. - stream peek == $/ - ifTrue: [self skipToEndOfLine] - ifFalse: [stream peek == $* - ifTrue: [stream next. self skipCommentBody] - ifFalse: [JsonInvalidError signal: 'Invalid comment syntax']]] - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Json>>skipCommentBody (in category 'private') ----- - skipCommentBody - [ - [stream next == $*] whileFalse. - stream peek == $/ - ] whileFalse. - stream next. "skip that last slash" - self skipWhitespace.! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Json>>skipToEndOfLine (in category 'private') ----- - skipToEndOfLine - | cr lf | - cr := Character cr. lf := Character lf. - [ | c | (c := stream peek) == cr or: [ c == lf]] whileFalse: [stream next]. - self skipWhitespace! Item was changed: ----- Method: Json>>skipWhitespace (in category 'private') ----- skipWhitespace + + currentCharacter ifNil: [ + self incomplete: 'Input stream is empty' ]. + [ currentCharacter isSeparator ] whileTrue: [ + currentCharacter := stream next ifNil: [ + self incomplete: 'Input stream is empty' ]. ]! - |c| - [ - c := stream peek. - c ifNil: [JsonIncompleteError signal: 'Expected JSON input']. - c isSeparator - ] whileTrue: [stream next]. - self skipComment.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Json>>stream: (in category 'private') ----- + stream: aStream + "For testing purposes only" - ----- Method: Json>>stream: (in category 'accessing') ----- - stream: anObject - "Set the value of stream" + stream := aStream. + numberParser ifNotNil: [ numberParser on: stream ]. + currentCharacter := stream next! - stream := anObject. - (stream respondsTo: #reset) ifTrue: [ - stream reset. - ]. - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Json>>unescapeUnicode (in category 'private') ----- unescapeUnicode + + | code digitValue | + code := 0. + 1 to: 4 do: [ :index | + (digitValue := (stream next ifNil: [ self incomplete: 'Unexpected end of stream' ]) digitValue) < 0 ifTrue: [ + self invalid: 'Invalid hexadecimal digit' ]. + digitValue < 16 + ifTrue: [ code := code * 16 + digitValue ] + ifFalse: [ self invalid: 'Invalid hexadecimal digit' ] ]. + ^Character value: code! - |string a b c d| - a := self nextHexDigit. - b := self nextHexDigit. - c := self nextHexDigit. - d := self nextHexDigit. - string := String with: a with: b with: c with: d. - ^ Unicode value: (Integer readFrom: string readStream base: 16)! Item was added: + NumberParser subclass: #JsonNumberParser + instanceVariableNames: 'fraction' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'JSON'! Item was added: + ----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>allowPlusSign (in category 'accessing') ----- + allowPlusSign + + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>allowPlusSignInExponent (in category 'accessing') ----- + allowPlusSignInExponent + + ^true! Item was added: + ----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>error: (in category 'error') ----- + error: aString + + JsonSyntaxError signal: aString! Item was added: + ----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>exponentLetters (in category 'accessing') ----- + exponentLetters + + ^'eE'! Item was added: + ----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') ----- + initialize + + super initialize. + base := 10. + fraction := Fraction numerator: 0 denominator: 1! Item was added: + ----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>makeFloatFromMantissa:exponent: (in category 'parsing-private') ----- + makeFloatFromMantissa: mantissa exponent: exponent + + exponent = 0 ifTrue: [ ^mantissa asFloat ]. + exponent >= 16 ifTrue: [ ^(mantissa * (self tenRaisedTo: exponent)) asFloat ]. + (exponent >= -15 and: [ mantissa highBitOfMagnitude <= 54 ]) ifTrue: [ + exponent >= 1 ifTrue: [ ^mantissa asFloat * (self tenRaisedTo: exponent) asFloat ]. + ^mantissa asFloat / (self tenRaisedTo: exponent negated) asFloat ]. + ^(fraction setNumerator: mantissa denominator: (self tenRaisedTo: exponent negated)) asFloat! Item was added: + ----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>nextElementaryLargeInteger (in category 'parsing-large int') ----- + nextElementaryLargeInteger + "Form an unsigned integer with incoming digits from sourceStream. + Return this integer, or zero if no digits found. + Stop reading if end of digits or if a LargeInteger is formed. + Count the number of digits and the position of lastNonZero digit and store them in instVar." + + | digit value | + value := 0. + nDigits := 0. + lastNonZero := 0. + [ + value isLarge ifTrue: [ ^value ]. + ((digit := (sourceStream next ifNil: [ ^value ]) asInteger - 48 "$0 asInteger") < 0 + or: [ digit >= 10 ]) ifTrue: [ + sourceStream skip: -1. + ^value ]. + nDigits := nDigits + 1. + digit = 0 + ifFalse: [ + lastNonZero := nDigits. + value := value * 10 + digit ] + ifTrue: [ value := value * 10 ] ] repeat! Item was added: + ----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>nextNumber: (in category 'parsing-public') ----- + nextNumber: negative + + | numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart numberOfTrailingZeroInFractionPart numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits mantissa value | + integerPart := self nextUnsignedIntegerOrNil ifNil: [ ^self error: 'Missing integer part!!' ]. + numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart := nDigits - lastNonZero. + (sourceStream peekFor: $.) ifFalse: [ "No fraction part" + negative ifTrue: [ integerPart := integerPart negated ]. + self readExponent ifFalse: [ ^integerPart ]. + exponent > 0 ifTrue: [ ^integerPart * (self tenRaisedTo: exponent) ]. + ^(Fraction numerator: integerPart denominator: (self tenRaisedTo: exponent negated)) asFloat ]. + fractionPart := self nextUnsignedIntegerOrNil ifNil: [ self error: 'Missing fraction part!!' ]. + fractionPart isZero ifTrue: [ + self readExponent ifFalse: [ + negative ifTrue: [ + integerPart isZero ifTrue: [ ^Float negativeZero ]. + ^integerPart negated ]. + ^integerPart ]. + exponent >= 0 ifTrue: [ + negative ifTrue: [ integerPart := integerPart negated ]. + ^integerPart * (self tenRaisedTo: exponent) ]. + value := self makeFloatFromMantissa: integerPart exponent: exponent. + negative ifTrue: [ ^value negated ]. + ^value ]. + numberOfTrailingZeroInFractionPart := nDigits - lastNonZero. + numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits := lastNonZero. + self readExponent. + exponent := exponent - numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits. + mantissa := integerPart * (self tenRaisedTo: numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits) + (fractionPart // (self tenRaisedTo: numberOfTrailingZeroInFractionPart)). + value := self makeFloatFromMantissa: mantissa exponent: exponent. + negative ifTrue: [ ^value negated ]. + ^value! Item was added: + ----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>nextUnsignedIntegerOrNil (in category 'parsing-public') ----- + nextUnsignedIntegerOrNil + "Form an unsigned integer with incoming digits from sourceStream. + Answer this integer, or nil if no digit found. + Count the number of digits and the position of lastNonZero digit and store them in instVar" + + | nPackets high nDigitsHigh lastNonZeroHigh low | + "read no more digits than one elementary LargeInteger" + high := self nextElementaryLargeInteger. + nDigits = 0 ifTrue: [^nil]. + + "Not enough digits to form a LargeInteger, stop iteration" + high isLarge ifFalse: [^high]. + + "We now have to engage arithmetic with LargeInteger + Decompose the integer in a high and low packets of growing size:" + nPackets := 1. + nDigitsHigh := nDigits. + lastNonZeroHigh := lastNonZero. + [ + low := self nextLargeIntegerBase: 10 nPackets: nPackets . + high := high * (self tenRaisedTo: nDigits) + low. + lastNonZero = 0 ifFalse: [lastNonZeroHigh := lastNonZero + nDigitsHigh]. + nDigitsHigh := nDigitsHigh + nDigits. + low isLarge] + whileTrue: [nPackets := nPackets * 2]. + + nDigits := nDigitsHigh. + lastNonZero := lastNonZeroHigh. + ^high! Item was added: + ----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>tenRaisedTo: (in category 'parsing-private') ----- + tenRaisedTo: anInteger + + anInteger >= 0 ifFalse: [ ^10 raisedToInteger: anInteger ]. + anInteger >= 16 ifTrue: [ ^10 raisedToInteger: anInteger ]. + ^#(1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000 1000000000 10000000000 100000000000 1000000000000 10000000000000 100000000000000 1000000000000000) at: anInteger + 1! Item was changed: ----- Method: JsonObject>>doesNotUnderstand: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- doesNotUnderstand: aMessage + + | key precedence | - | key | key := aMessage selector. + (precedence := key precedence) = 1 ifTrue: [ ^self at: key ifAbsent: nil ]. + (precedence = 3 and: [ (key indexOf: $:) = key size ]) ifTrue: [ + ^self + at: key allButLast asSymbol + put: aMessage arguments first ]. + ^super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage! - key isUnary ifTrue: [^ self at: key ifAbsent: [nil]]. - ^ (key isKeyword and: [(key occurrencesOf: $:) = 1]) - ifTrue: [key := key allButLast asSymbol. - self at: key put: aMessage arguments first] - ifFalse: [super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage] - - ! Item was added: + OrderedDictionary subclass: #OrderedJsonObject + instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'JSON'! Item was added: + ----- Method: OrderedJsonObject class>>fromAssociations: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- + fromAssociations: collectionOfAssociations + + | result | + result := self new. + + collectionOfAssociations do: [:each | + result at: each key put: each value ]. + ^ result! Item was added: + ----- Method: OrderedJsonObject>>at: (in category 'accessing') ----- + at: aKey + + "make it work more like javascript objects" + ^ self at: aKey ifAbsent: [nil]! Item was added: + ----- Method: OrderedJsonObject>>doesNotUnderstand: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- + doesNotUnderstand: aMessage + + | key precedence | + key := aMessage selector. + (precedence := key precedence) = 1 ifTrue: [ ^self at: key ifAbsent: nil ]. + (precedence = 3 and: [ (key indexOf: $:) = key size ]) ifTrue: [ + ^self + at: key allButLast asSymbol + put: aMessage arguments first ]. + ^super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage! Item was added: + ----- Method: OrderedJsonObject>>name (in category 'accessing') ----- + name + "override 'cause Object defines this" + ^self at: 'name'! Item was added: + ----- Method: OrderedJsonObject>>value (in category 'accessing') ----- + value + "override 'cause Object defines this" + ^self at: 'value'! Item was added: + ----- Method: ScaledDecimal>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON-writing') ----- + jsonWriteOn: stream + + self printOn: stream showingDecimalPlaces: scale! Item was changed: ----- Method: String>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON-writing') ----- jsonWriteOn: aStream + | index start | aStream nextPut: $". + start := 1. + [ (index := self indexOfAnyOf: Json escapeSet startingAt: start) = 0 ] whileFalse: [ + aStream next: index - start putAll: self startingAt: start. + aStream nextPutAll: (Json escapeForCharacter: (self at: index)). + start := index + 1 ]. + start <= self size ifTrue: [ + aStream next: self size + 1 - start putAll: self startingAt: start ]. - self do: [ :ch | - (Json escapeForCharacter: ch) - ifNil: [ aStream nextPut: ch ] - ifNotNil: [ :replacement | - aStream nextPutAll: replacement ] ]. aStream nextPut: $". ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Time>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON') ----- + jsonWriteOn: stream + + stream nextPut: $". + self print24: true showSeconds: true on: stream. + stream nextPut: $"! |
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