The Inbox: Kernel-ct.1303.mcz

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The Inbox: Kernel-ct.1303.mcz

A new version of Kernel was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-ct.1303
Author: ct
Time: 9 October 2020, 4:41:03.08336 pm
UUID: be617b3e-de8e-5b4f-a726-593b353db599
Ancestors: Kernel-ct.1292


Rename selectors, using #satisfying: instead as proposed by Marcel (mt).

=============== Diff against Kernel-ct.1292 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BlockClosure>>on:satisfying:do: (in category 'exceptions') -----
+ on: exceptionOrExceptionSet satisfying: aPredicate do: handlerAction
+ ^ self
+ on: exceptionOrExceptionSet
+ do: [:exception |
+ (aPredicate value: exception)
+ ifTrue: [handlerAction cull: exception]
+ ifFalse: [exception pass]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BlockClosure>>on:satisfying:ensure: (in category 'exceptions') -----
+ on: exceptionOrExceptionSet satisfying: aPredicate ensure: aBlock
+ ^ self
+ on: exceptionOrExceptionSet
+ do: [:exception |
+ (aPredicate value: exception)
+ ifTrue: [aBlock value].
+ exception pass]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: BlockClosure>>on:when:do: (in category 'exceptions') -----
- on: exceptionOrExceptionSet when: aPredicate do: handlerAction
- ^ self
- on: exceptionOrExceptionSet
- do: [:exception |
- (aPredicate value: exception)
- ifTrue: [handlerAction cull: exception]
- ifFalse: [exception pass]]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: BlockClosure>>on:when:ensure: (in category 'exceptions') -----
- on: exceptionOrExceptionSet when: aPredicate ensure: aBlock
- ^ self
- on: exceptionOrExceptionSet
- do: [:exception |
- (aPredicate value: exception)
- ifTrue: [aBlock value].
- exception pass]!