The Inbox: Kernel-spd.476.mcz

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The Inbox: Kernel-spd.476.mcz

A new version of Kernel was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-spd.476
Author: spd
Time: 5 August 2010, 9:46:40.546 am
UUID: c4428bcf-4372-4365-b38f-091178c5068c
Ancestors: Kernel-spd.475

Fixed issue 7553 - DateAndTime now uses the local offset when creating an instance via readFrom: or fromString: if none is specified.  This is consistent with the behavior of year:day:hour:minute:second:

=============== Diff against Kernel-eem.474 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DateAndTime class>>readFrom: (in category 'squeak protocol') -----
  readFrom: aStream
  | offset date time ch |
  date := Date readFrom: aStream.
  [aStream peek isDigit]
  whileFalse: [aStream next].
  time := Time readFrom: aStream.
  aStream atEnd
+ ifTrue: [ offset := self localOffset ]
- ifTrue: [ offset := Duration zero ]
  ifFalse: [
  ch := aStream next.
  ch = $+ ifTrue: [ch := Character space].
  offset := Duration fromString: ch asString, '0:', aStream upToEnd, ':0'].
  ^ self
  year: date year
  month: date monthIndex
  day: date dayOfMonth
  hour: time hour
  minute: time minute
  second: time second
  nanoSecond: time nanoSecond
  offset: offset
  " '-1199-01-05T20:33:14.321-05:00' asDateAndTime
  ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.1+01:01' asDateAndTime
  ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.02+01:01' asDateAndTime
  ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.003+01:01' asDateAndTime
  ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.0004+01:01' asDateAndTime
    ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.00005' asDateAndTime
  ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.000006+01:01' asDateAndTime
  ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.0000007+01:01' asDateAndTime
  ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.00000008-01:01' asDateAndTime  
  ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.000000009+01:01' asDateAndTime  
  ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.0000000001+01:01' asDateAndTime  
    ' 2002-05-16T17:20' asDateAndTime
  ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45' asDateAndTime
  ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45+01:57' asDateAndTime
    ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45-02:34' asDateAndTime
    ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45+00:00' asDateAndTime
  ' 1997-04-26T01:02:03+01:02:3' asDateAndTime