The Inbox: Kernel-ul.811.mcz

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The Inbox: Kernel-ul.811.mcz

A new version of Kernel was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-ul.811
Author: ul
Time: 23 September 2013, 6:48:32.356 pm
UUID: b32f1827-e63d-46dd-b6b9-0a15355aac6a
Ancestors: Kernel-nice.810

Changed Random for faster instance creation and better randomness:
- moved constants q, r, a and m to class variables. There's no need to calculate and store them in all instances. Haven't inlined them, so they are documented and defined in one place.
- try to use #primUTCMicrosecondClock for seed generation
- don't calculate seed, when the user provides it
- updated constants in #bucketTest:, because machines are faster nowadays

=============== Diff against Kernel-nice.810 ===============

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #Random
+ instanceVariableNames: 'seed'
+ classVariableNames: 'A M Q R'
- instanceVariableNames: 'seed a m q r'
- classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Kernel-Numbers'!
  !Random commentStamp: 'nice 3/24/2010 07:38' prior: 0!
  This Random Number Generator graciously contributed by David N. Smith.  It is an adaptation of the Park-Miller RNG which uses Floats to avoid the need for LargeInteger arithmetic.
  If you just want a quick random integer, use:
  10 atRandom
  Every integer interval can give a random number:
  (6 to: 12) atRandom
  SequenceableCollections can give randomly selected elements:
  'pick one of these letters randomly' atRandom
  SequenceableCollections also respond to shuffled, as in:
  ($A to: $Z) shuffled
  The correct way to use class Random is to store one in an instance or class variable:
  myGenerator := Random new.
  Then use it every time you need another number between 0.0 and 1.0 (excluding)
  myGenerator next
  You can also generate a positive integer
  myGenerator nextInt: 10!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Random class>>bucketTest: (in category 'testing') -----
  bucketTest: randy
  "Execute this:   Random bucketTest: Random new"
  " A quick-and-dirty bucket test. Prints nbuckets values on the
   Each should be 'near' the value of ntries. Any run with any value
  'far' from ntries
   indicates something is very wrong. Each run generates different
   For a slightly better test, try values of nbuckets of 200-1000 or
  more; go get coffee.
   This is a poor test; see Knuth.   Some 'OK' runs:
  1000 1023 998 969 997 1018 1030 1019 1054 985 1003
  1011 987 982 980 982 974 968 1044 976
  1029 1011 1025 1016 997 1019 991 954 968 999 991
  978 1035 995 988 1038 1009 988 993 976
  | nbuckets buckets ntrys |
+ nbuckets := 200.
- nbuckets := 20.
  buckets := Array new: nbuckets.
  buckets atAllPut: 0.
+ ntrys :=  1000.
- ntrys :=  100.
  ntrys*nbuckets timesRepeat: [ | slot |
  slot := (randy next * nbuckets) floor + 1.
  buckets at: slot put: (buckets at: slot) + 1 ].
  Transcript cr.
  1 to: nbuckets do: [ :nb |
  Transcript show: (buckets at: nb) printString, ' ' ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Random class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
+ initialize
+ "Initialize the magic constants. All instances share these values. Use floats to avoid LargeInteger computations (it still gives about 3-4x speedup)."
+ A := 16807.0. " magic constant = 16807 "
+ M := 2147483647.0. " magic constant = 2147483647 "
+ Q := 127773.0. "(m quo: a) asFloat."
+ R  :=  2836.0 "(m \\ a) asFloat."!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Random class>>seed: (in category 'instance creation') -----
  seed: anInteger
+ ^self basicNew seed: anInteger!
- ^self new seed: anInteger!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Random>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
+ | hash |
+ hash := self hash.
+ "Set a reasonable Park-Miller starting seed"
+ seed := Time primUTCMicrosecondClock.
+ seed = 0 ifFalse: [ "Use the microsecond clock if possible."
+ seed := (seed bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF) bitXor: hash ].
+ [ seed = 0 ] whileTrue: [ "Try again if ever get a seed = 0, or there's no microsecond clock."
+ seed := (Time millisecondClockValue bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF) bitXor: hash ]!
- " Set a reasonable Park-Miller starting seed "
- [seed := (Time millisecondClockValue bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF) bitXor: self hash.
- seed = 0] whileTrue: ["Try again if ever get a seed = 0"].
- a := 16r000041A7 asFloat.    " magic constant =      16807 "
- m := 16r7FFFFFFF asFloat.    " magic constant = 2147483647 "
- q := (m quo: a) asFloat.
- r  := (m \\ a) asFloat.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Random>>next (in category 'accessing') -----
  "Answer a random Float in the interval [0 to 1)."
+ ^ (seed := self nextValue) / M!
- ^ (seed := self nextValue) / m!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Random>>nextValue (in category 'private') -----
  "This method generates random instances of Integer in the interval
  0 to 16r7FFFFFFF. This method does NOT update the seed; repeated sends
  answer the same value.
  The algorithm is described in detail in 'Random Number Generators:
  Good Ones Are Hard to Find' by Stephen K. Park and Keith W. Miller
  (Comm. Asso. Comp. Mach., 31(10):1192--1201, 1988)."
  | lo hi aLoRHi answer |
+ hi := (seed quo: Q) asFloat.
+ lo := seed - (hi * Q).  " = seed rem: q"  
+ aLoRHi := (A * lo) - (R * hi).
- hi := (seed quo: q) asFloat.
- lo := seed - (hi * q).  " = seed rem: q"  
- aLoRHi := (a * lo) - (r * hi).
  answer := (aLoRHi > 0.0)
  ifTrue:  [aLoRHi]
+ ifFalse: [aLoRHi + M].
- ifFalse: [aLoRHi + m].
  ^ answer!

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Re: The Inbox: Kernel-ul.811.mcz

Levente Uzonyi-2
I put this to the Inbox, because the Trunk is unstable.


On Mon, 23 Sep 2013, [hidden email] wrote:

> A new version of Kernel was added to project The Inbox:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: Kernel-ul.811
> Author: ul
> Time: 23 September 2013, 6:48:32.356 pm
> UUID: b32f1827-e63d-46dd-b6b9-0a15355aac6a
> Ancestors: Kernel-nice.810
> Changed Random for faster instance creation and better randomness:
> - moved constants q, r, a and m to class variables. There's no need to calculate and store them in all instances. Haven't inlined them, so they are documented and defined in one place.
> - try to use #primUTCMicrosecondClock for seed generation
> - don't calculate seed, when the user provides it
> - updated constants in #bucketTest:, because machines are faster nowadays
> =============== Diff against Kernel-nice.810 ===============
> Item was changed:
>  Object subclass: #Random
> + instanceVariableNames: 'seed'
> + classVariableNames: 'A M Q R'
> - instanceVariableNames: 'seed a m q r'
> - classVariableNames: ''
>   poolDictionaries: ''
>   category: 'Kernel-Numbers'!
>  !Random commentStamp: 'nice 3/24/2010 07:38' prior: 0!
>  This Random Number Generator graciously contributed by David N. Smith.  It is an adaptation of the Park-Miller RNG which uses Floats to avoid the need for LargeInteger arithmetic.
>  If you just want a quick random integer, use:
>   10 atRandom
>  Every integer interval can give a random number:
>   (6 to: 12) atRandom
>  SequenceableCollections can give randomly selected elements:
>   'pick one of these letters randomly' atRandom
>  SequenceableCollections also respond to shuffled, as in:
>   ($A to: $Z) shuffled
>  The correct way to use class Random is to store one in an instance or class variable:
>   myGenerator := Random new.
>  Then use it every time you need another number between 0.0 and 1.0 (excluding)
>   myGenerator next
>  You can also generate a positive integer
>   myGenerator nextInt: 10!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: Random class>>bucketTest: (in category 'testing') -----
>  bucketTest: randy
>   "Execute this:   Random bucketTest: Random new"
>   " A quick-and-dirty bucket test. Prints nbuckets values on the
>  Transcript.
>    Each should be 'near' the value of ntries. Any run with any value
>  'far' from ntries
>    indicates something is very wrong. Each run generates different
>  values.
>    For a slightly better test, try values of nbuckets of 200-1000 or
>  more; go get coffee.
>    This is a poor test; see Knuth.   Some 'OK' runs:
>   1000 1023 998 969 997 1018 1030 1019 1054 985 1003
>   1011 987 982 980 982 974 968 1044 976
>   1029 1011 1025 1016 997 1019 991 954 968 999 991
>   978 1035 995 988 1038 1009 988 993 976
>  "
>   | nbuckets buckets ntrys |
> + nbuckets := 200.
> - nbuckets := 20.
>   buckets := Array new: nbuckets.
>   buckets atAllPut: 0.
> + ntrys :=  1000.
> - ntrys :=  100.
>   ntrys*nbuckets timesRepeat: [ | slot |
>   slot := (randy next * nbuckets) floor + 1.
>   buckets at: slot put: (buckets at: slot) + 1 ].
>   Transcript cr.
>   1 to: nbuckets do: [ :nb |
>   Transcript show: (buckets at: nb) printString, ' ' ]!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: Random class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
> + initialize
> + "Initialize the magic constants. All instances share these values. Use floats to avoid LargeInteger computations (it still gives about 3-4x speedup)."
> +
> + A := 16807.0. " magic constant = 16807 "
> + M := 2147483647.0. " magic constant = 2147483647 "
> + Q := 127773.0. "(m quo: a) asFloat."
> + R  :=  2836.0 "(m \\ a) asFloat."!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: Random class>>seed: (in category 'instance creation') -----
>  seed: anInteger
> + ^self basicNew seed: anInteger!
> - ^self new seed: anInteger!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: Random>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
>  initialize
> +
> + | hash |
> + hash := self hash.
> + "Set a reasonable Park-Miller starting seed"
> + seed := Time primUTCMicrosecondClock.
> + seed = 0 ifFalse: [ "Use the microsecond clock if possible."
> + seed := (seed bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF) bitXor: hash ].
> + [ seed = 0 ] whileTrue: [ "Try again if ever get a seed = 0, or there's no microsecond clock."
> + seed := (Time millisecondClockValue bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF) bitXor: hash ]!
> - " Set a reasonable Park-Miller starting seed "
> - [seed := (Time millisecondClockValue bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF) bitXor: self hash.
> - seed = 0] whileTrue: ["Try again if ever get a seed = 0"].
> -
> - a := 16r000041A7 asFloat.    " magic constant =      16807 "
> - m := 16r7FFFFFFF asFloat.    " magic constant = 2147483647 "
> - q := (m quo: a) asFloat.
> - r  := (m \\ a) asFloat.
> - !
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: Random>>next (in category 'accessing') -----
>  next
>   "Answer a random Float in the interval [0 to 1)."
> + ^ (seed := self nextValue) / M!
> - ^ (seed := self nextValue) / m!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: Random>>nextValue (in category 'private') -----
>  nextValue
>   "This method generates random instances of Integer in the interval
>   0 to 16r7FFFFFFF. This method does NOT update the seed; repeated sends
>   answer the same value.
>   The algorithm is described in detail in 'Random Number Generators:
>   Good Ones Are Hard to Find' by Stephen K. Park and Keith W. Miller
>   (Comm. Asso. Comp. Mach., 31(10):1192--1201, 1988)."
>   | lo hi aLoRHi answer |
> + hi := (seed quo: Q) asFloat.
> + lo := seed - (hi * Q).  " = seed rem: q"
> + aLoRHi := (A * lo) - (R * hi).
> - hi := (seed quo: q) asFloat.
> - lo := seed - (hi * q).  " = seed rem: q"
> - aLoRHi := (a * lo) - (r * hi).
>   answer := (aLoRHi > 0.0)
>   ifTrue:  [aLoRHi]
> + ifFalse: [aLoRHi + M].
> - ifFalse: [aLoRHi + m].
>   ^ answer!

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Re: The Inbox: Kernel-ul.811.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
About instance variables, this could have been used to have several different instantiations of the same algorithm with different constants...
But given the fact that there isn't even an accessor for that purpose, we can effectively get rid of them.

2013/9/23 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>
I put this to the Inbox, because the Trunk is unstable.


On Mon, 23 Sep 2013, [hidden email] wrote:

A new version of Kernel was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-ul.811
Author: ul
Time: 23 September 2013, 6:48:32.356 pm
UUID: b32f1827-e63d-46dd-b6b9-0a15355aac6a
Ancestors: Kernel-nice.810

Changed Random for faster instance creation and better randomness:
- moved constants q, r, a and m to class variables. There's no need to calculate and store them in all instances. Haven't inlined them, so they are documented and defined in one place.
- try to use #primUTCMicrosecondClock for seed generation
- don't calculate seed, when the user provides it
- updated constants in #bucketTest:, because machines are faster nowadays

=============== Diff against Kernel-nice.810 ===============

Item was changed:
 Object subclass: #Random
+       instanceVariableNames: 'seed'
+       classVariableNames: 'A M Q R'
-       instanceVariableNames: 'seed a m q r'
-       classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'Kernel-Numbers'!

 !Random commentStamp: 'nice 3/24/2010 07:38' prior: 0!
 This Random Number Generator graciously contributed by David N. Smith.  It is an adaptation of the Park-Miller RNG which uses Floats to avoid the need for LargeInteger arithmetic.

 If you just want a quick random integer, use:
                10 atRandom
 Every integer interval can give a random number:
                (6 to: 12) atRandom
 SequenceableCollections can give randomly selected elements:
                'pick one of these letters randomly' atRandom
 SequenceableCollections also respond to shuffled, as in:
                ($A to: $Z) shuffled

 The correct way to use class Random is to store one in an instance or class variable:
                myGenerator := Random new.
 Then use it every time you need another number between 0.0 and 1.0 (excluding)
                myGenerator next
 You can also generate a positive integer
                myGenerator nextInt: 10!

Item was changed:
 ----- Method: Random class>>bucketTest: (in category 'testing') -----
 bucketTest: randy
        "Execute this:   Random bucketTest: Random new"
        " A quick-and-dirty bucket test. Prints nbuckets values on the
          Each should be 'near' the value of ntries. Any run with any value
 'far' from ntries
          indicates something is very wrong. Each run generates different
          For a slightly better test, try values of nbuckets of 200-1000 or
 more; go get coffee.
          This is a poor test; see Knuth.   Some 'OK' runs:
                1000 1023 998 969 997 1018 1030 1019 1054 985 1003
                1011 987 982 980 982 974 968 1044 976
                1029 1011 1025 1016 997 1019 991 954 968 999 991
                978 1035 995 988 1038 1009 988 993 976
        | nbuckets buckets ntrys |
+       nbuckets := 200.
-       nbuckets := 20.
        buckets := Array new: nbuckets.
        buckets atAllPut: 0.
+       ntrys :=  1000.
-       ntrys :=  100.
        ntrys*nbuckets timesRepeat: [ | slot |
                slot := (randy next * nbuckets) floor + 1.
                buckets at: slot put: (buckets at: slot) + 1 ].
        Transcript cr.
        1 to: nbuckets do: [ :nb |
                Transcript show: (buckets at: nb) printString, ' ' ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Random class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
+ initialize
+       "Initialize the magic constants. All instances share these values. Use floats to avoid LargeInteger computations (it still gives about 3-4x speedup)."
+       A := 16807.0. " magic constant = 16807 "
+       M := 2147483647.0. " magic constant = <a href="tel:2147483647" value="+12147483647" target="_blank">2147483647 "
+       Q := 127773.0. "(m quo: a) asFloat."
+       R  :=  2836.0 "(m \\ a) asFloat."!

Item was changed:
 ----- Method: Random class>>seed: (in category 'instance creation') -----
 seed: anInteger
+       ^self basicNew seed: anInteger!
-       ^self new seed: anInteger!

Item was changed:
 ----- Method: Random>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
+       | hash |
+       hash := self hash.
+       "Set a reasonable Park-Miller starting seed"
+       seed := Time primUTCMicrosecondClock.
+       seed = 0 ifFalse: [ "Use the microsecond clock if possible."
+               seed := (seed bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF) bitXor: hash ].
+       [ seed = 0 ] whileTrue: [ "Try again if ever get a seed = 0, or there's no microsecond clock."
+               seed := (Time millisecondClockValue bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF) bitXor: hash ]!
-       " Set a reasonable Park-Miller starting seed "
-       [seed := (Time millisecondClockValue bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF) bitXor: self hash.
-       seed = 0] whileTrue: ["Try again if ever get a seed = 0"].
-       a := 16r000041A7 asFloat.    " magic constant =      16807 "
-       m := 16r7FFFFFFF asFloat.    " magic constant = <a href="tel:2147483647" value="+12147483647" target="_blank">2147483647 "
-       q := (m quo: a) asFloat.
-       r  := (m \\ a) asFloat.
- !

Item was changed:
 ----- Method: Random>>next (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Answer a random Float in the interval [0 to 1)."

+       ^ (seed := self nextValue) / M!
-       ^ (seed := self nextValue) / m!

Item was changed:
 ----- Method: Random>>nextValue (in category 'private') -----
        "This method generates random instances of Integer      in the interval
        0 to 16r7FFFFFFF. This method does NOT update the seed; repeated sends
        answer the same value.
        The algorithm is described in detail in 'Random Number Generators:
        Good Ones Are Hard to Find' by Stephen K. Park and Keith W. Miller
        (Comm. Asso. Comp. Mach., 31(10):1192--1201, 1988)."

        | lo hi aLoRHi answer |
+       hi := (seed quo: Q) asFloat.
+       lo := seed - (hi * Q).  " = seed rem: q"
+       aLoRHi := (A * lo) - (R * hi).
-       hi := (seed quo: q) asFloat.
-       lo := seed - (hi * q).  " = seed rem: q"
-       aLoRHi := (a * lo) - (r * hi).
        answer := (aLoRHi > 0.0)
                ifTrue:  [aLoRHi]
+               ifFalse: [aLoRHi + M].
-               ifFalse: [aLoRHi + m].
        ^ answer!

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Re: The Inbox: Kernel-ul.811.mcz

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by commits-2
On Mon, 23 Sep 2013, [hidden email] wrote:

> A new version of Kernel was added to project The Inbox:
>  !Random commentStamp: 'nice 3/24/2010 07:38' prior: 0!
>  This Random Number Generator graciously contributed by David N. Smith.  It is an adaptation of the Park-Miller RNG which uses Floats to avoid the need for LargeInteger arithmetic.
>  If you just want a quick random integer, use:
>   10 atRandom
>  Every integer interval can give a random number:
>   (6 to: 12) atRandom
>  SequenceableCollections can give randomly selected elements:
>   'pick one of these letters randomly' atRandom
>  SequenceableCollections also respond to shuffled, as in:
>   ($A to: $Z) shuffled
>  The correct way to use class Random is to store one in an instance or class variable:
>   myGenerator := Random new.
>  Then use it every time you need another number between 0.0 and 1.0 (excluding)
>   myGenerator next
>  You can also generate a positive integer
>   myGenerator nextInt: 10!

Is it normal that the class comment is concatenated to the class
definition, along with its timestamp in chunk format?


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Re: The Inbox: Kernel-ul.811.mcz

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by Nicolas Cellier
On Mon, 23 Sep 2013, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

> About instance variables, this could have been used to have several different instantiations of the same algorithm with different constants...
> But given the fact that there isn't even an accessor for that purpose, we can effectively get rid of them.

I didn't bother checking how the algorithm works, but it seems like nobody
wanted to use different constants in the past 15 years.
