The Inbox: Kernel-ul.903.mcz

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The Inbox: Kernel-ul.903.mcz

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-ul.903
Author: ul
Time: 15 February 2015, 9:57:57.503 pm
UUID: f1522d00-538e-45d7-a988-e541ea56db56
Ancestors: Kernel-nice.902

Introduced MTRandom, an implementation of the 32-bit Mersenne Twister PRNG. It includes a version optimized for Squeak, which is used by default. It's a possible replacement for Random.

Removed LargePositiveInteger >> #atRandom:, since it's something that Random >> #nextInt: should do. Alternatively it can do something different later (eg send #nextLargeInt:).

This is for review-only. If we decide to use this generator, then Random has to be replaced with this.

After loading, the generator will only used by ThreadSafeRandom class >> #default. If you want to replace all existing generators in the image, then you can use the following snippet:

| old new |
old := Random allInstances.
new := old collect: [ :each | MTRandom new ].
old elementsForwardIdentityTo: new

=============== Diff against Kernel-nice.902 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: LargePositiveInteger>>atRandom: (in category 'truncation and round off') -----
- atRandom: aGenerator
- "Answer a random integer from 1 to self picked from aGenerator."
- | chunkByteLength chunkBitLength chunkCount chunkMax bigRandomInteger |
- chunkByteLength := 3.
- chunkBitLength := chunkByteLength * 8.
- chunkCount :=
- self highBitOfMagnitude + chunkBitLength - 1 // chunkBitLength "self would fit in that many chunks..."
- + 2. "and two more chunks (48 bits) so as to have a pretty fair distribution"
- chunkMax := 1<<chunkBitLength-1.
- "fill a big random integer by chunks of 3 bytes (24 bits)"
- bigRandomInteger := self class new: chunkCount*chunkByteLength neg: false.
- 0 to: chunkCount*chunkByteLength - 1 by: chunkByteLength do: [:byteOffset |
- | chunk |
- chunk := (aGenerator nextInt: chunkMax) - 1.
- 1 to: chunkByteLength do: [:byteIndex |
- bigRandomInteger digitAt: byteOffset + byteIndex put: (chunk digitAt: byteIndex)]].
- ^self * bigRandomInteger >> (chunkCount * chunkBitLength) + 1!

Item was added:
+ Object subclass: #MTRandom
+ instanceVariableNames: 'states index parameters'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Kernel-Numbers'!
+ !MTRandom commentStamp: 'ul 2/15/2015 15:02' prior: 0!
+ I implement the 32-bit version of the Mersenne Twister PRNG, based on . Alternatively the w parameter (number of bits per word) can be less than 32, but it should be at least 27.
+ Instance Variables
+ index: <Integer>
+ parameters: <MTRandomParameters>
+ states: <Array>
+ index
+ - the index of the state, which should be used to generate the next random integer value
+ parameters
+ - an MTRandomParameters instance which defines the parameters to be used with this genetator. Must be set before the seed is defined.
+ states
+ - a WordArray holding the internal state of the generator
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom class>>new (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ new
+ | seed |
+ seed := Time primUTCMicrosecondClock.
+ seed = 0 ifTrue: [ seed := Time millisecondClockValue ].
+ ^self seed: seed!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom class>>parameters:seed: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ parameters: anMTRandomParameters seed: anInteger
+ ^self basicNew
+ parameters: anMTRandomParameters seed: anInteger;
+ yourself!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom class>>seed: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ seed: anInteger
+ ^self
+ parameters: MTRandomParameters mt521b30
+ seed: anInteger!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>check: (in category 'compatibility - die rolling') -----
+ check: nDice
+ "Roll some dice, WoD-style."
+ ^ self check: nDice difficulty: 6!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>check:against: (in category 'compatibility - die rolling') -----
+ check: nAttack against: nDefend
+ "Roll some dice, WoD-style."
+ ^ self check: nAttack against: nDefend difficulty: 6!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>check:against:difficulty: (in category 'compatibility - die rolling') -----
+ check: nAttack against: nDefend difficulty: diff
+ "Roll some dice, WoD-style."
+ | attacks defends |
+ attacks := self check: nAttack difficulty: diff.
+ attacks < 0 ifTrue: [^ attacks].
+ defends := self check: nDefend difficulty: diff.
+ ^ attacks - defends min: 0!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>check:difficulty: (in category 'compatibility - die rolling') -----
+ check: nDice difficulty: diff
+ "Roll some dice, WoD-style."
+ | result |
+ result := 0.
+ nDice timesRepeat:
+ [ | die |
+ (die := self nextInt: 10) = 1
+ ifTrue: [result := result - 1]
+ ifFalse: [die >= diff ifTrue: [result := result + 1]]].
+ ^ result!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>diceToken: (in category 'compatibility - die rolling') -----
+ diceToken: stream
+ "Private. Mini scanner, see #roll:"
+ stream atEnd ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ stream peek isDigit ifTrue: [^ Number readFrom: stream].
+ ^ stream next asLowercase!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>generate (in category 'private') -----
+ generate
+ "Generate untempered numbers into the states variable, and reset the index to 1."
+ parameters generate: states.
+ index := 1!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>next (in category 'accessing') -----
+ next
+ "Answer a random 53-bit Float from the [0, 1) interval. The implementation assumes that the w parameter is between 27 and 53."
+ | multiplier |
+ multiplier := parameters wFloatMultiplier.
+ ^self nextValue asFloat * multiplier + (self nextValue bitAnd: multiplier - 1) / 9.007199254740992e15 "(1 << 53) asFloat"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>next: (in category 'compatibility') -----
+ next: anInteger
+ "To be exchangable with Random."
+ ^self next: anInteger into: (Array new: anInteger)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>next:into: (in category 'compatibility') -----
+ next: anInteger into: anArray
+ "To be exchangable with Random."
+ 1 to: anInteger do: [ :index | anArray at: index put: self next ].
+ ^anArray!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>nextInt: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ nextInt: anInteger
+ "Answer a random integer value from the interval [1, anInteger]"
+ anInteger strictlyPositive ifFalse: [ self error: 'Range must be positive' ].
+ anInteger isLarge ifTrue: [ ^self nextLargeInt: anInteger ].
+ "Here we assume that the w parameter is at least 30. Using any less is a waste."
+ anInteger isPowerOfTwo ifTrue: [ ^(self nextValue bitAnd: anInteger - 1) + 1 ].
+ ^(self next * anInteger) truncated + 1!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>nextLargeInt: (in category 'private') -----
+ nextLargeInt: anInteger
+ | byteCount bigRandom remainder remainingBits i |
+ byteCount := anInteger digitLength + 4.
+ bigRandom := LargePositiveInteger new: byteCount.
+ remainder := remainingBits := 0.
+ i := 1.
+ [ i <= byteCount ] whileTrue: [
+ remainingBits >= 8
+ ifTrue: [
+ bigRandom at: i put: (remainder bitAnd: 16rFF).
+ remainder := remainder bitShift: -8.
+ remainingBits := remainingBits - 8.
+ i := i + 1 ]
+ ifFalse: [
+ remainingBits = 0
+ ifTrue: [ remainder := self nextValue ]
+ ifFalse: [
+ | newRandom |
+ newRandom := self nextValue. "Assume that at least 8 new bits are generated"
+ bigRandom at: i put: (remainder bitShift: 8 - remainingBits) +
+ (newRandom bitAnd: (1 bitShift: 8 - remainingBits) - 1).
+ i := i + 1.
+ remainder := newRandom bitShift: 0 - remainingBits ].
+ remainingBits := parameters w - remainingBits ] ].
+ ^(anInteger * bigRandom bitShift: -8 * byteCount) + 1
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>nextValue (in category 'private') -----
+ nextValue
+ "Answer a random integer between 0 and wordMask, and increment the index."
+ | result |
+ result := states at: index.
+ result isLarge
+ ifTrue: [ result := parameters temperLarge: result ]
+ ifFalse: [ result := parameters temperSmall: result ].
+ (index := index + 1) > states size ifTrue: [ self generate ].
+ ^result!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>parameters:seed: (in category 'initialization') -----
+ parameters: anMTRandomParameters seed: anInteger
+ "Initialize the generator for the given parameters, and seed."
+ parameters := anMTRandomParameters.
+ self seed: anInteger!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>roll: (in category 'compatibility - die rolling') -----
+ roll: diceString
+ "Roll some dice, DnD-style, according to this mini-grammar:
+ dice := epxr {pm expr}
+ pm := '+' | '-'
+ expr := num | num dD | dD numP | num dD numP
+ dD := 'd' | 'D'
+ num := digit+
+ numP := num | '%'"
+ | stream op result |
+ stream := diceString readStream.
+ result := 0.
+ op := #+.
+ [ | res range dice token |
+ token := self diceToken: stream.
+ token isNumber
+ ifTrue: [dice := token.
+ token := self diceToken: stream]
+ ifFalse: [token == $d
+ ifTrue: [dice := 1]
+ ifFalse: [res := 0]].
+ token == $d
+ ifTrue: [token := self diceToken: stream.
+ token isNumber
+ ifTrue: [range := token.
+ token := self diceToken: stream]
+ ifFalse: [token == $%
+ ifTrue: [range := 100.
+ token := self diceToken: stream]
+ ifFalse: [range := 6]].
+ res := 0.
+ dice timesRepeat: [res := res + (self nextInt: range)]].
+ result := result perform: op with: res.
+ token ifNil: [^ result].
+ (token == $+ or: [token == $-])
+ ifFalse: [self error: 'unknown token ' , token].
+ op := token asSymbol] repeat!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandom>>seed: (in category 'initialization') -----
+ seed: anInteger
+ "Initialize the generator for the given seed."
+ states := parameters createStatesArrayForSeed: anInteger.
+ self generate!

Item was added:
+ Object subclass: #MTRandomParameters
+ instanceVariableNames: 'p w a m b c uDiv sMul tMul lDiv upperMask lowerMask wordMask n l u s t bShifted cShifted r wFloatMultiplier'
+ classVariableNames: 'MT19937b32 MT521b30 MT521b31 MT521b32'
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Kernel-Numbers'!
+ !MTRandomParameters commentStamp: 'ul 2/15/2015 03:13' prior: 0!
+ I provide the parameters for MTRandom instances. Once initialized, my values must not be changed, because they are shared among multiple MTRandom instances.
+ Instance Variables
+ a: <Integer>
+ b: <Integer>
+ bShifted: <Integer>
+ c: <Integer>
+ cShifted: <Integer>
+ l: <Integer>
+ lDiv: <Integer>
+ lowerMask: <Integer>
+ m: <Integer>
+ n: <Integer>
+ p: <Integer>
+ r: <Integer>
+ s: <Integer>
+ sMul: <Integer>
+ t: <Integer>
+ tMul: <ObjeIntegerct>
+ u: <Integer>
+ uDiv: <Integer>
+ upperMask: <Integer>
+ w: <Integer>
+ wFloatMultiplier: <Integer>
+ wordMask: <Integer>
+ a
+ - the last row of matrix A
+ b
+ - tempering mask b
+ bShifted
+ - tempering mask b shifted by s. This is a computed value.
+ c
+ - tempering mask c
+ cShifted
+ - tempering mask c shifted by t. This is a computed value.
+ l
+ - the bits used for lower shifts. Its value must be negative.
+ lDiv
+ - this number can be used to replace shifting by l with a division. This is a computed value.
+ lowerMask
+ - the mask for the low r bits
+ m
+ - the middle term
+ n
+ - the number of words used in the state array. This is a computed value.
+ p
+ - the exponent of the period of the generator. 2^p-1 must be a mersenne prime, therefore p must be a prime.
+ r
+ - the number of set bits in the lowerMask. This is a computed value.
+ s
+ - the shifts used after applying the tempering mask b
+ sMul
+ - this number can be used to replace shifting by s with a multiplication. This is a computed value.
+ t
+ - the shifts used after applying the tempering mask c
+ tMul
+ - this number can be used to replace shifting by t with a multiplication. This is a computed value.
+ u
+ - the bits used for upper shifts. Its value must be negative.
+ uDiv
+ - this number can be used to replace shifting by u with a division. This is a computed value.
+ upperMask
+ - a mask with w - r set bits in the upper region, and r zero bits in the lower region. This is a computed value.
+ w
+ - the number of bits in a word
+ wFloatMultiplier
+ - a multiplier which can create an 53 bit number from a word. This is a computed value.
+ wordMask
+ - a mask with w bits
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
+ initialize
+ " self initialize "
+ MT19937b32 := self new initializeForMT19937.
+ MT521b32 := self new initializeForMT521.
+ MT521b31 := self new initializeFor31BitsMT521.
+ MT521b30 := self new initializeFor30BitsMT521.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters class>>mt19937b32 (in category 'accessing') -----
+ mt19937b32
+ ^MT19937b32!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters class>>mt521b30 (in category 'accessing') -----
+ mt521b30
+ ^MT521b30!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters class>>mt521b31 (in category 'accessing') -----
+ mt521b31
+ ^MT521b31!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters class>>mt521b32 (in category 'accessing') -----
+ mt521b32
+ ^MT521b32!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>a (in category 'accessing') -----
+ a
+ ^ a!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>b (in category 'accessing') -----
+ b
+ ^ b!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>bShifted (in category 'accessing') -----
+ bShifted
+ ^ bShifted!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>c (in category 'accessing') -----
+ c
+ ^ c!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>cShifted (in category 'accessing') -----
+ cShifted
+ ^ cShifted!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>calculateValues (in category 'private') -----
+ calculateValues
+ " Calculate multipliers, divisors and masks used by the actual implementation. "
+ self
+ assert: p isPrime;
+ assert: (w between: 27 and: 32);
+ assert: u < 0;
+ assert: l < 0.
+ n := (p / w) ceiling. "The size of the array."
+ r := n * w - p. "The number of bits in lowerMask"
+ lDiv := 1 bitShift: l negated.
+ uDiv := 1 bitShift: u negated.
+ sMul := 1 bitShift: s.
+ tMul := 1 bitShift: t.
+ bShifted := b bitShift: s negated.
+ cShifted := c bitShift: t negated.
+ wordMask := 1 bitShift: w - 1.
+ lowerMask := 1 bitShift: r - 1.
+ upperMask := wordMask - lowerMask.
+ wFloatMultiplier := 1 bitShift: (53 - w)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>createStatesArrayForSeed: (in category 'generatring') -----
+ createStatesArrayForSeed: anInteger
+ "Create an array for these parameters and the given seed. Hash the seed if it's not a 32-bit unsigned integer."
+ | seed states |
+ seed := (anInteger between: 0 and: 16rFFFFFFFF)
+ ifTrue: [ anInteger ]
+ ifFalse: [ self hashSeed: anInteger ].
+ states := Array new: n.
+ 1 to: n do: [ :i |
+ states at: i put: (wordMask bitAnd: seed).
+ seed := 16rFFFFFFFF bitAnd: (16r6C078965 * (seed bitXor: seed //  1073741824 "bitShift: -30") + i) ].
+ ^states!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>generate: (in category 'generatring') -----
+ generate: states
+ "Generate untempered numbers into the states variable. Choose the best method based on word size."
+ wordMask isLarge ifTrue: [ ^self generateLarge: states ].
+   ^self generateSmall: states!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>generateLarge: (in category 'generatring') -----
+ generateLarge: states
+ "Generate untempered numbers into the states variable. Split up the operation into three parts to avoid the use of #atWrap: for accessing the states array. Optimized for LargeInteger operations."
+ | i limit y offset |
+ "Part 1"
+ i := 0.
+ offset := m.
+ limit := n - offset.
+ [ (i := i + 1) <= limit ] whileTrue: [
+ y := (upperMask bitAnd: (states at: i)) bitOr: (lowerMask bitAnd: (states at: i + 1)).
+ states
+ at: i
+ put: (y even
+ ifTrue: [ (states at: i + offset) bitXor: y // 2 ]
+ ifFalse: [ a bitXor: ((states at: i + offset) bitXor: y // 2)  ]) ].
+ "Part 2"
+ limit := n - 1.
+ offset := m - n + 1.
+ [ (i := i + 1) <= limit ] whileTrue: [
+ y := (upperMask bitAnd: (states at: i)) bitOr: (lowerMask bitAnd: (states at: i + 1)).
+ states
+ at: i
+ put: (y even
+ ifTrue:  [ (states at: i + offset) bitXor: y // 2 ]
+ ifFalse: [ a bitXor: ((states at: i + offset) bitXor: y // 2) ]) ].
+ "Part 3"
+ y := (upperMask bitAnd: (states at: i)) bitOr: (lowerMask bitAnd: (states at: 1)).
+ states
+ at: i
+ put: (y even
+ ifTrue: [ (states at: m) bitXor: y // 2 ]
+ ifFalse: [ a bitXor: ((states at: m) bitXor: y // 2) ])!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>generateSmall: (in category 'generatring') -----
+ generateSmall: states
+ "Generate untempered numbers into the states variable. Split up the operation into three parts to avoid the use of #atWrap: for accessing the states array. Optimized for SmallInteger operations."
+ | i limit y offset |
+ "Part 1"
+ i := 0.
+ offset := m.
+ limit := n - offset.
+ [ (i := i + 1) <= limit ] whileTrue: [
+ y := (upperMask bitAnd: (states at: i)) bitOr: (lowerMask bitAnd: (states at: i + 1)).
+ states
+ at: i
+ put: ((y bitAnd: 1) = 0
+ ifTrue: [ (states at: i + offset) bitXor: (y bitShift: -1) ]
+ ifFalse: [ a bitXor: ((states at: i + offset) bitXor: (y bitShift: -1))  ]) ].
+ "Part 2"
+ limit := n - 1.
+ offset := m - n + 1.
+ [ (i := i + 1) <= limit ] whileTrue: [
+ y := (upperMask bitAnd: (states at: i)) bitOr: (lowerMask bitAnd: (states at: i + 1)).
+ states
+ at: i
+ put: ((y bitAnd: 1) = 0
+ ifTrue:  [ (states at: i + offset) bitXor: (y bitShift: -1) ]
+ ifFalse: [ a bitXor: ((states at: i + offset) bitXor: (y bitShift: -1)) ]) ].
+ "Part 3"
+ y := (upperMask bitAnd: (states at: i)) bitOr: (lowerMask bitAnd: (states at: 1)).
+ states
+ at: i
+ put: ((y bitAnd: 1) = 0
+ ifTrue: [ (states at: m) bitXor: (y bitShift: -1) ]
+ ifFalse: [ a bitXor: ((states at: m) bitXor: (y bitShift: -1)) ])!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>hashSeed: (in category 'private') -----
+ hashSeed: anInteger
+ "Use the 32-bit version of the FNV-1a algorithm to hash the seed, and produce a 32-bit unsigned integer."
+ | fnvPrime hash |
+ fnvPrime := 16777619 " 32-bit FVN prime ".
+ hash := anInteger negative
+ ifTrue: [  3490449840 "  mix in the sign as (2166136261 bitXor: 2r1010101) * 16777619 bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF "]
+ ifFalse: [ 2166136261 " 32-bit FVN offset basis "].
+ 1 to: anInteger digitLength do: [ :index |
+ hash := 16rFFFFFFFF bitAnd: (hash bitXor: (anInteger digitAt: index)) * fnvPrime ].
+ ^hash!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>initializeFor30BitsMT521 (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ initializeFor30BitsMT521
+ "30-bit MT521 parameters. generated with a modified version of dcmt, ID=4172."
+ p := 521.
+ w := 30.
+ m := 9.
+ a := 16r2c0b19af.
+ u := -12.
+ l := -18.
+ s := 7.
+ t := 15.
+ b := 16r1caf6480.
+ c := 16r3fcd0000.
+ self calculateValues
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>initializeFor31BitsMT521 (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ initializeFor31BitsMT521
+ "31-bit MT521 parameters, generated with dcmt, ID=4172."
+ p := 521.
+ w := 31.
+ m := 8.
+ a := 16r54dc9020.
+ u := -12.
+ l := -18.
+ s := 7.
+ t := 15.
+ b := 16r4bbadf80.
+ c := 16r3dee8000.
+ self calculateValues!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>initializeForMT19937 (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ initializeForMT19937
+ "32-bit MT19937 parameters as in on page 8."
+ p := 19937.
+ w := 32.
+ m := 397.
+ a := 16r9908B0DF.
+ u := -11.
+ l := -18.
+ s := 7.
+ t := 15.
+ b := 16r9D2C5680.
+ c := 16rEFC60000.
+ self calculateValues!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>initializeForMT521 (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ initializeForMT521
+ "32-bit MT521 parameters, generated with dcmt, ID=4172."
+ p := 521.
+ w := 32.
+ m := 8.
+ a := 16rF0C1E1B8.
+ u := -12.
+ l := -18.
+ s := 7.
+ t := 15.
+ b := 16r74BD5f80.
+ c := 16rFFD50000.
+ self calculateValues!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>l (in category 'accessing') -----
+ l
+ ^ l!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>lDiv (in category 'accessing') -----
+ lDiv
+ ^ lDiv!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>lowerMask (in category 'accessing') -----
+ lowerMask
+ ^ lowerMask!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>m (in category 'accessing') -----
+ m
+ ^ m!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>n (in category 'accessing') -----
+ n
+ ^ n!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>r (in category 'accessing') -----
+ r
+ ^ r!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>s (in category 'accessing') -----
+ s
+ ^ s!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>sMul (in category 'accessing') -----
+ sMul
+ ^ sMul!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>t (in category 'accessing') -----
+ t
+ ^ t!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>tMul (in category 'accessing') -----
+ tMul
+ ^ tMul!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>temperLarge: (in category 'tempering') -----
+ temperLarge: anInteger
+ " Optimized for 32-bit LargeInteger operations. "
+ | y |
+ y := anInteger bitXor: anInteger // uDiv.
+ y := y bitXor: ((y bitAnd: bShifted) * sMul).
+ y := y bitXor: ((y bitAnd: cShifted) * tMul).
+ ^y bitXor: y // lDiv!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>temperSmall: (in category 'tempering') -----
+ temperSmall: anInteger
+ " Optimized for SmallInteger operations. "
+ | y |
+ y := anInteger bitXor: (anInteger bitShift: u).
+ y := ((y bitAnd: bShifted) bitShift: s) bitXor: y.
+ y := ((y bitAnd: cShifted) bitShift: t) bitXor: y.
+ ^(y bitShift: l) bitXor: y!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>u (in category 'accessing') -----
+ u
+ ^ u!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>uDiv (in category 'accessing') -----
+ uDiv
+ ^ uDiv!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>upperMask (in category 'accessing') -----
+ upperMask
+ ^ upperMask!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>w (in category 'accessing') -----
+ w
+ ^ w!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>wFloatMultiplier (in category 'accessing') -----
+ wFloatMultiplier
+ ^ wFloatMultiplier!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MTRandomParameters>>wordMask (in category 'accessing') -----
+ wordMask
+ ^ wordMask!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ThreadSafeRandom class>>default (in category 'accessing') -----
+ ^self value: MTRandom new!
- ^self value: Random new!