The Inbox: KernelTests-nice.151.mcz

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The Inbox: KernelTests-nice.151.mcz

A new version of KernelTests was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: KernelTests-nice.151
Author: nice
Time: 28 May 2010, 9:30:59.204 pm
UUID: a305c844-71d8-eb4e-85d7-c0bce7b20dc7
Ancestors: KernelTests-ul.150

After recent vwnc post, check whether LargeInteger ln overflows.
Same for Fraction with LargeInteger.

=============== Diff against KernelTests-ul.150 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: IntegerTest>>testLn (in category 'tests - mathematical functions') -----
+ testLn
+ self assert: (100 ln closeTo: 10 ln*2).
+ self assert: ((2 raisedTo: Float emax + 3) ln closeTo: 2 ln*(Float emax + 3)) description: 'Integer>>ln should not overflow'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FractionTest>>testLn (in category 'tests - mathematical functions') -----
+ testLn
+ self assert: ((1/100) ln closeTo: -2/2 ln).
+ self assert: (((2 raisedTo: Float emax + 11)/3) ln closeTo: (Float emax + 11)*2 ln - 3 ln) description: 'Fraction>>ln should not overflow'.
+ self assert: ((3/(2 raisedTo: Float precision - Float emin)) ln closeTo: (Float emin - Float precision)*2 ln + 3 ln) description: 'Fraction>>ln should not underflow'!