The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

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The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

A new version of Monticello was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Monticello-topa.585
Author: topa
Time: 25 January 2014, 10:08:51.15 pm
UUID: ff122640-845a-402a-bd97-9fc79daea119
Ancestors: Monticello-cmm.583

The number of distinct authors in the image is low:
(MCVersionInfo allInstances collect: [ :each | each author ]) asIdentitySet size. "13336"
(MCVersionInfo allInstances collect: [ :each | each author ]) asSet size. "128"

Hence, we can safely store them as symbols.
This does not save much memory in a small image but should in
production images.

=============== Diff against Monticello-cmm.583 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>asDictionary (in category 'converting') -----
  ^ Dictionary new
  at: #name put: name;
  at: #id put: id asString;
  at: #message put: message;
  at: #date put: date;
  at: #time put: time;
+ at: #author put: self author;
- at: #author put: author;
  at: #ancestors put: (self ancestors collect: [:a | a asDictionary]);

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>author (in category 'pillaging') -----
+ ^ author asString!
- ^ author!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>initializeWithName:id:message:date:time:author:ancestors:stepChildren: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
  initializeWithName: vName id: aUUID message: aString date: aDate time: aTime author: initials ancestors: aCollection stepChildren: stepCollection
  name := vName asString asMCVersionName.
  id := aUUID.
  message := aString.
  date := aDate.
  time := aTime.
+ author := initials ifNotNil: [:str | str asSymbol].
- author := initials.
  ancestors :=  aCollection.
  stepChildren := stepCollection!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>summaryHeader (in category 'accessing') -----
  ^ String streamContents:
  [:s |
  nextPutAll: 'Name: '; nextPutAll: self name; cr.
  date ifNotNil:
+ nextPutAll: 'Author: '; nextPutAll: self author; cr;
- nextPutAll: 'Author: '; nextPutAll: author; cr;
  nextPutAll: 'Time: '; nextPutAll:  date asString, ', ', time asString; cr].
  id ifNotNil:
  [s nextPutAll: 'UUID: '; nextPutAll: id asString; cr].
  nextPutAll: 'Ancestors: '; nextPutAll: self ancestorString.
  self stepChildren isEmpty ifFalse:
  [s cr; nextPutAll: 'Backported From: '; nextPutAll: self stepChildrenString].

Item was added:
+ (PackageInfo named: 'Monticello') postscript: '(MCVersionInfo allInstances select: [ :ea | (ea instVarNamed: ''author'') isSymbol not ])
+ do: [ :ea | ea instVarNamed: ''author'' put: (ea instVarNamed: ''author'') asSymbol]
+ '!

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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Tobias Pape
I’m late to the 4.5 wagon, I know.
Probably this is not much but who knows:

This was hinted by Stephan Eggermont.
In one image that saved me 100k, but I think in images with much more
versions loaded (seaside, magma, devel images) this could actually save a bunch.

PS: ignore 584, i had my changes file corrupted.

On 25.01.2014, at 21:08, [hidden email] wrote:

> A new version of Monticello was added to project The Inbox:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: Monticello-topa.585
> Author: topa
> Time: 25 January 2014, 10:08:51.15 pm
> UUID: ff122640-845a-402a-bd97-9fc79daea119
> Ancestors: Monticello-cmm.583
> The number of distinct authors in the image is low:
> (MCVersionInfo allInstances collect: [ :each | each author ]) asIdentitySet size. "13336"
> (MCVersionInfo allInstances collect: [ :each | each author ]) asSet size. "128"
> Hence, we can safely store them as symbols.
> This does not save much memory in a small image but should in
> production images.
> =============== Diff against Monticello-cmm.583 ===============
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>asDictionary (in category 'converting') -----
>  asDictionary
>   ^ Dictionary new
>   at: #name put: name;
>   at: #id put: id asString;
>   at: #message put: message;
>   at: #date put: date;
>   at: #time put: time;
> + at: #author put: self author;
> - at: #author put: author;
>   at: #ancestors put: (self ancestors collect: [:a | a asDictionary]);
>   yourself!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>author (in category 'pillaging') -----
>  author
> + ^ author asString!
> - ^ author!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>initializeWithName:id:message:date:time:author:ancestors:stepChildren: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
>  initializeWithName: vName id: aUUID message: aString date: aDate time: aTime author: initials ancestors: aCollection stepChildren: stepCollection
>   name := vName asString asMCVersionName.
>   id := aUUID.
>   message := aString.
>   date := aDate.
>   time := aTime.
> + author := initials ifNotNil: [:str | str asSymbol].
> - author := initials.
>   ancestors :=  aCollection.
>   stepChildren := stepCollection!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>summaryHeader (in category 'accessing') -----
>  summaryHeader
>   ^ String streamContents:
>   [:s |
>   s
>   nextPutAll: 'Name: '; nextPutAll: self name; cr.
>   date ifNotNil:
>   [s
> + nextPutAll: 'Author: '; nextPutAll: self author; cr;
> - nextPutAll: 'Author: '; nextPutAll: author; cr;
>   nextPutAll: 'Time: '; nextPutAll:  date asString, ', ', time asString; cr].
>   id ifNotNil:
>   [s nextPutAll: 'UUID: '; nextPutAll: id asString; cr].
>   s
>   nextPutAll: 'Ancestors: '; nextPutAll: self ancestorString.
>   self stepChildren isEmpty ifFalse:
>   [s cr; nextPutAll: 'Backported From: '; nextPutAll: self stepChildrenString].
>   ]!
> Item was added:
> + (PackageInfo named: 'Monticello') postscript: '(MCVersionInfo allInstances select: [ :ea | (ea instVarNamed: ''author'') isSymbol not ])
> + do: [ :ea | ea instVarNamed: ''author'' put: (ea instVarNamed: ''author'') asSymbol]
> + '!

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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Chris Muller-3
Symbols are one way to canonicalize Strings.  Another way is to
introduce one's own canoncalized IdentityDictionary of author strings.

Whenever a Symbol is not going to be a selector name, I tend to prefer
the latter.

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I’m late to the 4.5 wagon, I know.
> Probably this is not much but who knows:
> This was hinted by Stephan Eggermont.
> In one image that saved me 100k, but I think in images with much more
> versions loaded (seaside, magma, devel images) this could actually save a bunch.
> Best
>         -Tobias
> PS: ignore 584, i had my changes file corrupted.
> On 25.01.2014, at 21:08, [hidden email] wrote:
>> A new version of Monticello was added to project The Inbox:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Monticello-topa.585
>> Author: topa
>> Time: 25 January 2014, 10:08:51.15 pm
>> UUID: ff122640-845a-402a-bd97-9fc79daea119
>> Ancestors: Monticello-cmm.583
>> The number of distinct authors in the image is low:
>> (MCVersionInfo allInstances collect: [ :each | each author ]) asIdentitySet size. "13336"
>> (MCVersionInfo allInstances collect: [ :each | each author ]) asSet size. "128"
>> Hence, we can safely store them as symbols.
>> This does not save much memory in a small image but should in
>> production images.
>> =============== Diff against Monticello-cmm.583 ===============
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>asDictionary (in category 'converting') -----
>>  asDictionary
>>       ^ Dictionary new
>>               at: #name put: name;
>>               at: #id put: id asString;
>>               at: #message put: message;
>>               at: #date put: date;
>>               at: #time put: time;
>> +             at: #author put: self author;
>> -             at: #author put: author;
>>               at: #ancestors put: (self ancestors collect: [:a | a asDictionary]);
>>               yourself!
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>author (in category 'pillaging') -----
>>  author
>> +     ^ author asString!
>> -     ^ author!
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>initializeWithName:id:message:date:time:author:ancestors:stepChildren: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
>>  initializeWithName: vName id: aUUID message: aString date: aDate time: aTime author: initials ancestors: aCollection stepChildren: stepCollection
>>       name := vName asString asMCVersionName.
>>       id := aUUID.
>>       message := aString.
>>       date := aDate.
>>       time := aTime.
>> +     author := initials ifNotNil: [:str | str asSymbol].
>> -     author := initials.
>>       ancestors :=  aCollection.
>>       stepChildren := stepCollection!
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCVersionInfo>>summaryHeader (in category 'accessing') -----
>>  summaryHeader
>>       ^ String streamContents:
>>               [:s |
>>               s
>>                       nextPutAll: 'Name: '; nextPutAll: self name; cr.
>>               date ifNotNil:
>>                       [s
>> +                             nextPutAll: 'Author: '; nextPutAll: self author; cr;
>> -                             nextPutAll: 'Author: '; nextPutAll: author; cr;
>>                               nextPutAll: 'Time: '; nextPutAll:  date asString, ', ', time asString; cr].
>>               id ifNotNil:
>>                       [s nextPutAll: 'UUID: '; nextPutAll: id asString; cr].
>>               s
>>                       nextPutAll: 'Ancestors: '; nextPutAll: self ancestorString.
>>               self stepChildren isEmpty ifFalse:
>>                       [s cr; nextPutAll: 'Backported From: '; nextPutAll: self stepChildrenString].
>>               ]!
>> Item was added:
>> + (PackageInfo named: 'Monticello') postscript: '(MCVersionInfo allInstances select: [ :ea | (ea instVarNamed: ''author'') isSymbol not ])
>> + do: [ :ea | ea instVarNamed: ''author'' put: (ea instVarNamed: ''author'') asSymbol]
>> + '!

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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Tobias Pape

On 26.01.2014, at 18:00, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Symbols are one way to canonicalize Strings.  Another way is to
> introduce one's own canoncalized IdentityDictionary of author strings.
> Whenever a Symbol is not going to be a selector name, I tend to prefer
> the latter.


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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Chris Muller-3
I ask you not to put this into trunk.  I actually have recent
experience with this exact issue.  Let me explain.

So, Monticello is not the only application to have lots and lots of
redundant String instances.  MANY applications have that.  And MC also
has lots of redundant Date instances (one per VersionInfo), as do many
other apps.  And sometimes lots of redundant Float instances (i.e.,
0.0, 1.0, and 100.0 often will have lots of instances).  So slamming
application-specific Strings into the SymbolTable does not solve the
overarching problem while at the same time raising several new
(non-obvious) issues of its own.

One issue relates whether the app will ever want to scale into a
database.  When an object is retrieved from a database, that object is
associated with a particular DB Session, by identity.  But persistent
Symbol objects, by their nature, cannot be associated to only one
Session, because there can only be one in the image.

The Monticello application is _already_ scaled into a database, Magma.

Each of my own application instances has its own SharedObjects
container.  It's just a simple wrapper of some IdentityDictionary's,
one for Dates, one for literals (incl. Strings).  This way, each
object belongs in its own persistent domain, and remaining a String to
avoid being forced to be shared across persistent domains.

We should not let any one app bloat the SymbolTable (which can slow
down the system for ALL apps) merely for this purpose.  If we want to
address this data redundancy, we should do so explicitly in the app
(MC).  This is a recurring issue we should address it with a reusable
first-class SharedObjectsContainer (or something else acceptable).


On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 26.01.2014, at 18:00, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Symbols are one way to canonicalize Strings.  Another way is to
>> introduce one's own canoncalized IdentityDictionary of author strings.
>> Whenever a Symbol is not going to be a selector name, I tend to prefer
>> the latter.
> Why?

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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
On 26 January 2014 23:45, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I ask you not to put this into trunk.  I actually have recent
> experience with this exact issue.  Let me explain.
> So, Monticello is not the only application to have lots and lots of
> redundant String instances.  MANY applications have that.  And MC also
> has lots of redundant Date instances (one per VersionInfo), as do many
> other apps.  And sometimes lots of redundant Float instances (i.e.,
> 0.0, 1.0, and 100.0 often will have lots of instances).  So slamming
> application-specific Strings into the SymbolTable does not solve the
> overarching problem while at the same time raising several new
> (non-obvious) issues of its own.
> One issue relates whether the app will ever want to scale into a
> database.  When an object is retrieved from a database, that object is
> associated with a particular DB Session, by identity.  But persistent
> Symbol objects, by their nature, cannot be associated to only one
> Session, because there can only be one in the image.
> The Monticello application is _already_ scaled into a database, Magma.
> Each of my own application instances has its own SharedObjects
> container.  It's just a simple wrapper of some IdentityDictionary's,
> one for Dates, one for literals (incl. Strings).  This way, each
> object belongs in its own persistent domain, and remaining a String to
> avoid being forced to be shared across persistent domains.
> We should not let any one app bloat the SymbolTable (which can slow
> down the system for ALL apps) merely for this purpose.  If we want to
> address this data redundancy, we should do so explicitly in the app
> (MC).  This is a recurring issue we should address it with a reusable
> first-class SharedObjectsContainer (or something else acceptable).
> Thanks.

In other words, if an app has a problem with lots of "duplicate" value
objects, it ought to have its own cache of these value objects. I
think that's sound.


> On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 26.01.2014, at 18:00, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Symbols are one way to canonicalize Strings.  Another way is to
>>> introduce one's own canoncalized IdentityDictionary of author strings.
>>> Whenever a Symbol is not going to be a selector name, I tend to prefer
>>> the latter.
>> Why?

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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Stephan Eggermont-3
In reply to this post by commits-2
Chris wrote:

>Each of my own application instances has its own SharedObjects
>container.  It's just a simple wrapper of some IdentityDictionary's,
>one for Dates, one for literals (incl. Strings).  This way, each
>object belongs in its own persistent domain, and remaining a String to
>avoid being forced to be shared across persistent domains.
>We should not let any one app bloat the SymbolTable (which can slow
>down the system for ALL apps) merely for this purpose.  If we want to
>address this data redundancy, we should do so explicitly in the app
>(MC).  This is a recurring issue we should address it with a reusable
>first-class SharedObjectsContainer (or something else acceptable).

Ha, that’s the kind of comments I was hoping for. Thanks Tobias for
pushing this. An application specific value object cache makes sense.


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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Tobias Pape

On 27.01.2014, at 12:06, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Chris wrote:
>> Each of my own application instances has its own SharedObjects
>> container.  It's just a simple wrapper of some IdentityDictionary's,
>> one for Dates, one for literals (incl. Strings).  This way, each
>> object belongs in its own persistent domain, and remaining a String to
>> avoid being forced to be shared across persistent domains.
>> We should not let any one app bloat the SymbolTable (which can slow
>> down the system for ALL apps) merely for this purpose.  If we want to
>> address this data redundancy, we should do so explicitly in the app
>> (MC).  This is a recurring issue we should address it with a reusable
>> first-class SharedObjectsContainer (or something else acceptable).
> Ha, that’s the kind of comments I was hoping for. Thanks Tobias for
> pushing this. An application specific value object cache makes sense.
> Stephan
May we schedule this for 4.6?


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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Bert Freudenberg
On 27.01.2014, at 12:27, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 27.01.2014, at 12:06, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Chris wrote:
>>> Each of my own application instances has its own SharedObjects
>>> container.  It's just a simple wrapper of some IdentityDictionary's,
>>> one for Dates, one for literals (incl. Strings).  This way, each
>>> object belongs in its own persistent domain, and remaining a String to
>>> avoid being forced to be shared across persistent domains.
>>> We should not let any one app bloat the SymbolTable (which can slow
>>> down the system for ALL apps) merely for this purpose.  If we want to
>>> address this data redundancy, we should do so explicitly in the app
>>> (MC).  This is a recurring issue we should address it with a reusable
>>> first-class SharedObjectsContainer (or something else acceptable).
>> Ha, that’s the kind of comments I was hoping for. Thanks Tobias for
>> pushing this. An application specific value object cache makes sense.
>> Stephan
> May we schedule this for 4.6?
> Best
> -Tobias

MC already re-uses MCDefinitions, with a special cache. Generalizing this sounds like a Good Idea.

- Bert -

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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Herbert König
In reply to this post by Chris Muller-3
Am 27.01.2014 00:45, schrieb Chris Muller:
> One issue relates whether the app will ever want to scale into a
> database.  When an object is retrieved from a database, that object is
> associated with a particular DB Session, by identity.  But persistent
> Symbol objects, by their nature, cannot be associated to only one
> Session, because there can only be one in the image.
Thanks for this post.  I had about 500.000  testresults per week and I
converted date (7), Teststation (~25) and failureCause (~100) into Symbols.
Everything worked fine and at a blazing speed because of the selection
via symbols and I had everything in Memory. I assumed that a lot of
different symbols (as compared to the 35000 ones in a 4.4 image) would
slow down the whole system.

If the next customer has higher production your post will save me a lot
of headache if I need a database then.



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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
In reply to this post by Tobias Pape
On 27 January 2014 11:27, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 27.01.2014, at 12:06, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Chris wrote:
>>> Each of my own application instances has its own SharedObjects
>>> container.  It's just a simple wrapper of some IdentityDictionary's,
>>> one for Dates, one for literals (incl. Strings).  This way, each
>>> object belongs in its own persistent domain, and remaining a String to
>>> avoid being forced to be shared across persistent domains.
>>> We should not let any one app bloat the SymbolTable (which can slow
>>> down the system for ALL apps) merely for this purpose.  If we want to
>>> address this data redundancy, we should do so explicitly in the app
>>> (MC).  This is a recurring issue we should address it with a reusable
>>> first-class SharedObjectsContainer (or something else acceptable).
>> Ha, that’s the kind of comments I was hoping for. Thanks Tobias for
>> pushing this. An application specific value object cache makes sense.
>> Stephan
> May we schedule this for 4.6?

Sounds like a good idea. Would you mind updating accordingly?


> Best
>         -Tobias

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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Tobias Pape

On 27.01.2014, at 14:17, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 27 January 2014 11:27, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 27.01.2014, at 12:06, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Chris wrote:
>>>> Each of my own application instances has its own SharedObjects
>>>> container.  It's just a simple wrapper of some IdentityDictionary's,
>>>> one for Dates, one for literals (incl. Strings).  This way, each
>>>> object belongs in its own persistent domain, and remaining a String to
>>>> avoid being forced to be shared across persistent domains.
>>>> We should not let any one app bloat the SymbolTable (which can slow
>>>> down the system for ALL apps) merely for this purpose.  If we want to
>>>> address this data redundancy, we should do so explicitly in the app
>>>> (MC).  This is a recurring issue we should address it with a reusable
>>>> first-class SharedObjectsContainer (or something else acceptable).
>>> Ha, that’s the kind of comments I was hoping for. Thanks Tobias for
>>> pushing this. An application specific value object cache makes sense.
>>> Stephan
>> May we schedule this for 4.6?
> Sounds like a good idea. Would you mind updating
> accordingly?
Can I?


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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
On 27 January 2014 13:25, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 27.01.2014, at 14:17, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 27 January 2014 11:27, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 27.01.2014, at 12:06, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> Chris wrote:
>>>>> Each of my own application instances has its own SharedObjects
>>>>> container.  It's just a simple wrapper of some IdentityDictionary's,
>>>>> one for Dates, one for literals (incl. Strings).  This way, each
>>>>> object belongs in its own persistent domain, and remaining a String to
>>>>> avoid being forced to be shared across persistent domains.
>>>>> We should not let any one app bloat the SymbolTable (which can slow
>>>>> down the system for ALL apps) merely for this purpose.  If we want to
>>>>> address this data redundancy, we should do so explicitly in the app
>>>>> (MC).  This is a recurring issue we should address it with a reusable
>>>>> first-class SharedObjectsContainer (or something else acceptable).
>>>> Ha, that’s the kind of comments I was hoping for. Thanks Tobias for
>>>> pushing this. An application specific value object cache makes sense.
>>>> Stephan
>>> May we schedule this for 4.6?
>> Sounds like a good idea. Would you mind updating
>> accordingly?
> Can I?

I'm confused: are you asking for permission? ("yes, of course, since
you're a member of the Squeak community, and the 4.6 list of requests
is for everyone") Or are you asking for the ability? (Because you
don't know the password.)


> Best
>         -Tobias

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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Tobias Pape

On 27.01.2014, at 14:34, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 27 January 2014 13:25, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 27.01.2014, at 14:17, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 27 January 2014 11:27, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> On 27.01.2014, at 12:06, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> Chris wrote:
>>>>>> Each of my own application instances has its own SharedObjects
>>>>>> container.  It's just a simple wrapper of some IdentityDictionary's,
>>>>>> one for Dates, one for literals (incl. Strings).  This way, each
>>>>>> object belongs in its own persistent domain, and remaining a String to
>>>>>> avoid being forced to be shared across persistent domains.
>>>>>> We should not let any one app bloat the SymbolTable (which can slow
>>>>>> down the system for ALL apps) merely for this purpose.  If we want to
>>>>>> address this data redundancy, we should do so explicitly in the app
>>>>>> (MC).  This is a recurring issue we should address it with a reusable
>>>>>> first-class SharedObjectsContainer (or something else acceptable).
>>>>> Ha, that’s the kind of comments I was hoping for. Thanks Tobias for
>>>>> pushing this. An application specific value object cache makes sense.
>>>>> Stephan
>>>> May we schedule this for 4.6?
>>> Sounds like a good idea. Would you mind updating
>>> accordingly?
>> Can I?
> I'm confused: are you asking for permission? ("yes, of course, since
> you're a member of the Squeak community, and the 4.6 list of requests
> is for everyone") Or are you asking for the ability? (Because you
> don't know the password.)
The latter :)


PS: I have up until now never used the swiki…
    Probably we should have a meta-4.6 todo for nicer swiki urls? ;)

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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Bert Freudenberg
On 27.01.2014, at 14:48, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 27.01.2014, at 14:34, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 27 January 2014 13:25, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 27.01.2014, at 14:17, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> Sounds like a good idea. Would you mind updating
>>>> accordingly?
>>> Can I?
>> I'm confused: are you asking for permission? ("yes, of course, since
>> you're a member of the Squeak community, and the 4.6 list of requests
>> is for everyone") Or are you asking for the ability? (Because you
>> don't know the password.)
> The latter :)
> Best
> -Tobias
> PS: I have up until now never used the swiki…
>    Probably we should have a meta-4.6 todo for nicer swiki urls? ;)
It's a shared "secret" to keep the spam out (and already in the list archive multiple times).

Username: squeak
Password: viewpoints

- Bert -

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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

Tobias Pape

On 27.01.2014, at 14:56, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 27.01.2014, at 14:48, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 27.01.2014, at 14:34, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 27 January 2014 13:25, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> On 27.01.2014, at 14:17, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> Sounds like a good idea. Would you mind updating
>>>>> accordingly?
>>>> Can I?
>>> I'm confused: are you asking for permission? ("yes, of course, since
>>> you're a member of the Squeak community, and the 4.6 list of requests
>>> is for everyone") Or are you asking for the ability? (Because you
>>> don't know the password.)
>> The latter :)
>> Best
>> -Tobias
>> PS: I have up until now never used the swiki…
>>   Probably we should have a meta-4.6 todo for nicer swiki urls? ;)
> It's a shared "secret" to keep the spam out (and already in the list archive multiple times).
> Username: squeak
> Password: viewpoints
Ah well :)

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Re: The Inbox: Monticello-topa.585.mcz

In reply to this post by Tobias Pape

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:48 AM, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 27.01.2014, at 14:34, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 27 January 2014 13:25, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 27.01.2014, at 14:17, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 27 January 2014 11:27, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> On 27.01.2014, at 12:06, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> Chris wrote:
>>>>>> Each of my own application instances has its own SharedObjects
>>>>>> container.  It's just a simple wrapper of some IdentityDictionary's,
>>>>>> one for Dates, one for literals (incl. Strings).  This way, each
>>>>>> object belongs in its own persistent domain, and remaining a String to
>>>>>> avoid being forced to be shared across persistent domains.
>>>>>> We should not let any one app bloat the SymbolTable (which can slow
>>>>>> down the system for ALL apps) merely for this purpose.  If we want to
>>>>>> address this data redundancy, we should do so explicitly in the app
>>>>>> (MC).  This is a recurring issue we should address it with a reusable
>>>>>> first-class SharedObjectsContainer (or something else acceptable).
>>>>> Ha, that’s the kind of comments I was hoping for. Thanks Tobias for
>>>>> pushing this. An application specific value object cache makes sense.
>>>>> Stephan
>>>> May we schedule this for 4.6?
>>> Sounds like a good idea. Would you mind updating
>>> accordingly?
>> Can I?
> I'm confused: are you asking for permission? ("yes, of course, since
> you're a member of the Squeak community, and the 4.6 list of requests
> is for everyone") Or are you asking for the ability? (Because you
> don't know the password.)

The latter :)


PS: I have up until now never used the swiki…
    Probably we should have a meta-4.6 todo for nicer swiki urls? ;)

The SWIKI already does have a built-in better URL's.  Unfortunately, they don't work with pages that have periods in them (that is, goes to the FunSqueak4.2Cog page, not really what is desired).  The 'trick' is to lump all the works from the title together, with new words being capitalized.  It does a scan (or sorts, obviously) to find the best match.  My personal past with this is that I make several guesses about what will get a good result, and eventually one works fairly well.
