A new version of MonticelloConfigurations was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/MonticelloConfigurations-ct.167.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: MonticelloConfigurations-ct.167
Author: ct
Time: 8 April 2021, 10:59:45.930314 pm
UUID: 99193dce-93ca-0f46-82ab-ca64f2641b16
Ancestors: MonticelloConfigurations-ct.166
Improves backward compatibility of MonticelloConfigurations-ct.166 for Squeak 5.2.
=============== Diff against MonticelloConfigurations-ct.166 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCConfiguration>>systemVersionForDeps: (in category 'updating') -----
systemVersionForDeps: dependencies
"Answer the system version that will be reached by loading the passed dependencies."
| versionNumbers versionDates |
versionNumbers := dependencies collect: [:dep |
dep isCollection
ifFalse: [dep name versionNumber]
ifTrue: [(dep collect: [:version |
version name versionNumber])
ifEmpty: [0]
+ ifNotEmpty: [:numbers | numbers max]]].
- ifNotEmpty: #max]].
versionDates := dependencies with: self dependencies collect: [:dep :originalDep |
(dep isCollection ifFalse: [dep date])
ifNil: [originalDep package workingCopy ancestors
ifEmpty: [nil]
ifNotEmpty: [:ancestors | ancestors first date]]].
^ SystemVersion new
date: ((versionDates copyWithout: nil)
ifEmpty: [nil]
+ ifNotEmpty: [:dates | dates max]);
- ifNotEmpty: #max);
highestUpdate: versionNumbers sum!