A new version of Morphic was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Morphic-LB.1465.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-LB.1465
Author: LB
Time: 21 March 2019, 10:29:53.207601 am
UUID: 771444aa-6f73-e64a-8111-6af3e69e9525
Ancestors: Morphic-eem.1464
SystemWindow#replacePane:with: had an unexpected side effect changing the color of the pane put in place to transparent. This limited it's use as it is unwanted.
=============== Diff against Morphic-eem.1464 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemWindow>>replacePane:with: (in category 'panes') -----
replacePane: oldPane with: newPane
"Make newPane exactly occupy the position and extent of oldPane"
| aLayoutFrame hadDep |
hadDep := model dependents includes: oldPane.
oldPane owner replaceSubmorph: oldPane by: newPane.
position: oldPane position;
extent: oldPane extent.
aLayoutFrame := oldPane layoutFrame.
paneMorphs := paneMorphs collect:
[:each |
each == oldPane ifTrue: [newPane] ifFalse: [each]].
aLayoutFrame ifNotNil: [newPane layoutFrame: aLayoutFrame].
- newPane color: Color transparent.
hadDep ifTrue: [model removeDependent: oldPane. model addDependent: newPane].
self changed