The Inbox: Morphic-cbr.458.mcz

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The Inbox: Morphic-cbr.458.mcz

A new version of Morphic was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-cbr.458
Author: cbr
Time: 2 August 2010, 6:44:06.4 pm
UUID: 5e9ae9d1-f50d-4ab6-907c-51a1a5e4debe
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.457

Added a menu item each to the world menu and the docking bar which refer to SystemNavigation>>browseMyChanges.

=============== Diff against Morphic-cmm.457 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>extrasMenuOn: (in category 'construction') -----
  extrasMenuOn: aDockingBar
  aDockingBar addItem: [ :it|
  it contents: 'Extras' translated;
  addSubMenu: [:menu|
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'Recover Changes' translated;
  help: 'Recover changes after a crash' translated;
  icon: MenuIcons smallHelpIcon;
  target: ChangeList;
  selector: #browseRecentLog].
  menu addLine.
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'Window Colors' translated;
  help: 'Changes the window color scheme' translated;
  addSubMenu:[:submenu| self windowColorsOn: submenu]].
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'Set Author Initials' translated;
  help: 'Sets the author initials' translated;
  target: Utilities;
  selector: #setAuthorInitials].
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'Restore Display (r)' translated;
  help: 'Redraws the entire display' translated;
  target: World;
  selector: #restoreMorphicDisplay].
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'Rebuild Menus' translated;
  help: 'Rebuilds the menu bar' translated;
  target: TheWorldMainDockingBar;
  selector: #updateInstances].
  menu addLine.
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'Start Profiler' translated;
  help: 'Starts the profiler' translated;
  target: self;
  selector: #startMessageTally].
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'Collect Garbage' translated;
  help: 'Run the garbage collector and report space usage' translated;
  target: Utilities;
  selector: #garbageCollectAndReport].
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'Purge Undo Records' translated;
  help: 'Save space by removing all the undo information remembered in all projects' translated;
  target: CommandHistory;
  selector: #resetAllHistory].
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'VM statistics' translated;
  help: 'Virtual Machine information' translated;
  target: self;
  selector: #vmStatistics].
  menu addLine.
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'Graphical Imports' translated;
  help: 'View the global repository called ImageImports; you can easily import external graphics into ImageImports via the FileList' translated;
  target: (Imports default);
  selector: #viewImages].
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'Standard Graphics Library' translated;
  help: 'Lets you view and change the system''s standard library of graphics' translated;
  target: ScriptingSystem;
  selector: #inspectFormDictionary].
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: 'Annotation Setup' translated;
  help: 'Click here to get a little window that will allow you to specify which types of annotations, in which order, you wish to see in the annotation panes of browsers and other tools' translated;
  target: Preferences;
  selector: #editAnnotations].
+ menu addItem:[:item|
+ item
+ contents: 'Browse My Changes' translated;
+ help: 'Browse all of my changes since the last time #condenseSources was run.' translated;
+ target: SystemNavigation new;
+ selector: #browseMyChanges].
  ] ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TheWorldMenu>>changesMenu (in category 'construction') -----
          "Build the changes menu for the world."
          | menu |
          menu := self menu: 'changes...'.
          self fillIn: menu from: {
                  { 'file out current change set' . { ChangeSet current . #verboseFileOut}.
                                  'Write the current change set out to a file whose name reflects the change set name and the current date & time.'}.
                  { 'create new change set...' . { ChangeSet . #newChangeSet}. 'Create a new change set and make it the current one.'}.
                  { 'browse changed methods' . { ChangeSet  . #browseChangedMessages}.  'Open a message-list browser showing all methods in the current change set'}.
                  { 'check change set for slips' . { self  . #lookForSlips}.
                                  'Check the current change set for halts, references to the Transcript, etc., and if any such thing is found, open up a message-list browser detailing all possible slips.'}.
                  { 'simple change sorter' . {self. #openChangeSorter1}.  'Open a 3-paned changed-set viewing tool'}.
                  { 'dual change sorter' . {self. #openChangeSorter2}.
                                  'Open a change sorter that shows you two change sets at a time, making it easy to copy and move methods and classes between them.'}.
                 { 'find a change sorter (C)' . { #myWorld . #findAChangeSorter: }. 'Brings an open change sorter to the front, creating one if necessary, and makes it the active window'}.
                  { 'browse recent submissions (R)' . { Utilities . #browseRecentSubmissions}.
                                  'Open a new recent-submissions browser.  A recent-submissions browser is a message-list browser that shows the most recent methods that have been submitted.  If you submit changes within that browser, it will keep up-to-date, always showing the most recent submissions.'}.
+ { 'browse my changes' . { SystemNavigation new . #browseMyChanges }.
+ 'Browse all of my changes since the last time #condenseSources was run.'}.
                  { 'recently logged changes...' . { self . #browseRecentLog}.'Open a change-list browser on the latter part of the changes log.  You can use this browser to recover logged changes which were not saved in your image, in the event of a crash or other interruption.'}.
                  { 'recent log file...' . { Smalltalk . #writeRecentToFile}.
                                  'Create a file holding the logged changes (going as far back as you wish), and open a window on that file.'}.
                  { 'save world as morph file' . {self. #saveWorldInFile}. 'Save a file that, when reloaded, reconstitutes the current World.'}.
          ^ menu!